>tfw the only popular "nationalist" party in Sweden are zionists
They only dare to criticize muslim immigration but as soon as someone in the party says something "racist" or "antisemitic" they get kicked out of the party.
>tfw the only popular "nationalist" party in Sweden are zionists
They only dare to criticize muslim immigration but as soon as someone in the party says something "racist" or "antisemitic" they get kicked out of the party.
You have to pick your battles, user. Public perception matters. To normies antisemitism is a non starter. Anti-Muslim talk is not.
Because Swedes are to cucked to vote of an actual ethno nationalist party
Fi is the only redpilled party
I sure will. Google "Nordic Resistance Movement".
Yes, but people like you make up a small amount of the population. You need to win the vote of the Normalfag who wants to vote nationalist, but is to scared to admit to himself that he hates shitskins
>Migrant crysis was a jewish plot to intall Zionist pdeudo-nationalists all around the world all along
At this point it's fucking obvious.
Man, I hate to say it, but they have zero chance of getting 4%, so at the moment, it's pretty much a wasted vote. When SD is ruling either through their own majority, or through a coalition, you could switch over. At this point though, SD needs every vote they can get.
>vote for party that will drastically reduce immigration
>vote for extreme party that will never in 100 years clear 4% and get into parliament
hmmm tough choice
People are becoming more aware of the jew question for sure. For example last year only 300 people showed up on the 1:st May demonstration, but in November about 700-800 people showed up. We will definitely not get into the parlament but we will grow alot. Would rather take SD than some of the other traitor parties but it's definitely not enough to stop the genocide of our people.
Not sure if I will vote SD or NMR but for sure if SD wins it will be easier to sway people into a more radical option
(((Zionist Democrats)))
NMR has a 0% chance of getting into parliament so every vote for them is a vote thrown in the trash. I'm not a fan of SD but do you want another 4 years of this shit?
Like pic related?
Kind of the same with Geert, Trump, Lepen and the rest of these guys sadly
We will have the same amount of immigrants that we have today since they don't send back anyone and they will keep accepting immigrants so it's basically the same thing as we have today. We should not even have 1 more immigrant EVER again. Imo it doesn't even matter if SD wins, genocide will continue. The only good thing with SD is that more people will be accepting of REAL nationalism.
You can tolerate them. Who cares about zionists and israeli jews? What they want to do is kill arabs and iranian subhumans. That is not a problem to me and shouldn't be to you since those same arab subhumans are invading your country.
Just today i saw a thread with a iranian subhuman diaspora who lives in Finland and has a racemixing whore finnish girlfriend. From that moment i support kikes against iranian rats and other muslims. You should too. Zionists are based nationalists and remove kebab.
>controlled opposition
can anyone explain this to me
Of course arab subhuman would hate israelis and swedish nationalists.
>don't vote SD because they hate my arab brothers who are raping your women
>Swedish Nationalists
hehe mm
The only real Swedish nationalists are the ones that want to actually repair sweden rather than integrate the niggers into their societies and ruin their race forever. Go fuck yourself kike.
We don't like the arabs you moron, we just don't want fucking zionists as our government.
He is an arab nigger. Don't listen to him. Vote SD. Only arab niggers hate based israeli jews who are completely different from israel hating Soros and other liberal jews.
I am white you fucking retarded kike-loving cuck.
Nordfront isn't an option. They'll never get that level of support. It's not realistic. SD is the only thing that can save your country.
SD will never save our country. What difference does it make to reduce immigration by about 90%, not even 100%?
>It's not realistic
But it will be realistic once the Swedish economy collapses and all hell breaks loose.
Do you think the wellfare loving niggers would just sit by idly once their welfare checks stop being handed out?
They'll riot claiming its their "human" right to get muh free moniez.
And who'll be there to fight against them? NMR.
The only thing SD will do is turn sweden into a zionist police-state.
Stop shilling for the kikes, they never work for anyone but themselves.
fuck off kike
your divide and conquer tactics wont work in 2018
Obvious schlomo proxy is obvious
>calls me kike
>defends kike-loving party
> rioting sandniggers
Nobody will do anything, like all eurotrash they will curl up in a corner and weep. They were doomed from the start, that's what happens when you hook your country on socialism.
If anything is controlled opposition then it's NMR. SD is way too big to be controlled opposition.
I can can agree that SD is cucked (civic cucks) but it's out best shot.
>like all eurotrash they will curl up in a corner and weep
Most of the pussified population will do that, yes.
But NMR keeps growing with the days passing by. They're willing to do something and they're already doing something.
How is NMR controlled opposition if they criticize all kike media and the government all the time?
red pill me on Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset). What happen?
Why did they betrayed the voters?
Won't the same thing happen with SD?
