/RNG/ -Redpill Newfags General

In this thread we REDPILL NEWFAGS, later tonight there will be a massive influx of newfags, YES even worse than jeddit since Sup Forums will be debuting on 60 minutes


Other urls found in this thread:


Jews openly admit that they fabricated the 11 million death toll to gain sympathy from non Jews, 5 million of that number never existed


>The “5 million” has driven Holocaust historians to distraction ever since Wiesenthal started to peddle it in the 1970s. Wiesenthal told the Washington Post in 1979, “I have sought with Jewish leaders not to talk about 6 million Jewish dead, but rather about 11 million civilians dead, including 6 million Jews.”

>Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.
“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”

>“I have been to many Yom Hashoah observances — including those sponsored by synagogues and Jewish communities — where eleven candles were lit,” she wrote in an article in the Jewish Review of Books in which she lacerated Wiesenthal’s ethical standards. “When I tell the organizers that they are engaged in historical revisionism, their reactions range from skepticism to outrage. Strangers have taken me to task in angry letters for focusing ‘only’ on Jewish deaths and ignoring the five million others. When I explain that this number is simply inaccurate, in fact made up, they become even more convinced of my ethnocentrism and inability to feel the pain of anyone but my own people.”


climate change 1/4




here are some redpill for our newfriends :DD

muh patriarchy







Education 1/3

Tucson mayor is trafficking bigly


education 2/3

john oliver



education 3/3

Sweden 1/3

Sweden 2/3

Sweden 3/3

Racial Equality

Racial Equality - FBI Crime Statistics

talk about Muslims and what happens when Muslims are the majority in a society

Okay, redpill me nigger.

Race Is real

And Jews are behind everything:



I can bet that about 80% of Sup Forums is not white. Why do you guys hate yourselves so much? Just take pride on who you are god damnit, there is no need to blame your failures on IQ or that the government is not creating an environment that eases breeding for IQ

About past mistakes

On 9-11-2001 "five dancing Israelis" were arrested. They were quickly and quietly released back to Israel. Years later on Israeli tv they confessed to having advance knowledge of the attacks and claimed to be there to document the events.

was it worth it to completely ruin Sup Forums just to get trump into office? serious question

Good lesson here. Check the flags! Turks are literally roaches.

>Race is real
Yeah, of course it is. Thats why some people are black and some are white or Asian [spoiler]Or something in between because of race mixing[/spoiler]
What else should race be?

>And Jews are behind everything
I doubt that one, but the documentary sounds interesting... Ill check it out. When I have 6h to spare.


>spoilers do not work here


---Hans' 4 steps of delegitimation of democracy---

1. It is difficult to find any proponents of democracy in the history of political theory. Almost all major thinkers had nothing but contempt for democracy. Even the founding fathers of the U.S. were strictly opposed to it. Without exception they thought of democracy as nothing but mob-rule. They considered themselves to be members of a 'natural aristocracy,' and rather than a democracy they advocated an aristocratic republic.

2. It must be made clear again that the idea of democracy is immoral as well as uneconomical. As for the moral status of majority rule, it must be pointed out that it allows for A and B to band together to rip off C, C and A in turn joining to rip off B, and then B and C conspiring against A, and so on. This is not justice but moral outrage, and rather than treating democracy and democrats with respect, they should be treated with open contempt and ridicule as moral frauds.

It must be stressed relentlessly that it is not democracy but private property, production, and voluntary exchange that are the ultimate sources of human civilisation and prosperity. In particular contrary to widespread myths, it needs to be emphasised that the lack of democracy had essentially nothing to do with the bankruptcy of Russian-style socialism. It was not the selection of principle for politicians they constructed socialism's problem. It was politics and political decision making as such.

>What else should race be?

Its deeper than skin color

>I doubt that one, but the documentary sounds interesting... Ill check it out. When I have 6h to spare.

Watch it in parts you kraut nigger

Posting stats is a mistake, keep to funny stuff and niggers nigging out, shit like that webm of someone getting necklaced then after he gets away niggers just start throwing bricks at his head

3. The idea of majoritarianism should be turned against democratic rule itself. Under and firm of governmental rule, including democracy, the"ruling class" (politicians and civil servants) represents only a small proportion of the total population. While it is possible that one hundred parisites may lead a comfortable life on the products of one thousand hosts, one thousand parisites cannot live off one hundred hosts. Based on the recognition of this fact, it would appear possible to persuade a majority of the voters that it is adding insult to injury to let those living off of other peoples' taxes have a day how high the taxes are, and to this decide, democratically, to take the right to vote away from all government employees and everyone who revives government benefit, whether they are welfare recipients or government contractors.

4. In addition, in conjunction with this strategy it is necessary to recognise the overwhelming importance of secession and secessionist movements. If majority decisions are "right", then the largest of all possible majorities, a world majority and a democratic world government, must be considered ultimately "right", with the consequences being that the so-called Western world has far too much wealth and the rest of the world, in particular China and India, far too little, and that a systemic wealth and income redistribution would be necessary.

In contrast, secession always involves the breaking away of smaller from larger populations. It is thus a vote against principle of democracy and majoritarianism. The further the process of secession proceeds to the level of small regions, cities, city districts, towns, villages, and ultimately individual households and voluntary associations of private households and firms, the more difficult it will become to maintain the current level redistributive policies. At the same time, the smaller the territorial units, the more likely it will be that a few individuals, based on the popular recognition of their economic independence, outstanding professional achievement, morally impeccable professional life, superior judgement, courage, and taste, will rise to the rank of natural, voluntary acknowledged elites and legitimacy to the idea of a natural of computing and freely financed peacekeepers, judges, and overlapping jurisdictions as exists even now in the area of international trade and travel. A pure private law society - as the answer to democracy and any other form of political (coercive) rule.

