Why are men so inherently violent?
Why is female victimization so high?
Why are men so inherently violent?
Why is female victimization so high?
might makes right
the weak shall fear the strong
The sexes are different biologically. How is this a question?
because men are basically pigs.
kill them before they kill you. winners takes the women.
Why? You can easily see how predisposal to violence in men over women would be selected for in natural selection
Most people only refrain from violence because they fear reprisal by a stronger person. This is why most violence against children is committed by woman.
Only way to teach a cunt that you can't cheat without consequences.
Women do a shit job
>> Tells a kid no
>> Child persists
>> Child grows up believe No = YES!
Again, women love being abused, they cause shit infront of their children, even fling their children to strangers to fight - then wonder why their child is growing up, a degenerate to repeat the cycle, or raising a cunt that thinks its okay to be a piece of shit!
Stop women from parenting - see a brighter, better future of hopefuls be raised.
Because women are stupid
This. It has to do with muh culture.
If you fix the reasons why people are violent (disenfranchisement, poverty, etc), then violence will go down. Hence why crime rates are at historic lows, less people live in poverty now than ever.
So men should be taught not to be violent?
These people never got laid and they are seriously salty about it. Be nice to some girls, it works wonders you neet virgins
We're born inherently violent.
Ever see a new born strike another? They couldnt have been taught that in the womb, tit.
>Sup Forums
>generalizations should be the basis for threatment of blacks/jews/muslims/women
>males being inherently agressive should not be the basis for their threatment
everyone who actually has a sense of integrity on this site would support the banning of men in position of power based on the same principles that they support on racial and religious issues
its just a shame that politics isn't about integrity
its mostly people with power being scared of change, and people without power wanting change
Got kids senpai - so smoke your dirty dead nans cancer riddled ashes
couple of weeks the shill is strong in pol. liberal retardness is engulfing common sense and intelligence.
>why are men so inherently violent?
because we live in the real world and deal with reality and not manipulating and emotions. That is also why men are smarter. Physical and mental power go hand in hand in this regard.
Relationships between men and women are based on physical domination. Violence is a normal part of this.
Look at who designed and built every piece of technology you used to make this post.
why are women so stupid?
>Why are men so inherently violent?
Because that is what turns you on.
Why not? What are you going to do about it?
t. Virgin
t. autist who fell for the redpill satire on this site
>Why are men so inherently violent?
This is false. It's only the trash bag breeds, that are best locked away from the rest of society, or eliminated.
Maybe if they didn't fuck up sandwiches so often I would hit them less.
Just listen to our commands and we won't have problems.
>Why are men so inherently violent?
We are not /inherently/ violent, most men are not violent most of the time.
However, we are very /disproportionately/ violent, and this is due primarily to our increased level of testosterone.
>Why is female victimization so high?
It isn't. For most violent crimes, men are more likely to be the victim than women. The only exception is sex crimes, and females are the majority victim simply because men are the majority perpetrator and most men are straight.
Take your gay ass and jump off a cliff. No one wants to see pictures of faggots from your faggot fap folder.
Testosterone, it's not complicated.
Also, violence is sometimes necessary to stop conflict as well. Bad mem create conflict through violence and good men stop it through self-defense (technically violence). It's fine
>everyone who actually has a sense of integrity on this site would support the banning of men in position of power based on the same principles that they support on racial and religious issues
>impying aggressiveness is a bad thing
It isn't. Male aggression is overall a very good thing. Conflict is the father of most technological advancements. The reason you have Internet or nuclear power exists is because of the threat of violence from other groups of men.
>Lol he must of never been with a girl if he's talking so badly about them. Women are incapable of making mistakes!
Your whiteknighting isn't going to get you pussy on here faggot.
>"Women don't need to be beaten you insecure microdick edgelords"
>This makes me a white knight
>Women are incapable of making mistakes!
I never said this or implied this
Sorry strong men make you uncomfortable user, would you prefer a nice trap?
>unironically trying this hard to role play as an aspie
i have no problem with diffrent views, only with hypocracy
if you think agression is good, go for it, aslong as you have a consistant view about it.
What do you think about muslim agression? Good in the long run maybe?
Yep. Too scared of enforcing a line with women just like with the achmeds running up and down your streets Britcuck.
>be nice to some girls
That's the absolute worst thing you can do. It's actually bad for their psyche. You should treat women with more compassion user.
I'm sorry you're a gay faggot.
Stay a dirty faggot on where you can post all your naked strong faggots
calm down mohamed
hes not wrong in that statement.
like said the only reason people aren't more violent is because the fear getting their shit pushed in by someone stronger or the police
>women pull some shit
>then claim "im not even doing anything"
>when in fact they know precisely what they're doing even if they dont have the mental competence to quantify their actions deliberate or otherwise
>claim victimhood when the man responds in any negative sense
>then proceed to gain sympathy from other females and beta cucks thusly emasculating the man for any further action would ruin his life
short answer to a long story. Get the duct tape and use it promptly.
Victimhood is high because women are able to behave as shittily as they like without repercussion now more than ever. And its encouraged by society. females are allowed to behave like this because subversive agendas are in place to emasculate men to the point of not even having an opinion of themselves. Bitch beta faggot cucks are responsible for this shit.
Conservative females>liberal female
always. Be nice to your conservative girls but show them a stern hand, so that you never have to lay it upon her. Just beat the shit out of the liberal bitches, maybe enough beatings can turn them around. But they'll always be backwards bitches no matter how much you train them. My bitch said to me one day while we were having sex, "its my body i can do what i want with it". I slammed my dick in deeper and harder, and grabbed her by the hair and said to her "if you say that to me again, i will beat the shit out of you." She never said it again.
Keep'em straight gentlemen. And You are indeed gentlemen. A true gentleman keeps his female in line. You dont need to abuse them, but you do need to show them you're boss. just treat them like the dogs they are. Bitches.
PS if you arent in a relationship with a female, DO NOT be NICE to her. ever.
Humans males are a peak predators. No amount of jew is going to stop that.
i hope people like you will go extinct in few generations, along with the extreme opposite from you -cucks
its gonna suck for you when you go extinct bro.
Female on Male violence is under-reported. The type of relationship with the highest frequency of abuse and violence is Female-Female.
Hey now, you can dominate women in other wa-
>notices flag
It all checks out, carry on
No tard, it's because they're just not violent shits. You and that user are both wrong and gay fags.
i been kicked punched scratched robbed and abused by all my gfs but i'm a not a bitch so i doubt report it i just left them.
We're already taught not to be violent (and not to rape, etc) more than enough. More of it and it'll start to have the reverse effect (treat someone like a thief and he will become one as they say). There is very little violence in the west as it is.
Much of the remaining violence is due to life circumstances. Men are more likely to experience violence or to have to turn to crime to survive.
And the rest is biological and is unfixable. Men will always be more violent than women. It will never be equal.