>thinking any ethnic nationalist party stands a chance of even getting 1% in the upcoming election, let alone breaking the electoral threshold
Maybe you're not even a kike. Maybe you're just retarded.
Fact is SD is the closest thing Sweden has got to a chance, whether you like them or not.
Just look at NPD in Germany. They are ethno nationalist and basically NatSoc. Still they have hundreds of government agent inside the party and some of them're in high positions.
The Jews (the real ones in Israel) are the most redpilled nation to the Islamic threat on earth.
The Jews are not the enemy. Muslims and their globalist allies are.
(Most of those globalists have no Jewish blood, and those that do regard the Torah as a book of fairy tales fit only for children, frums and Christians. Their only god is money---and they hate pious, patriotic Jews as much as any Muslim.)
Still, how is NMR controlled opposition? It is obvious that they are not.
Vote NMR for kommun, and SD for riksdag
Basically the finns party has an cuckservative leader who doesn't really care about immigration. He will be retiring soon and we finns are hoping that an anti-immigrant member of the party will take his place and be the leader. The finns party is the best option from shit options. It's literally the only "nationalist" party in finland.
SD's leader jimmie åkesson is less of a cuckservative and actually cares about immigration issues. That is why the same thing won't happen in Sweden. pic related this fat cuck bastard is the current party leader of the finns party.
this basically
Hell seger.
Finns Party betrayed all because there was no death camps for refugees.
I am a rationalist Finns Party voter and I have been pleased in their politics, The situation was hard (32.000 refugees and greece loans) but every party has sometimes take steps back and co-operate.
>I have been pleased in their politics
Don't get me wrong i'm a PS voter but they really need to focus more on deporting shitskins and taking less in.
Finn's party's leader Soini says that is he "a friend of Israel". And so are the many other people hanging around the party. It is funny how obvious this pattern is.
What about Suomen Sisu? Any good?
Same with Jobbik in Hungary.
I hope Jussi Halla-aho will take the leadership of Finns Party. I calculated there could be +30 % support for PS with stronger immigration policy.
They are not a political party and i think they are a bunch of LARPers. Not much is known about the organization. They kind of operate in secrecy. But who knows they could be planning the day of the rope or something :DD
Someday I hope to gas all the stormfags
>haha dude geert and Trump prioritize their people's survival over defunding israel? Clearly they are jew puppets.
You are worthless, truly worthless.
Yep this would be very good
Come on Orban is based.
>real ones in israel are based
Slow down there faggot. Where's that "neither jew nor arab but europe" image when you need it?
OP is a fag because he's more concerned with Israel than stopping the flood of shitskins. You're a fag because you're autistically supportive of Israel.
Yes, go ahead and vote liberal or social democratic or don't vote at all because of your jew hysteria.
>what difference does it make to have a 70% ethnically Swedish country or a 40% ethnically Swedish country
Hmmm really made me think.
No, I'm concerned because shitskins are flooding in and ruining Europe while zion is pulling the strings and laughing.
>OP is a fag because he's more concerned with Israel than stopping the flood of shitskins
OP wants a peramanent solution, not some bullshit about closing the borders and then integrating the rapefugees and niggers. Sure, halting immigration would be great, but you also need to think further than that. (((SD))) seek to integrate the shitskins into swedish society rather than expel them.
>It is obvious that they are not
How can you tell (neither can I tell if they are)?
It doesn't really matter if they are controlled or not. The government will shut it down if they one day becomes a real threat.
>vote for conservative party that has been gaining traction who will reduce shitskins
>vote for skinhead party no one has heard of and is tarnished by nazi reputaion
seriously tho, SD is the only choice we have.
>The party that is the only one opposing jew controlled multiculturalism is controlled by jews
I'm not surprised
But what I never understood is
If Jews wants ethnical cleansing of whites and mass immigration, Why support SD?
It's simple, to gain support for their actions in the middle east (Greater Israel).
As far as i see it A dead Muzzie is the only good one So i dont give a shit, We can deal with the jews at a later time.
>hurr durr the only party advocating less immigration that polls above 0.1% isnt perfect so why even bother
And that is exactly what they want you to think.
>RussiaLeaks trying to make Sweden look like the aggressor for wanting to prevent annexations.
Agreed, its time to smash the patriarchy once and for all!!!!
So they're viable and don't just sit around screeching about the jews 24 hours a day. Yes OP point taken, they're actually able to seize power and stop the problem.
And scrap the Swedish armed forces :^)
Rösta SD tills det att kaoset har lagt sig, sedan kan du rösta NMR. De senare har ingen chans att göra någon parlamentarisk skillnad på minst fem år så kasta inte bort din röst bara för att du vill känna dig överlägsen.