This thread is for Discussion of Libertarianism, Capitalism, AnarchoCapitalism, and the physical removal of communist fags from our board of peace.
>Post sneks
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
>Thread theme:
/lrg/ LIBERTARIAN RIGHT GENERAL: AnarchoKek edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Law - Frédéric Bastiat
>Free To Choose - Milton and Rose Friedman
>Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty - Eugene F. Miller
>Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition - Ludwig von Mises
>Man, Economy, and State - Murray N. Rothbard
>Anatomy of the State
>Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays - Murray N. Rothbard
>Articles by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property
>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline
>Democracy - The God That Failed
>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism
>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy
>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production
>The Private Production of Defense
>Economic Science and the Austrian Method
>What Must Be Done
Yeah Baby Yeah!
[Last thread maxed and 404'd]
There is no correlation between the quantity of work and the value of something. Just because everything needs work to be produced it doesn't mean that it's the only or even main factor in it's value.
>spend 20 hours digging a hole
>Want to someone pay me for it
>he brags about how great his english is as if it had merit, just as third worlders do.
>he says he wants to "discuss" stuff but he keeps calling everyone names.
Y sin dientes, por favor, que tengo el frenillo sensible.
As far as I know most of Africa is so underdeveloped because they do almost not have property rights, often have absurdly high taxation and the culture is highly tribalistic and therefore is based in communal-familiar ownership. People aren't allowed to progress individually.
This, at least is what I took from this picture and many other sources. If you take your time later to read this picture I just attached you might get some insights on why Africa is so poor.
And of course, the Somalia meme: Somalia is actually the corpse of a failed socialist republic. Very few people ever care to notice that.
I hoppe I was helpful.
I'll continue to bump this thing.
im jew desu
bump for curiosity
where do you want to start, my dude?
freech net/intb/res/114387.html
fuck off spain
libertarians are just liberals in disguise.
I saw the last thread and thought it was really good. Really (actually) made me think, one thing I am curious though is how the economics of ancap would work. What type of currency as well if any (fiat, resource based, precious metals)
hello im ancap
pic is me rate
There might not be a central currency at all. Whatever the trading parties agree to in their exchange.
Huh, is there any historical evidence or anything similar that you can point to so I can get a grasp on it? I actually like the sounds of it
i want you to stick that honker where it doesn't belongker
Oh look ancap Spain from freech is back. I forget. Do you guys believe in immigration controls?
Well, regards currency, if you look monetary history you'll find that it is something that appears naturally, because it is something that simplifies trade a lot and makes calculating the value of things possible. Fiat currency is something that was first invented in China (aka in an oriental despotism) and can only exist through centralized violence, that is people being forced to use that and not anything else.
If you are really interested in the history of money I would reccomend you you check Mike Maloney's five episode documentary on the history of money, it talks about things that are happening today with the federal reserve and the fiat monetary system we are using today since 1971.
"Hidden Secrets of Money" is a great documentary for this:
Honest question for libertarians
If you remove a state system, how do you manage your own infrastructure and utilities? Would someone just be expected to make a business that does that? How would they be regulated?
don't post my personal twitter you fucking stalker
>What type of currency
I was listening to Hoppe's lectures on banking the other day. And he mentioned something about currencies being tied to bundles of resources. For example one "dollar" could include such and such amount of gold, silver, oil, whatever you want to give it more stability. So it would probably depend on local availability as well. Was an interesting proposition.
Also there's cryptocurrencies now as well.
Somewhere in this series.
Also central banks counterfeiting isn't exactly great for the economy. The expansion of the economy should be determined with savings not printing up cash and essentially forcing the entire population to subsidize bank loans.
Let me at that boipussy gurl.
Chello, reporting back in:
I've started reading "Anatomy of the State" and already first chapter in I was shocked to be honest, because similar to what he described when saying people refer to the government/state as "we":
>we are the government
Although I was ranting often like "mimimi politicians do what they want" but still resorted back to the "we" all the time.
I was actually more shocked than what I would've expected ... which is quite drastic in itself to be fucking honest.
