Just for you.
>be at a demolition derby
>you can spraypaint the cars however you like
>friend and I make a Sup Forumsmobile
Just for you.
>be at a demolition derby
>you can spraypaint the cars however you like
>friend and I make a Sup Forumsmobile
Other urls found in this thread:
>fat and short
what a surprise
it's that your lover in the pic?
what a surprise
Left side.
Right side
impossible to tell from the angle tbqh
What happened to the days when shills put in actual effort.
You should spend less time on Sup Forums
>cucked and BLACKED
What a better surprise
look up race demographics for Sweden and the US and then get back to me, k?
internet memes should not be allowed irl.
Pick one.
I'll give you that one.
Hardcore cringe
>not short
Hahahhaha. Americans
no happy merchant? why are the windows still in that van?
Eh. Spent that whole day off Sup Forums.
Instead shot a bunch of guns, blew things up, watched cars crash and burn, watched bowling balls fly, ate a shit ton of BBQ, got sunburned, and raised money to dig wells in Niger with about 900 other men.
Fucking this.
Newfags not knowing the first and second rule.
Rules were set to contain autism within the boards.
Any videos fäm?
Guy in the orange and black hat looks like mr bean.
Why do americans do this? This event seems for literal retards
What's the appeal in crashing and burning shit? Does it remind you how how autistically crashed your toy cars when you were kids?
Or is it a white trash thing?
Why do Mexicans come to America?
Because we make more than 3 dollars a day and can afford to buy a shitbox to destroy.
Pretty sure we got shitboxes we can crash too
We just don't crash them because we don't have severe mental damage
You could also afford to chug down three liters of diarrhea so why aren't you doing it right now?
What does that have to do with anything?
Shooting a Barrett:
You're country is such a shithole that your people are literally dying to get into mine.
I'll take your criticism of our fun with a grain of salt.
>You're country is such a shithole that your people are literally dying to get into mine.
Pretty sure only about 1 in 10 mexicans attempts or wants to go into the US, they just do it because they had bad foresight and never prepared themselves to master skilled labor or hold a career. They can't sustain a family mopping floors in Mexico, that's why they mop floors in the US.
>I'll take your criticism of our fun with a grain of salt.
>dey b just jealous of muh freedomz, anyone who criticizes my manchild activities just wants to immigrate into my country!
Holy shit, this level of delusion, no wonder you're a trumpfaggot
please drive yourselves over with more than one car you fat short pathetic fucks
So cringe.
Neck yourself, fatty.
American ""men"" are emasculated as fuck. They compensate for this by shooting guns and blowing things up.
Don't wear a seatbelt
Haha thats actually really cool, show pictures of it smashed up. I've been to a couple demolition derbys and most of the cars will ram other cars in reverse. The rear end is totally demolished (looks like a taco) but it still runs because the engine bay is safe and front wheel drive. I think they must relocate the gas tank to the front as well.
jajajajaja you live in Mexico XD DNA is combination of Spanish rapists and Aztec child murderers XDDD JAJAJAJAJAJAJA
>10% percent of mexicans want to leave mexico
>of a population of 120M
>12M people
>3 times the population of Uruguay
Suuuuure, "only" ;)
looks like you guys had a fun day gg
Can't tell if this post is ironic or if it comes from the desk of an actual 12 year old
>3 times the population of uruguay
Not our fault your country and population is so small.
What's your point anyway? Countries having different population sizes? At this moment in time, Mexicans leave the US at the same rate they enter it.