Yeah, because it wasn't so much as to get him into office as it was to keep Hillary out, because DJT is still a shill for israel and a neocon basically, o we just have to wait until a real mass deportations guy comes along


>Its deeper than skin color
That was just an example, the most obvious one of course.

>Watch it in parts you kraut nigger



No maybes re


The big one


Whats the point in this picture?
I thought that this is common knowledge.

Faggots are not acceptable

This thread gets a bump. Fuck reddit. Fuck normies.

here's the biggest "redpill" for all you "newfags"

Sup Forums is a board that is already completely full of newfags that have only been on this site for about 6 months. It's all just wannabe edgy teenagers from reddit using this board to act like retarded edgy teenagers. This can be proven almost immediately if you watch the responses to this post.

Libtards and hippies are a creation of a KGB subversion plan to destroy the strength of America.



I agree

LOL thats bullshit you newfag
I've been on Sup Forums for years basically since it started back in the days we raided habbo hotel I bet you don't even know what pools closed is or the gif with the exploding van
kys senpai k thanks

Heh. I doubt a lot of newfags ever knew the meaning behind that meme when it's posted. The sad part about the libtards today, when they go out on the street and march and cry on social media, is that they don't even realize that they've been created to be little propaganda machines. I pity them, really.

>later tonight there will be a massive influx of newfags

Because of this cuck. Nasty guy.

Why would SJW's cry on social media?
The media is noticeable in their favor.

gotta hand it to Russia though, they jewed the west better then the jews could have ever hoped too, that being said, it was a bunch of jewish ideology employed, and probably most of the kremlin was jewish faggots, so.. I guess, the jews.

pretty sure putins been trying pretty hard to route out all the jews in power in Russia, that's why the hate these days. its probably the reason for the cold war as well, but I havnt done much research into that

no u

Almost all of the social media*

They cry about everything they don't like or disagree with. Then try to shut it down. I didn't mean they cry about CNN and other fake news. Those fake news outlets only encourage their behavior.

>both brothers said to have ~350 IQs, much higher than even Einstein
>they own every telecommunications company on earth- allowing them to make phone calls that save entire populations at will
>They learned fluent French and German in under three hours
>The real masterminds (literally) behind the discovery of the atomic bomb were in fact the Bogdanoffs
>Every major philosopher in history has made reference to them in some way or another.
>They are extremely powerful and influential members of a galactic council composed of emissaries sent by countless intelligent species from around the Milky Way. The Bogdanoffs serve as the representatives for Earth and humanity, and for that reason aliens have never outright attacked us: they fear the wrath of the Bogdanoffs.
>Trump learned the art of multi-dimensional chess as well as the ability to time warp directly from the Bogdanoffs themselves during a discrete business trip in 1979.
>The Illuminati was created by the Bogdanoffs- as a practical joke.
>The twins are 67 years old, supposedly, but that's just from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Big Bang (Bog Bang?) to the end of the universe
>The laws of physics and mathematics were originally formulated in the BogLab approximately 1.65 trillion years ago
>Their cells don't contain DNA but rather a different nucleic acid: BNA, which, as you can probably guess, stands for Bogdanucleic acid. It is the precursor to DNA and is the original building block for all life in the universe.
>The Bogdanoffs are destined to rule over every life form in the multiverse with an iron but fair fist. Soon everything that can possibly be conceived will be under their dominion.
>This is the final redpill, also known as the Bogpill. Once you take it, your mind is hardwired to recognize the ubiquitous influence of the Bog Bros in everything that you say and do. Good luck

Defintiely. I have a lot of respect for them for at least doing what's best for Russia even though I dont like their methods or agree with their Communist society. As far as Putin goes, I don't really know where his head is at desu. I never thought I would ever have to make a choice to either side with Jew commies or Russian commies in my life, but it appears that's what it's coming down to.

""""Religion of Peace"""""

You have to go back

Here's another one for libtard normies. A speech from LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Dick Lamm, former Governor of Colorado from 2003 called "How to Destroy America." He saw that his party was changing and didn't like it, that liberalism no longer meant what it used to.


Was one of the earliest red pills I took shortly after it came out.

But its so fucking sad there.

I thought that because so many newfags will come to Sup Forums today, that I could smuggle myself in.






Post greatest story never told.

Biggest redpill


why influx of newfags?

I am a newfag.
Redpill me

>chance to redpill unprecedented number of normies

This is the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers, because we wield the truth.


>creating a "come here to be indoctrinated"threads
>when full shill invasion is currently undergoing


We about to be famous again.


All that matters us MONTGOMERY. ...

If Normies find out MONTGOMERY WE WIN. ...

Become an hero roach.

not this faggot again, is there a stream?

Hammer Normies about Montgomery. ..

If Normies find out about MONTGOMERY we win. ...

Hitler wasnt the "bad guy" of WW2, it was Stalin, a jew, that killed much more than any other leader.
Rothschild, and other jewish families loaned money to each side of the war in WW1 and WW2.

JFK's death is the ultimate rabbithole.

We have over an hour to go. There's already some 60 Minutes General threads going around. Not sure which one will stick by that time.

All the matters is MONTGOMERY. ...

If Normies find out MONTGOMERY WE WIN.....

You realise slaves weren't MIGRANTS and therefore weren't counted? Their influx comes later as they weren't even considered human.
this redpill was debunked a while back, checj shaun and jen. Dont spread easy to spit out pills...

lurk moar, take the iron pill, pray kek forgives you.

Can we get some Libertarian Redpills going?

Based. Fuck that guy.

Focus FAGS. ...

Focus pol.....

All that matters is MONTGOMERY

Hammer the Normies about MONTGOMERY. ..

If the Normies find out about MONTGOMERY we win. ....