Also his description of how the state preserves itself seems accurate to a worrying level ... to put it "nicely".
>Another successful device was to instill fear of
any alternative systems of rule or nonrule
Can we get this to be a regular thing again?
Fuck commie general scum though.
>removal of communist fags
Come and try, porky.
stop creep
>heheh, gotcha now
Img search! Omg the future is here!
Still looks like a man in a dress. I guess that's because its a man in a dress. No amount of progressive nonsense is going to change the objective reality that this is a man in a dress.
Kys or ill get the helicopter running
whomstdn't is this qt pie netherland poster?
Yes those industries would be private operations. They'd be related by people's willingness to fund their services.
No treading boys
>For example one "dollar" could include such and such amount of gold, silver, oil, whatever you want
As a matter of fact, the name of many currencies historically reflect this: Many of the names of currencies are words for measures of weight. A british "pound" used to be worth a literal pound of sterling silver. Same with the "peso" of many hispanic countries, which literally means "weight" and the spanish "peseta" which means small weight.
Well, if you want you could save or bookmark the url of the pastebin in the OP and open one thread from time to time, that's what I'll be doing too.
AotS is great but since I already read For a New Liberty it felt kinda redundant so despite it being way shorter I couldn't get myself to it.
I felt this kind of feeling too. It was like some sort of anguish, like you discover that you have been lied to and kept in ignorance all your life. Rothbard's writings are powerful stuff.
Private companies already build infrastructure today, the only part of the equation that would be missing is the financing part (no more with taxpayer money) that would then become an entrepeneurial question, not a political one. If Musk can build fuckin spaceships someone will be able to build roads (and other infrastructure).
This article dispels many questions too:
Nice collection of hoppe resources, especially translations available here
Regulated* not related.
Bump for the only good general on Sup Forums
me from freech
>Many of the names of currencies are words for measures of weight
That's true but if you're trying to tie it a bundle of resources the measurement becomes kinda obsolete because you'd obviously want different amounts. So best way to think of that sort of currency would be like an index but for resources.
Minarchism is way better than this trash
Hey guys, one question I'm finding hard to easily answer here is the one about potential invasion or group takeovers (eg muzzies) etc. I haven't read hoppes Private Production of Security yet. Any one help with some short answers?
National socialism blows "libertarianism" put of the water. You guys are as bad as leftist a.
But who will prevent people from building roads?
>neo-feudalists thinking that capitalism is compatible with anarchism.
>short answers
Guns and nukes.
hile hitley
UniformEchoCharlie this is SevenAlphaPlus, you're comming in broken and stupid, *break* check connections and say again. OVER.
>you guys are as bad as the left
>advocating national SOCIALISM
Follow your leader user
Not an argument
What's one country that has implement libertarian policies
>communist thinking that an antifa website is a valid source on anarchism
>Criticisms of Anarcho-Capitalism
Criticisms of anarcho-capitalism include moral criticisms, pragmatic criticisms, the argument that anarcho-capitalism could not be maintained, and the argument that a society can be anarchist or capitalist, but not both.
Minarchism is a welfare state for the rich.
>I was listening to Hoppe's lectures on banking the other day. And he mentioned something about currencies being tied to bundles of resources
You must have not listened to the whole thing, he was saying how that wouldn't be a good idea as a currency tied to a bundle of goods is always less liquid than the most liquid good.
>Justice and Defense
Some critics argue that anarcho-capitalism turns justice into a commodity; private defense and court firms would favour those who pay more for their services. Randall G. Holcombe argues that defense agencies could form cartels and oppress people without fear of competition. Philosopher Albert Meltzer argued that since anarcho-capitalism promotes the idea of private armies, it actually supports a "limited State." He contends that it "is only possible to conceive of an Anarchism which is free, communistic and offering no economic necessity for repression of countering it."
Any country raked high in economic freedom index
The thing is that this would be done privately, with many banks emitting their own money (gold/silver backed bills or whatever else) so you would be free to choose whatever standard would be more fitting for you. Businesses would probably adapt and make some sort of reference guide that includes most currencies. That or they would place a sticker in the entrance informing you which currencies they do accept before you enter.
