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Conservatism is useless and a failure
White Nationalism/ Alternative Right is the only way to proceed
Playing Big Tough Internet Nazi.
Shit /plg/ cucks actually believe.
Reagan was a terrible president, just like how he was a terrible actor.
Rööki would have liked him though.
>tfw you'll never get a carton of cigarettes from Ronnie for Christmas
>tfw no face
I guess this is the /nupol/ after the election made it mainstream
fine, you can have your conservatism and have your race be wiped out and your children enslaved
and by the way thats not even an argument
Reagan was shit, though.
>Pushed "No-fault Divorce" while serving as Governor of California. After he passed it, similar legislation swept across the nation. He popularized it.
>Reagan Amnesty for ~3M illegal immigrants. Ruined the demography of our country, harmed our culture, betrayed our most vulnerable economic class and turned California eternally blue.
Reagan worship needs to be resigned to the past.
paddys taking no survivors
I agree though. Conservatism has achieved us nothing but failure. Pouring democracy on communism is like pouring gasoline on a fire
How was he "terrible" he was loved throughout the country and won his re-election 525-13 electoral votes. 49/50 states. He was a badass.
Mondale was a terribly weak candidate.
Everybody hated Carter.
It's the same reason why Trump won.
>Caused two recessions
>Alzheimers in office
Only globalist boomers worship Reagan
>Being this new
Oh look it's king neoliberal himself
It's funny how Dems hate Raygun and love Slick Willy when they were both neoliberal globalists with nearly identical policies
>ruining marriage is badass
>letting spics stay is badass
wew lad
He wasn't the best president, but he was one of the last American presidents.
He was a damn good speaker too, so many good quotes. His peace through strength speech is god tier.
He said a lot of pretty words while he destroyed the country
What a great guy
Its weird that neoliberalism is confused with conservatism and real conservatism is called alt-right or other faggy shit.
I'm by no means defending a lot of his bullshit. Amnesty was absolutely traitorous.
He soothed everyone's nerves as the plug was pulled on America's life support so the boomers could expect a nice income in their twilight years as the country was flooded with cheap labor and jobs were outsourced
He turned California from red to blue by giving amnesty to a fuck load of spice. Conservatives are so stupid they think giving subhumans amnesty will provide them with votes, when they and their kids all just end up voting democrat.
He also added to gun control + didn't repeal any threats to 2A. Reagan was/is overrated. The economy did well cause he didn't add more government bloat, which is considered legendary nowadays, unjustly.
Neoliberalism isn't normal
But in America it is
Actually the economy did well under Reagan because he was the last president to allow massive deficit spending to jump start the economy
Of course then he did insanely shit like close down all the mental hospitals (who knows how many leftists we'd be rid of if they were still open) and destroyed unions, and then did everything he could to deregulate Wall Street so they could endlessly create economy destroying bubbles from the dot com crash to the sup prime mortgage bubble
>It's funny how Dems hate Raygun and love Slick Willy when they were both neoliberal globalists with nearly identical policies
Most of them lament the shift to the right that came with Reagan, the rollback of corporate regulations and welfare that he spearheaded, and the retreat of leftism in the American political arena. Many people believe that Clinton's push for gun control was a factor in the dems election lost in 2000. You begin to see that Clinton was a neoliberal because he was elected under the predominant right-leaning mood and acted under the political constraints on his administration
Obama did the same with deficit spending and it did end up helping the economy recover.
Yeah Reagan HATED unions, which is fucking retarded because he was the head of SAG when he was younger. He fired nearly 30,000 ATC operators after they all went on strike.
If you knew anything you'd know US neoliberalism starts with Carter
By the 90s the Dem party was fully on board
>Obama saved the economy
Yeah no he didn't. Deficit "spending" under Obama was little more than handouts to Wall Street, which fueled the current pointless stock bubble. No stimulus went to the real economy.
It's funny how neoliberals rail against Reagan, but fellate Obama for no fucking reason
Why can't we have another JFK or Andrew Jackson as POTUS?
