Hours left in this timeline lads
>make your necessary preparations
>we are in for a rocky ride tonight
Hours left in this timeline lads
>make your necessary preparations
>we are in for a rocky ride tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
Give us non-shut-ins a rundown, chief
Can I get a fast summary?
Thread theme:
Hitler comes back to save us all
The world we are living in will be changed forever
Soo.. What's gonna happen?
By what? I'm confused.
Major happening, the one we've all been waiting for.
I need a hasty summary of things
this. I need a quick rundown
anybody got the screencap?
Don't toy with my emotions
wtf is going on?!?!
But we both know that happens every day.
What's going on. Is WWI finally getting a Trilogy? I need a quick rundown before I decide whether or not I should start panicking.
ayys land tonight.
I can't believe it's finally happening.
6 hours left actually
In kek we trust, praise kek.
thinking of getting good weed for tonight
Quit shitting OP
>You need to believe,
anons, i still have the thread live in another tab, you can't reply to it anymore. I'm a mobile fag so shits harder but this is the initial post. i will cap major gets and post them here.
Kali Yuga ends in 2025, it's still going to get worse.
A victory is in our future.
Tonight, 60 minutes will try to smite KEK. Biblical happenings will ensue. What a time to be alive!
PRAISE KEK! Let your chaos run free!
grabbing a six pack and smoking a j, come at me ayyyyyys
Can I get some answers, user?
Should I be worried? Am I gonna die? Should I hug my body pillow for the last time?
Wank fest tonight anons
The threads not deleted Retard anyone can still go and see it
what i believe to be the first get. a picture of trump with a bullet wound on his forehead. I'll post full image if you want.
Is this all based on some stupid trips shit again?
Can't you fuckers stop RPing for one fucking day?
Major happening. Maybe giving us clues towards merging timelines.
A win for KEK none-the-less. We must intend!!!!
are you applying to community college or something? good luck with that
i know friend just giving quick rundown
What a great scene.
Believe what my man?! Enlighten me!
Can I get a quick rundown on these guys?
post full img faggot
Im in the screencap
i finally can die in piece
This isn't a joke, kid
But what kind of happening? Am I gonna survive? Should I call my friends to say my last goodbyes?
Give me something, user, please!
BAD FOR THEM GOOD FOR US... BUT who is them?
How about a quick rundown so I can start panicking too.
Just live your life and enjoy the khaos
http:// www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv/article/Scoop-60-MINUTES-on-CBS-Sunday-March-26-2017-20170324
>Listings for 60 MINUTES March 26th:
>WEB OF LIES – “Fake news” is rampant on social media. Scott Pelley investigates its creation and dissemination. Michael Radutzky is the producer.
So what's going to happen? Is Trump finally going to release the CIA files that prove ayy lmao's have visited us?
>bringing in a few hundred normies to kek
This gonna be good
who is that man? he terrifies me...
>let's be as cryptic as fucking possible to attract (you)'s
tell us or fuck off, mate
this is where the fireworks start
like in last thread i still think u.s. is going to invade north korea
If I get the most powerful number, Kek will protect us all
I can't tell you and you know that Nigel
The weak will perish, the strong will survive!
We will make America great again!
I'm going to be very disappointed if it's just urfquakes again.
this is one
this is the other
>I need a quick rundown
ever thought of lurking?
The superpowers of the world, counterpoised only in appearance, know with certainty that
their Enemy has not been defeated, and as Admiral Byrd has said: "Finds himself between
them and the Poles". They have been forced to change their strategy, originally declaring the
Third World War was contemplated, as a Ritual Sacrifice offered to the Great Demiurge,
preceding the imposition of the Messianic times. Capitalists and Communists, controlled by
the One and Same Sngle Hand, will have to soften their apparent oppositions, due to the
need to face their common Enemy once again who are light-years more advanced than
them, because Hitler had recovered his ancient-new Science.
Correction, 12 million new followers:
>60 Minutes, the most successful television broadcast in history, is in its 49th season on the CBS Television Network. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast begun in 1968 is still a hit in 2016. Last season, 60 Minutes made Nielsen’s weekly Top 10 List 22 times over 30 broadcasts, averaging 12.3 million viewers
>roll thread
fuck. nothings happening. abandon thread.
If 8 is bad doesn't that mean 88 is good because it's a double negative? Fucken Morons.
I knew I could always count on a leaf to educate me.
i posted screenshots
.The 8 is the great Karmic equalizer, a force that just as easily creates as it destroys. When the 8 comes knocking, you can be assured that you will reap what you've sown.
>he number 8 in the Bible represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.
>The Pythagoreans called the number eight “Ogdoad” and considered it the “little holy number”.
quick someone make a spoopy countdown page!
Rest In Peace, St Louis.
In order to build an atomic bomb like the one in Hiroshima one needs Enriched Uranium,
the only thing that is capable of reaching the desired temperatures and pressure. In order
to enrich the Uranium one needs such High temperatures with complete mastery of *the
Science of Implosion* to make it possible. And this Old Science, almost magical, or simply,
Supranatural, was recovered by Hitlerian scientists. Contrary to centrifugal *explosion*,
*implosion* is centripetal. It is like a *maelstrom*, it’s suctions; It is the Black Sun, the Black
Hole, the Leftward Swastika. And it's power is such that it neutralizes gravity, making
possible the flight of Flying Saucers, the UFO, also rediscovered by the Hitlerist Germans at
the end of the Second World War. The *Vimana* of the War of the *Mahabaratha*. He who
is capable of neutralizing gravity, defeats Entropy and opens up a mysterious *Window* to
Immortality, since the expense of energy, old age and death are effects of Gravity; the
fatigue of nature and of matter.
Oh shit.
>waiting for decent explanation of what the fuck is goin on.
Just got some exclusive info that the infamous mass shooter Sam "Samuel Hideous" Hyde has already prepared all his guns for tonight.
If 6 OP is a massive faggot and no happening
repeating didgts and something bad happens
What are we playing with here?
>And this Old Science, almost magical, or simply, Supranatural, was recovered by Hitlerian scientists
It's simple alchemy, I don't understand the mystique.
Trump administration is about to release all secret CIA documents. Aliens, the Illuminati, Rothschild, Soros and all sorts of top secret world ruling related shit.
The elite are trying to assassinate Trump in a few hours.
>The elite are trying to assassinate Trump in a few hours.
if this is the case, there will be counter assassinations to Democrats.
fuck it digits and race war now
dues vult
so close
The coords calculated. All allied agents have been withdrawn from the zone. The event has begun. Be prepared brothers. The time of the great cleansing is nigh.
Parden me while I check my own 88's