Cool image bro. The difference is that anyone can become a land owner. Not in gommunism bro.
Please explain to me the difference between the party's chairman and a feudal lord.
Oh yes, the feudal lord doesn't have as much power to commit injustice.
>literally abandon state
>individual governance
>adding the concept of property and free market is not possible
t.punk antifa
Robert Nozick argues in Anarchy, State, and Utopia that an anarcho-capitalist society would inevitably transform into a minarchist state through the eventual emergence of a monopolistic private defense and judicial agency that no longer faces competition. He argues that anarcho-capitalism results in an unstable system that would not endure in the real world. Paul Birch argues that legal disputes involving several jurisdictions and different legal systems will be too complex and costly. Thus, the largest private protection business in a territory will develop into a natural monopoly.
Straight libertarianism is fundamentally classical liberal, so many euro govts and certainly post civil war England and early america
All right. So it's back to gold then? Well whatever people choose I suppose.
>when Jews falls for the jewish degeneracy propaganda
But the law of diminishing returns prevents this.
Anarcho-capitalists counter that this argument is circular, claiming monopolies are artificial constructs that can only be maintained by political immunity to natural market processes, or by perpetual provision of superior quality products and services. Unless competitors are prevented from entering a market, the profit incentive, which is fueled by constant demand for improvement, proportionately draws them into it. Furthermore, as demonstrated by the medieval systems in Ireland and Iceland, treating the right to justice as a property means that it is sold - not purchased - by victims.
Shirty answer
that image is incredibly depressing
Why do so many libertarians get autism?
Is it really that cancerous an ideology?
How do we deal with the LQ(Libertarian/autist Question)?
So in a stateless environment what prevents a company from doing what early mining companies did and murder people if they didn't sell their land?
Would it require that the people rise up against the company?
>Rights and freedom
Many anarcho-capitalists believe that negative rights should be recognized as legitimate but positive rights should be rejected. — a stance that critics[who?] dismiss as unethical or selfish. Some critics, including Noam Chomsky, reject the distinction between positive and negative rights.
Chomsky said, "Anarcho-capitalism, in my opinion, is a doctrinal system which, if ever implemented, would lead to forms of tyranny and oppression that have few counterparts in human history. There isn't the slightest possibility that its (in my view, horrendous) ideas would be implemented, because they would quickly destroy any society that made this colossal error. The idea of "free contract" between the potentate and his starving subject is a sick joke, perhaps worth some moments in an academic seminar exploring the consequences of (in my view, absurd) ideas, but nowhere else".
ANIME over
wow you're cute
>Economics and Property
Most anarchists argue that certain capitalist transactions are not voluntary, and that maintaining the class structure of a capitalist society requires coercion, which violates anarchist principles. David Graeber noted his skepticism about anarcho-capitalism along the same lines.
>To be honest I'm pretty skeptical about the idea of anarcho-capitalism. If a-caps imagine a world divided into property-holding employers and property-less wage laborers, but with no systematic coercive mechanisms ... well, I just can't see how it would work. You always see a-caps saying "if I want to hire someone to pick my tomatoes, how are you going to stop me without using coercion?" Notice how you never see anyone say "if I want to hire myself out to pick someone else's tomatoes, how are you going to stop me?" Historically nobody ever did wage labor like that if they had pretty much ANY other option.
Dollars to bagles its a bait pic.
Africa is depressing, user. They'll never carry their own weight.
And we can blame the +1 billion nogs in this planet to the industrial civilization Westerners brought there. Without it their population would have continued to be kept in check by mother nature. Colonialism was a mistake.
Not an argument
Some critics argue that the anarcho-capitalist concept of voluntary choice ignores constraints due to both human and non-human factors, such as the need for food and shelter, and active restriction of both used and unused resources by those enforcing property claims. Thus, if a person requires employment in order to feed and house himself, the employer-employee relationship cannot be voluntary. Another criticism is that employment is involuntary because the economic system that makes it necessary for some individuals to serve others is supported by the enforcement of coercive private property systems.
