WTF is this about
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The leftists in charge will throw off their masks and unveil the Islamic Agenda.
It will roll out just like the Bruce Jenner debacle
true story
The end times. God died in the 19th century, now he's letting us know.
Brb converting to Anglicanism.
Its time to renounce Catholicism. Thanks for proving the Anglicans and Protestants right current pope.
What a disaster. Disarming the one body that stopped the barbarians.
>men are starting to use female restrooms
>muslims start praying at christian lands
It's the end times.
More proof of the results of centuries of catholic apostasy
catholicucks get what catholicucks deserve
I can only find info about this on really fishy looking "news" sites with same article on every site. Looks like fake news to me.
ya i mean i doubt this is for real too but you gotta make sure
As a Catholic, please save us from this pope.
lutherans are shit too
Is anyone really surprised?
how progressive
BRB, joining SSPX
Unite or perish motherfuckers!
im not even that religious but fuck that, that's degenerate as fuck. i give up, defending this shithole i want to move..
>muh one true church
>let's host prayers for a false god
>mussies come home
>2017 is the 500th anniversary of the reformation
500 years later and the catholic church is still apostate. When will the pope repent?
ask if you need help finding land in the east, you'd be much happier
This makes me want to fucking kill myself
Luckily most American and British whites are already followers of the Bishop of Canterbury
Fuck the pope.
Do we get to hold a mass in mecca then?
I blame the polacks
Islam is the Globalist's religion
It is self-governing and self-regulating, those who oppose are killed or severely punished. The world already has 1 billion Muslims, it's easier to make Christcucks convert to Islam than the other way around, since most "Christians" are hedonistic adulterers anyways, Christianity is pretty much dead in the water. Judaism is more of a niche religion for the elite ruling nepotists.
This is why they're pushing Islam so much, for their NWO.
gotta be fake
there would be uproar
Third worlders such as yourselves are not leaders, you are followers. Whatever the first world pushes from the top is what your puppet governments will follow. Hate to break it to you, but that's the way it is.
Brah, the Anglican church is in way WAY more trouble than the Catholic church. In basically every way.
I mean you faggots have faggot bishops and pussy bishops. You also only exist because one of your fat kings wanted to put his dick in something new.
The only reason the vatican broke off reunification talks with yall is because you guys became THAT degenerate. Literally this cuck pope (a cuck who will likely be replaced by someone WAY more conservative when he dies) doesn't want to be associated with your church because it is THAT liberal.
First time in history? Not likely. The Muslims got on their knees for their satanic space rock when they sacked Rome and burn the basilicas of Peter and Paul in 846
>the black flag rises above the dome
Daily reminder that thirld world has more and more Christians while west turns atheist. Pretty soon your power structure will be reversed.
fucking hate islam
>You also only exist because one of your fat kings wanted to put his dick in something new
typical plebian Catholic over-simplification
Henry VIII was used as a tool to institute Protestant reform by Thomas Cromwell. He, along with every other Protestant throughout Europe, did this because the Catholic church was filled head to toe with corrupt devils, and had been for centuries.
Henry VIII was a more moral man that many of the fucking Popes LMAO
Have more childen then polbro, I'm doing my part. The future of Catholicism in France is traditionalism, not blacks. THeir youth are too easily corrupted by consumerism and their faith tends to just be a redirection of sperstition.
I've already seen Poland taking more and more blacks and your people love JewSA since we put troops over there.
>"LOOK AT US! We love JewSA, they will save us from Russia! Please Mr. black American soldier, come fuck my wife and let me take a picture with you!"
gtfo of here
Kekistan IAM Is my new religions now
It's a good start. It will help you to avoid getting on your knees when the Madhi/Anti-Christ rebuilds the Temple, moves the space rock to Jerusalem and calls himself Christ returned.
Step 2: rescue as many delusioned muslims as possible.
if you haven't realized that this pope is just a puppet you might have several autism
>they sacked Rome
they never even got inside the walls
>Not joining the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church
Was varg right the whole time?
>THeir youth are too easily corrupted by consumerism
>while white youth is devoured by atheism
Your children will be kike puppets as well. Europeans are over. We spat in God's face too many times and like He abandoned hebrews, He abandoned us. Deal with it.
I noticed you didn't address how corrupt and disgusting the Anglican church has become.
I mean I think if there are people like you in it that seem to be invested in it's future, then maybe it can be turned around.
You're right though, we have had AWFUL popes in the past. Way way worse than the one we have right now. That is why I think we'll survive this dick. The liberals in our church are slowly dying off, thankfully. Unfortunately, due to the gerontaucratic nature of our church the liberals are the most powerful atm while the you is FAR more conservative. We'll make it through.
Ya'll probably will too, but it seems to me that the Anglican church is just try to shift with the times WAY too much.
Our news doesn't mention this, what are you talking about OP?
What is now the Vatican wasn't inside the walls.
Nice pic brah.
Just fyi the fast growing growing demographic in france (by TFR not raw numbers unfortunately) is actually white catholic intégristes. We have to do something about the muslim problem and preferably expel the non euro back to their land, but Catholicism is recovering very well in many places here in France.
And trad catholics are very jew wise. Maybe too jew wise.
Orthodoxy confirmed for the true church, Catholicism was always just pagan religion in disguise
From that point of view, Israel is the only first world nation and america is simply a bigger, better armed third world nation, since america is completely and utterly subjected to jewish control on all fronts practically...
Oh fuck, the pope really is crazy.
What THE FUCK? Are you fucking serious?
That fucking jew satanist triple agent is sinking our religion! He must be the worst pope that ever held the title for FUCKS FUCKING SAKE
>cath cucks will defend this
PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
digits btfo christcux
t. Muhammad al-Swedistan
Most of us strongly dislike current pope. Current pope is basically current year
The news isn't even real
What the hell
It's time for Catholics to embrace what they should have embraced 500 years ago.
Luther, Melanchton, and the reformers are waiting...
Find Christ again, anons.
Sola gratia justificamus et sola fide justificamur et sola scriptura docebit.
Catholic here.
Which branch of protestantism should I join.
Baldwin aint die for this shit.
suprised satanic people are in the lead of vatican?
Anglican or Orthodox. No need to go full retard.
not an argument
it means catholicism is finished.
None. The Porotestant revolution was the beginning of the end of the West. The nail in the coffin was those faggot ass french queers in 1789.
Go find a traditionalist catholic church (SSPX, FSSP) they're lit. Girls are hot. All white and they all wanna pop out as many kids as possible.
>jesus, i dont ask for much, but please coem back in our lifetimes and condemn all the faggots and heretics to hell pls thx. amen.
what is all this MUH BASED JEWS shit? christianity is not european. instead of worshipping what comes from within white dna, you worship a kike. it is foreign and globalist, but of course that is to be expected of something so semitic. its a miracle that whites have survived this long DESPITE the widespread infection of christ
>Last Update: Monday, 9 June 2014
>amerishit/anglo news
Our news are far better then your when they talk about the pope, no italian news about it