If he let it all fail it would've been a full blown depression.
He didn't have a choice.
Obama averted a second Great Depression. Trump's biggest achievement so far has been to cry in pic related.
Trump Failure General:
As much as Obama gets flack for being "too far Left," he really wasn't, especially in this regard.
All he did was suck off Wall Street and Multinational Corporations. I'm really not a Leftist, but a proper Left-wing stimulus plan would have done more than Obama's limpwristed recovery.
JFK would get CIA'd again.
Jackson wouldn't even make it to getting CIA'd because "muh racism!"
"Mommy why are there little school buses shooting fireworks out of my flapjacks?"
-President of the United States Ronald Reagan
Bringing China into the WTO
Deregulating the FCC (allowing media monopolies)
Removing Glass Steagall
I don't get conservatives. They say they like to conserve themselves and money but they always vote to spend billiions of dollar doos a year on just the military and war. Yet no one pays for it.
That's the lie the banks tell you
Give us trillions of dollars so we can buy a new vacation home in Tahoe or the economy dies
You're the schmuck for believing them
So this is the mentally handicapped thread?
He gave trillions to wall Street in order to ensure that the economy would be perpetually stagnant
Obamacare was a disaster for workers because it put even higher financial burdens on workers through insane premium hikes and worse coveray plans
Ryancare was just Obamacare lite
Bill Clinton was unironically the best president
>>If you knew anything you'd know US neoliberalism starts with Carter
Where did I challenge this idea
>By the 90s the Dem party was fully on board
The whole country was more or less on board with it. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make against me.
he was right
But ultimately he is a leftist because he's a neoliberal
That's the big lie of our time, the idea that neolibs are "right wing"
If by the whole country you mean DC then I agree
No working people were actually happy about losing their jobs to China or being flooded with immigrants
Since the discussion is about Ronald Reagan it's hard not to include this little tidbit of information, which occurred during his first term in office.
Former President Ronald Reagan decided the public SHOULD NOT know about the greatest astronomical discovery of all time. This discovery went public for one day on December 30, 1983 but Ronnie made sure the media could no longer discuss it for some reason. This is shameful beyond words as it is the true cause of Global Warming / Climate Change today. Not only on Earth but other planets in our solarsystem as well. 34 years later the media is still not allowed to discuss this matter.
In this youtube video below are three clips of Ronnie alluding to this discovery. When he mentions another species on another planet he's referring to the Annunaki, builders of the Pyramids, who reside on this traveling planet. However it's important to note the Annunaki has been banned from Earth and will not return to harass us at this time. However, as you can see, Ronnie is very concerned.
That picture triggers the fuck out of me.
I was born and raised in the city, young Hispanic. Hang out with blacks and ghetto Hispanics and became a gang member. Life was going to shit, then I turned 18 and enlisted in the Army. Got my associates degree while on Active Duty then went back to my old city. Shit was even worse, slowly start going back to the streets, get a girl pregnant, my tires slashed, windows broken and a lot of money want to kick my ass for various reasons. Start hanging out the homeboys again, because I needed them to back me up. Still, manage to finish my bachelors. (Just had a year left of school) Small rural town a few hours away needs police officers. Pay is actually pretty good, I was surprised that such a small town, payed their officers so good. I joined the force, and my life changed. Not because of the police, but because now I lived in some rural town in Eastern Texas. Life is quiet, nice. I can go out to jog without a car slowing down and staring me down because they recognized me, I can go to small neughborhood stores and not be afraid there will be a robbery and I will get shot in the process, and I dont have to worry about my kid ending up in a gang like everyone in my family seems to end up in. Just good old country living, fishing, shooting, hanging out with army veterans, listening to country and talking about deployments and time in the Army. Fuck the city life.
>>If by the whole country you mean DC then I agree
>No working people were actually happy about losing their jobs to China or being flooded with immigrants
No, but it's strange that they tolerated it for this long until anti-elitist sentiment developed, which was prompted by other things besides China and Mexicans.
This. Conservatives suck.
Retard level right there
You've live the life of a movie