In his book Anarchism: Arguments For and Against, Albert Meltzer argues:
>Commonsense shows that any capitalist society might dispense with a 'State' . . . but it could not dispense with organised government, or a privatised form of it, if there were people amassing money and others working to amass it for them. The philosophy of 'anarcho-capitalism' dreamed up by the 'libertarian' New Right, has nothing to do with Anarchism as known by the Anarchist movement proper. It is a lie . . . Patently unbridled capitalism . . . needs some force at its disposal to maintain class privileges, either from the State itself or from private armies. What they believe in is in fact a limited State -- that is, one in which the State has one function, to protect the ruling class, does not interfere with exploitation, and comes as cheap as possible for the ruling class. The idea also serves another purpose . . . a moral justification for bourgeois consciences in avoiding taxes without feeling guilty about it.
"Get" autism? It's now a disease? Whats the RNaught?
Someone close the window it's getting shilly in here
>turns justice into a commodity
It's already a commodity. Like governments know how to direct security funds. And they're ver efficient as well.
>favour those who pay more for their services
As if they don't already. The wealthy have more sway on politicians and receive favours in return. The common person deciding with his wallet would have more of a voice in absence of government.
>oppress people without fear of competition
How's a government monopoly any different? With this argument the only thing saving you is how brainwashed government employees are. If these employees are raised under an ancap system hopefully they'd become fond of freedom and maintaining it.
>limited State
Individuals defending their property is fine. Ancap does not mean pacifism.
>they're ver efficient
they're not very*
Some critics regard private property to either be an aggressive institution or a potentially aggressive one, rather than a defensive one, and thus reject claims that relationships based on unequal private property relations could be voluntary. Some philosophies view any ownership claims on land and natural resources as immoral and illegitimate.
Some libertarian critics of anarcho-capitalism who support the full privatization of capital, such as geolibertarians, argue that land and the raw materials of nature remain a distinct factor of production and cannot be justly converted to private property because they are not products of human labor. Some socialists, including other market anarchists such as mutualists, adamantly oppose absentee ownership. Anarcho-capitalists have strong abandonment criteria—one maintains ownership (more or less) until one agrees to trade or gift it. Anti-state critics of this view tend to have comparatively weak abandonment criteria; for example, one loses ownership (more or less) when one stops personally occupying and using it. Also, the idea of perpetually binding original appropriation is anathema to socialism and traditional schools of anarchism, as well as to any moral or economic philosophy that takes equal natural rights to land and the earth's resources as a premise.
Anarcho-capitalists counter that property is not only natural, but unavoidable, citing the Soviet Union as an inevitable result of its prohibition/ collectivization - which eliminates the incentives and accountability of ownership, and blackens markets. Kosanke further challenges what he perceives as egalitarian dogma by demonstrating that all costs of living are naturally determined, subject to a variety of factors, and can not be politically manipulated without net negative consequences.
Somebody contracted out that depressing graphic Nigeria.
Same reason liberals are reported as being more intelligent that conservatives. Cos people are full of shit.
How do you keep a minarchist state? You're not keeping it through democracy.
Not an argument
The gal in your pic looks like she smokes a lot of cigarettes. She's kinda skeezy and gross.
Give me a second to read all of the comments so I have a chance to respond. I was just posting the obligatory criticisms of anarcho-capitalism articles. Libertarians are fine but anarcho-capitalist should be executed alongside socialist.
You don't. Any state on a long enoucgh scale will tend to grow. Any state even minarchist is setting up your grandkids for poverty.
Well, to be fair the American Constitution experiment lasted a couple hundred years before reaching today's current levels of tyranny. A constitutional republic can work for a really long term, even though it will end degenerating into democracy with time.
Even though I don't advocate for it we can say that it really has merit.
Threadly reminder right-"libertarianism" is statist sophistry.
Private property is a statist institution. You cannot be a libertarian and support private property.
>states exist by taxing and expropriating private property
>private property os a statist institution
wew lad
Capitalism is a fundamentally collectivist system. Only a system where individuals are not made to be cogs in a machine, where groups function only to secure individual liberty, is a legitimate system.