What even is canada anymore. Fucking liberal scum taking away my freedom of speech.
I mean, JUST LOOK at this fucking autism.
M-103 is a fucking joke. This must stop.
What even is canada anymore. Fucking liberal scum taking away my freedom of speech.
I mean, JUST LOOK at this fucking autism.
M-103 is a fucking joke. This must stop.
Other urls found in this thread:
So do something about it, fucking leaf.
Easy for you to say when half your country supports you. Try waking an entire cucked country.
Alright user, how much has your life changed since a week ago?
M-103 is just a way for liberals to pat themselves on the back. It holds no legal power. It calls for a study.
Still gay though.
>Try waking an entire cucked country.
Pic related.
Yeah, That video explicitly points out that we have freedom of speech, But in reality our freedom has been stolen and given to some fucking dune coons.
Your not alone leaf. All the western countries are like this now.
Just use whatever speech they say you can't say in front of policemen or in a public setting. Have them arrest you and then call whatever right wing media outlets exist in Canada.
Do whatever you can to illustrate the absurdity these laws represent
Is it true your flag has a leaf on it because some kid won a flag design competition?
Not America
Good thread here:
>Soros is literally destroying Canada
Is it fair to say that half of America is liberal scum?
Just come to the US and be a conservative. Not as hard as you think, my dad is in the process of becoming a US citizen ( he was born in Quebec), he's a big Trump supporter
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?
That's fair. Places like New York and cities in California are doing the same thing with municipal law
It's a good thing we're a republic. At least here in Texas we can say what we want.
I refuse to leave canada and watch it become a liberal cuckfest. I will fight the cuckmasters and return it to its original less-cucked state.
and if i didn't say it enough, "KEK".
fucking censor, -cuck-, not kek.
been turning to a cuckland for ages now. where feelings are more important than freedom
I live in California so I completely understand not wanting to leave, in hopes that it one day becomes conservative again. But goddamn, Canada really has taken it to the next step. You can even say offensive, but truthful things, like: Muhammad (assuming he was real) was a pedophile.
What's next? Interracial baby quotas?
You can't say***
I'm on my phone
i completely agree with you. And if our idiotic prime minister keeps fucking his people in the ass, those quotas will be a reality in the next few years.
Lately my brain has been recognizing the red leaf as a hate symbol for some reason. Any self-loving Canada either flee the country or advocate for Quebec independence and move there
We need more eyes on the petition E-983. This petition opposes the "discussion paper" put forward by the libs which works to eliminate fridays from the house of commons and it will require trudeau to only show up once per week in question periods.
>I will fight the cuckmasters and return it to its original less-cucked state.
That's impossible.
Mistyped kek instead of cuck :(
Kek can make all the power grabs he wants.
Signed. Thanks for the input, fellow user.
Thanks for the sig brother.
Hold on a sec. They're proposing even LESS government transparency? I'm amazed that that's even possible at this point.
Don't forget to vote for Mad Max, he's our only hope.
I'll tell you a little story about what they're doing right now.
First they tried to sneak this under peoples noses by doing it at the same time as the budget. That failed. Opposition is now filibustering. Normally the house meets for 2-3 hours a day. The house closes when majority agrees, despite the expectation of closing at 2.
What the libs did, was ambush opposition for the bill by simply saying nothing but extending house hours trying to catch opposition flat footed. That started on tuesday. They've literally been in session 24/7 since friday because the once the opposition has nothing to say then it gets voted and will be passed by the majority.
So that's what they're doing. Cheeky bullshit tactics to try and slide this bill through which will crush opposition, transparency and debate. It's fucking garbage from a government that said they would be all working together and happy times. Now they're pulling moves more despicable than harper ever dared to even try and putting motions forward that no government has ever tried to do, ever.
Fuck the libs.
I don't know why you guys think Quebec is some holy haven. Yeah, they're nationalistic, but their government is more cucked than the federal government
>try waking an entire cucked country
That's what an economic depression is for. We need to be calling on Kek to hasten the coming economic collapse
>JUST LOOK at this fucking autism.
Hi, I am autistic. I have heard and seen this kind of bullying in the community a lot. it hurts. Please be considerate about the person behind the keyboard the next time you want to be an Internet bully. This community has done so much in making me happy and introducing me to new friends and giving me something to feel passionate about. but nothing is perfect and that is okay however I would just like to put this awareness out there. Autism acceptance month is April so the timing feels right too.
I hope u die
>Conservatives passed a nearly identical motion against anti-Semitism
If you unironically support the Cons (which you most likely do) then I suggest you use your right to doctor-assisted euthanasia as soon as possible.
>hillary would be your president if not for the electoral college
No you guys are pretty cucked too
Im a separatist for my own land and support Quebec separatism but would never live there
Ironic and hypocritical that they said Harper wasn't transparent enough
Suck my dick, if you're really autistic just own it. Don't let someone elses words hurt your feelings pussy
I don't support any of the parties. They're all controlled by the same masters
Just refuse to follow that law. Simple as that.
Islam now official religion of Canada. It is illegal to not submit. You will submit.
Yes if the effects aren't immediate and obvious then he should just ignore it.
You *never* had Freedom of Speech in Canada.
You have *no right* in Canada.
You are *not* American
In B.C, the government can permanently seize your assets under the civil forfeiture law, even if you haven't been convicted of a crime.
