So American lefties love guns now?

So American lefties love guns now?
Whatever happened to "muh gun control"?


They aren't real

Is this real?

Check their facebook page, it's real.
Are LWDS a thing now?

could be real because "Murica"
They have their finger off the trigger so they atleast know how to handle it in some way.

BUT, these guns look fake as shit, I call bullshit.

literally a few cucks with "guns" LWDS? they won't pose a threat at all. they are outnumbered, severely outgeared by most republicans, and they are visibly out of shape

Check out r/SocialistRA
This is a real thing, they're armed and dangerous

We've come full circle and this timeline is fucked

I don't believe it. You have a mix of people who could "possibly" be veterans, but the looks of it, they are high school kids, fat gay men, and women. Plus, the kid in the front does not look old enough to purchase a weapon. The fat man on the right has a fake looking AK. It looks like a toy

Gun rights for law abiding citizens. Criminal commie scum will have their guns taken away if they try to start illegal shit with them.

remember, this is all showboating until they start setting up tents.

The non-democrat lefties are pro-gun (as long as the revolution is still in place) but I'm calling airshit on most of those niggas, decent AR-15s and a fucking p90 are expensive and I doubt these antifags could afford them.
The only nigga I'm worrying about the the guy with the non-tapco'd SKS in the back.

>implying they won't be shot before their guns get taken away

Finally a Civil War is more likely now that they have guns.

Only liberals don't like guns.

Leftists do.

HK VP9 for my EDC

Yeah a bunch of cockroaches could invade my country lowering wage growth, increasing social economic gaps, and inflating the money of said HOST country.



That guy with the bra-sized "platecarrier", pissyellow shemagh makes me jelly because he can own a P90S and I can't because EU is cancer on gunowners.

>"Buy a BB gun and spray paint it black"
It's like they want to die

lol, apply some light pressure to the magwell

>Liberals eat instant ramen for every meal because they're always broke due to an inability to control their frivilous spending
>We're expected to believe they scraped together $1500 for a gun, not counting associated expenses

Maybe one or two out of this group would return fire if fired upon, the rest would scatter. Just look at them, these dipshits aren't warriors they're just cosplaying wannabe tough guys.

They're airsoft. They've got some rare guns in that group, no way they'd spend all that money on some rare gun.

>as long as the revolution is still in place
What do you know? When are they going to start killing people?

>cant wait to see drumpfers in jail where the brothers can erase their existance!

Literally calls their kind criminals


Looked again after reading this, might be true since it seems magazines are nowhere to be seen.

me rn

Lo i bet the first shot that rings out their rifles , they drop it and protest how loud it is.

Tell them fags to come at me bro.

Not hard to understand. They've figured out that the Day of the Rope will the day THEY swing from lampposts and get used as pinatas, not us.

Of course, most of those guns have never been fired in anger and when the time comes, they won't stand a chance against a real army.

This is a bit like playing chess with an idiot who's obviously going to lose in a few moves and decides to try some crazy tactic because he's too stupid or proud to admit he's beaten, which only makes it easier to checkmate him.

Fuck off commieshit

These are toys

Will they even use them at all? Can't wait for them to be labelled at domestic terrorists.

Those guns are fake. Bearded retard in front has what looks like a P90. There is no way he has a full auto P90 unless its an airsoft.

The guy to the left of him looks like a handholdless virgin, yet he somehow has what looks like an M417? No fucking way.

The guy to the right of him loos like he just got out of a vegan kombucha shop - he isn't the type of guy to own a gun.

The fat gay bear next to him is holding an AK with a wood stock. Unlikely to be real.

Second row: Spic holding the flag has a black AR-15 with a tan stock and scope? Never seen a real AR look like that.

There's literally a fucking black woman next to him, you think she knows how to shoot? Another woman to the right of her holding a non-AR rifle - chances of being real approximately 0.0%


Went down the hall to /k/ and they are telling me that three are definitely airshit and the rest are probably fake.


Sorry, not scope, meant to say barrel.

Amazing how they still look like cucks

pick one lol

>waste all that money on a fake p90
>plate carrier with no actual plates

Really makes me think


Speaking as someone who owns 2 512 sights, enjoy the thermal drift and shit reliability and battery life. look into the vortex Sparc AR if you want a non shit gunsight on the cheap. Eotech is great if you need a really fast sight for close work within the temperature range it can handle. As an overall combat optic they're trash.

I'm confused. What are these people defending, and from whom? Are Trump supporters chipping out all over the place and the press just isn't covering it? Are they looking to shooting it out with ICE agents over deportations? These people look like a bunch of autistic try-hards.





This is fake, no one who respects homosexuals calls them queers

It's against the law to spray-paint a BB gun's orange identifier.

You can arrest Antifa en masse if you report their fake weapons. Those idiots need to learn the law.

I like it because its good for quick target acquisition. If civil war breaks out ill just use my mosin.

faggots think they're going to come out on top in the event of a civil war

special retardation: feminine judgement of facts (just based on appearance of the person), tryina appear expert on shit clearly knows nothing aboutthose are not all airsoft (for the p90, fat spic's gun and tacticool bullpup possibly fake, idk) but. granted, they are the cheapest entry level models but would not bet my life on their being fake

They legitimately want violent revolution.
Spent the last couple hours going down the rabbit hole of their subreddits and facebook pages.
There's tens of thousands of sympathizers.

They're larpers, they'd never actually use them they all also have zero combat experience and are out of shape

Literally looks like an ISIS training camp. They don't even try to hide their allegiances anymore.

>what is ps90
ak probably fake, wood looks plastic
>this color combo is possible to see irl given that people can swap parts out and have shit taste, the giveaway should be the proportions being off making it look like a toy

> t. Learned everything I know about guns from CoD guy

nah let them play, let's give them some encouragement, have some shill accounts say we are BTFO'd then watch them cry in horror as they are arrested

But do they want to be the ones actually partaking in the violent revolution? If so, what are they waiting for?

About time they arm themselves. Wouldn't be sporting to have a revolution with only one side armed.

Here's the unedited photo, OP.

You'd be surprised.

The barrel on the AR doesn't look remotely tan, mallninja.

>Liberty for working people
Last time I checked having 6 kids isn't work.

enhanced it for you, also had to make the image smaller due to file size



When did this word enter the leftist lexicon? I see it all over the place now. Trans folks, queer folks, folks of colors. I don't remember this being a thing until a few years ago

I want this. They would be killed so quick. Their women would be raped and then killed and then raped again.

Wow. Those manlet forearms. SAD


why are all the guns empty? Are they just for show?

the ammunition had to be distributed equally amongst all, so thats why the "guns" are all empty

i cant find a scar for under 2k... i want one...

Many such cases!

I doubt these guys are liberals. Also liberals aren't left-wing.


Would, desu

Houston, we have a Waco rebirth.

Why are they in a walled compound? I thought Liberals hated walls.

> that newfaggot bitches finger position along the receiver

Step 1 : leftist start thinking about self-defense and shit,

Step 2 : leftist buy guns, start training at the range, make redpilled friends,

Step 3 : leftists start lifting, their T levels rise,

Step 4 : leftists realize that commie bullshit is retarded, switch to our side.