Did Flynn turn on Trump?

Did Flynn turn on Trump?

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No. no one has turned on Trump.

The "turning on Trump" shills need to die already.

We had a black president

Who woulda figured?

He might be half white

But he's 100% nigger.

muh Russia


But several of Trump's people are literally illegally communicating with Russians. This isn't in question.

The question is, which of them will spill the beans for reduced sentence?

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue

If Caitlyn Jenner has a Dick,




Fuck you, you cum-guzzling hypocritical piece of shit.

Fake news, cunt lips.

Because colluding with the Russians is okay when Democrats do it.


>implying I support Trump

I am not defending Trump at all. I can still think Obama is a nigger and Democrats are TV and media brainwashed goons all the same.

Go back to Plebbit and jerk off to MUH BERNIE WOULDA WON posts, you effeminate faggot.

Not to mention the whole world heard Obama colluding with the Russians on an open mic. All you fucks have on Trump is guilt by association.

No democrat has ever colluded to disrupt an election.

Republicans have done this several times. Ask Nixon.

>pretends he's not a Trump supporter
>literally uses the same words they all use

Stop kidding yourself, faggo.

Russia is an ally. there's nothing wrong with cooperating with them

why should should I care? what's wrong with Russian connections?

>literally uses the same words they all use
You mean nigger? Lol! I've got news for you; nobody likes niggers, not even other niggers.

I don't support (((Trump))) because he supports and is propped up by Kikes, through and through.

Nice try at feeling sure of yourself though. Your AIDS ridden nigger buck would be proud of you.


Just kill yourself you worthless shit. Tell Putin to kill himself as well.

You sound triggered, nigger. Don't be a faggot. It must suck to be so weak that words hurt you :(

Lol! Someone didn't take their estrogen shot today.

>"""""""Ties to Russia"""""""
Every incoming National Security Adviser in history has had "ties to Russia." It's literally their job to communicate with other countries. Keep reminding us how little you Democrats actually know about politics, though. And have some sage

The only person to collude with the Russians was Ted Kennedy (D) when he literally went to the KGB and asked them to run propaganda against Ronald Reagan. This is historical fact, not insane leftwing conspiracy theory.


I wonder if Putin is disappointed that his lackey is such a FAILURE?

If you fucks don't know about "MONTGOMERY " than you should not even be allowed on pol....let alone making any comments about Trumo/Obama/Flynn/Putin etc.

You're an ignorant idiot if you don't know about "MONTGOMERY " stuff.....

>literally illegally communicating with Russians
This is why nobody takes you seriously anymore

If this is Watergate then Flynn is G. Gordon Liddy.
If there was something Flynn would not be the one to flip.

Do you FAGS even know about "MONTGOMERY " when you do your posts? This is the thread that links all..only an idiot would post about Russia if they didn't know the "MONTGOMERY " stuff...

Yes, especially considering talking to Russian ambassadors was literally his job.

Guess where the same ambassador sat during Trump's address to Congress? That's right, with the Democrats, by invitation

How did "ties" to a foreign country become so scandalized? I thought we were in a globalized era. Unless Trump did quid pro quo with Russia, at the expense of US interests, I see absolutely nothing wrong with him communicating with the country.

why would putin give a fuck about healthcare, if hes influencing trump its going to be about trade/foreign policy

I like how the syllables aren't even right in the poem.

What is the name of this ambassador? Didn't know this.

Didn't have time to.

People believing Trump isn't a White Man.

- rich white man
- rich white man gets more power
- will bow to other white man while having keys to nukes?


Trump is 100% Blue Eyed Germanic white man.

Dude think he's King of the West.

He's racist according to Democrats...

You seriously think he'd bow to Putin?

He'd sooner declare himself Emperor of Planet Earth.

Shit /ptg/ cucks actually believe.

The left is just acting like little bitches trying to get dudes to fight over them.

Trump is alpha. Putin is alpha.

Cucks, Democrats, neocons are using effeminate tactics to get Trump to prove he's manlier than Putin.

They're trying coax Trump into a fight.

Sergei Kislyak
Check out this misleading headline:
It's literally his job to communicate with foreign ambassadorso and it's reported as if it's some illegal activity. This gets Democrats riled up because they are so low information

It's the history of the world, baby.

America is too brown and black to remember the white man ways.

White Man with power becomes a king in his own mind.

This is why the White Man gave Obama shit for bowing to Japanese royalty, women, European royalty.

White Man bows to no one.


Do you even know about the "MONTGOMERY "stuff or is pol shitposting about Flynn and Trump?

If you don't know about "MONTGOMERY" get the fuck off pol you shills....

Did this logic, so does Obama...

no, the "ties" were calls he made not just to russia but lots of countries. superficial stuff that the media spun and blew out of proportion.

Read up, low information Democrats:

no one seems to remember Barack "the international candidate" Obama, who did tours or Europe and received the nobel prize during his campaign.

>illegally communicating with Russians.

I can't even...


You guys know about Montgomery stuff don't you?

Trump would actually be Celtic, his mother is Scottish

Trump was the represent the American and all Western White Man with power and swagger.

He ain't gonna be Putin's bitch.

He's gonna he a homie to his billionaire white man homeboys.

He gotta ride with his fellow White Man.

Other white man want to be head honcho and they hate him. He's still getting challenged by other White Man for fooling around and making friends with the Democrats and coloreds.

Trump has to prove he's one of the White Man homies. This is what it's all about.

Made my day

Repeat a lie 1000 time and it becomes truth to the indoctrinated

What is fallacious logic

Thanks. Looking for pics of him at the inauguration now. Internet search not cooperating. You don't have any do you?


Holy shit I'm retarded. Inauguration.


No. These are slide threads. Michael Flynn Jr., his son, continues to post pro-Trump tweets, and others regarding his father. He's also one of the biggest personalities who thinks Pizzagate is legit, and continues tweeting about it after his father resigned.



>Third line has twice as many syllables as the others
>Liberals are getting so assblasted they can't even write poetry correctly any more