Im sure they can do that across Canada
>jokes on them, I sold everything to pay rent and eat
Get active in federal elections. Do not vote for Conservative/Liberal/NDP. Vote for Independents that are Classical Liberals.
The government has made it so you're trapped unless you win the lottery and are unbrain washed enough to take your winnings and GTFO
Fucking 1 shit province of couple million people forces the rest of the country to learn their shit gutter "french"
Fuck the Queerbecois
They are scum and hate anyone who speaks English as their first language.
Do NOT move to QUEERbec if you're Anglo.
Don't give bad advice DENMARK.
Canada is part of america. Northern America, that is.Same as the USA. Why the shit do you think its called "USA".
You're just mad you suck all of the dune coon cock, you fucking britbong.
Canada IS Canada
It's part of North American the Continent
You are NOT an American.
United States of America
North America
Canada is it's own country, with it's own laws,rules and government that is completely different to USA
If you want change starve the population.
They need to balkanize. Quebec, Alberta, and Newfoundland have prominent separatist movements. All the Indian reserves want independence too.
>petition E-983
>Waaah I don't want to learn the official language of a nation if i move there!
This is something the other provinces could learn idiot. Enjoy learning Pajeet and Arabic
If that stupid cunt gets elected leader of the Ndp we will reach maximum cuck levels.
>Same as the USA
Meaning ITS PART OF THE SAME CONTINENT. No reason our country is going down the shitter...
Quebec isn't a nation
Canada isn't Quebec.
Thinking a whole country should speak french to appease some shitheads in Quebec is arrogant and entitled.
I wish you fucks had seperated in the 90s
This is why I love living in Alabama. If you support gay rights, immigration, or any type of lib shit you are cast aside and fucking beat. Feels good man
Quebec - 8.2 Million
Canada - 35 Million
So 8 million people , force the other 27 Million to learn french ?
Well actually, just a couple dickheads in Parliament did this.
Divided the nation even more than italready was.
French/Anglos have been fighting in Canada forever.
Apparently, you all aren't sorting yourselves out, bucko.
Stop quoting that Soros Drag Queen
His own shills provided me with that meme of him
Canada is a superior nation, we are truly a powerful nation. Many envy us.
You are not forced to learn french in amy way anglo scum. If anyone is to learn a language it is us because of the anglos in montreal that do not want to assimilate despite living in a francophone majority area. They remind me of immigrants that do the same when they enter a new country.
You only wish you could be as divine a individual.
These memes are dank though
rightful canadian clay
>my freedom of speech
what freedom of speech? Our freedom of speech is already limited to "only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society", meaning the government can institute any limit on our rights it sees as reasonable.
we've been fucked since long before this bill.
The eternal leaf strikes again
Comparing Jordan Peterson to the "divine" is ludicrous and sacralige according to the Bible he claims to love.
I would support a military coup at this point.
There is A LOT of passages in the Bible that say your "divine" leader blasphemy in the highest form
>bible thumper
Adds up
Who's a Bible thumper??
Jordan Peterson?? From what people say, he talks about the Bible a lot.
Those are the RULES laid out by God in the Book he claims to follow.
Pointing that out, doesn't make me Bible thumper.
Read the link fuck-o. Those are from the Bible.
You should for giving bad advice.
QUEERbecers hate English speakers. That have since the conception of Canada.
England and France fought their own battles against each other in Canada, for the ownership of Canada.
The American Invasion of 1812 is what made them work together.
Learn history
Know what you're talking about
Don't give bad advice
Thankfully, M-103 is only a motion, not a bill or law, but it does paint a bad picture of the future.
88 Minutes will probably cover it tonight or tomorrow.
First they make a motion, the Liberal hand picked senate votes on it, it's a law
How canada actually works
You're not American
Motions are not bills, they don't get voted on by the senate. Motions are just 'we say this', and are not really anything.
But this does basically give them carte blanche to pen a bill and then know they can pass it into power, they know they have enough puppets to vote favorably on it.
Friendly reminder to all leaf that your days of insulting the Prophet are over!
Please report all Islamaphobic attacks to the RCMP.
>and move there
No thanks, immigrants stay away
>trying this hard
you are new here, huh?
We're fucked.
gunna need pic related soon when the language police come knocking
oops forgot pic
This is not a joke.
Your hate will no longer be tolerated in Canada.
Anyone can now report your hate of Islam to the proper authorities.
Motion 103 has set the foundation of punishment for Islamaphobia in Canada.
again, your bait dosent work. You're from the states. Your opinion hardly even matters.
You obviously have reading comprehension problems.
You just said, what I said, back to me, using different sentence structure
It's a motion. It means they all agreed to fight evil islamaphobia and stand against it but they can't actually prosecute you for it.
It just raises red flags for bills they pass. This is essentially a declaration by the government to fight islamaphobia.
>Reporting our Islamaphobic attacks to the FBI and RCMP can not be done by someone outside Canada!!! Derp a durp!!!
You Canadians are going to be sadly mistaken if you believe a border will stop us from reporting your hate and potential future actions to the proper authorities.
M-103 was all we need to justify stopping you and your hate of the Prophet.
Wew lad.
b-but the shitposter said we don't know what we're talking about!
Tolerance is a beautiful thing.
But seriously, this is an act that restricts the free speech of the people IMO.
I think you seem to forget this happened...
All of you are potential future white nationalist and reporting you before you can attack innocent Muslims is the right thing to do.