You don't really support fascism, do you Sup Forums?
You don't really support fascism, do you Sup Forums?
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Please define your meaning of "fascist"
If it kills people like you then I support it.
I support my people not falling for degeneracy, my history not being warped and destroyed by international jewry, my country not turned into a melting pot.
I support the cleansing of all leftist filth
Fuck of commie nigger
Good ideas
I will support any organization that kills members of antifa.
Authoritarian nationalism. ie Drumpf
sliced bread was a good idea. it is fascism then.
Yeah, I support it then.
So Stalin, Castro, and Mao are hardcore Fascist in your opinion?
We are national socialists, not fascists, that was Mussolini
You are not ready for the answer.
Uhhhh national "socialists" (not really, there has never been true socialism) were nazis you idiot.
I'm a die-hard Libertarian and I'd rather live under a Fascist government than a Communist hellhole.
You don't really support communism do you faggot?
So one again you believe hardcore nationalist authoritarians like Castro, Mao, and Stalin are fascists correct?
They were authoritarian, not nationalists
No. Corporate syndicslism is pointless.
Pol is 50/50 natsoc/hoppean
8pol is 100 natsoc
>national socialists were nazis
No fucking shit, you moron. Did it take you all day to figure that one out? Guess what else, Japs are Japanese! Antifa are anti-"fascists"! Democracy is democratic!
i do.
Biggest moron on Sup Forums and that is saying a lot.
You aren't too bright are you?
Awful definition, you must be either baiting or you're genuinely retarded
People who disagree with me. I will then silence their free speech.
Fascism is an economic system.
American libertarianism failed to make it's case to the American right, and now the right-wing is now adopting fascist and illiberal attitudes. Whoever left out there that claims to be libertarian prefer aggression and hostility to combat leftists and have abandoned all pretense of upholding classic liberal values. Libertarianism is done and out in the US and out of a helicopter.
read a book once in a while
Sup Forums is not a monolith. Lots of fascists here for sure. However, many here are rabidly pro-capitalist or libertarian, ideologies antithetical to fascism. You'll even find a few commies here.
>You don't really support fascism, do you Sup Forums?
NO ! Thanks god, I'm not an antifa
just because you call yourself antifag it doesnt mean you are not a fag.
go home and suck some muslim dick, AntiFa Pig.
I believe in strong authoritarian governments that protect social order and maintain free markets. Libertarianism is too simple and ignores things such as market failure and the affect this can have on a society (and how a strong government can prevent this). Socialists ignore the value of free markets, they are the best creators of wealth on progress humanity has found.
who are you trying to kid LOL
"You can't run, you can't hide, you get a helicopter ride"
Yes actually. All faggots do with freedom is abuse it.
No, but I think commies should be thrown from helicopters.
I'm libertarian as fuck but if you want to keep calling it fascism, then I'm down for a decade of commie bashing
>You don't really support fascism, do you Sup Forums?
we give them an ass full of freedom
> pic not related
No, but I'm tired of getting called a fascist by a mob of shaven headed people in black nylon pilot jackets who hide their appearance with masks & hoodies and try to stop political discussion while supporting at least one global pedophile death cult.
Antifascists have become what they claim to be against.
You don't really support pedo rape gangs, do you, Anftifa?
Oh shi-
the million dollar question!
Fuck commies
Free meat hooks for fascists.
Why do you communists not want to care for genetic health, environment, etc. Communism serves all of humanity (useless and useful) whereas fascism serves the best of humanity and makes the human condition greater. Under full communism, expect overpopulation, pollution, etc. If you think Capitalism is bad with this shit, Communism would be worse tenfold. Just lookup the Mouse Utopia experiment and you will see what I mean.
The Bahamas have spoken
yea I do, got a problem with that gommie scum?
It is the only way forward. The citizenry can no longer help themselves.
Support a traitor get punched like one
Guess which race it's high time to eliminate?
The Jew.
you lost. get over it
>Make a fascists organization
>name it anti fascistic
>you don't really like fascism pol, do you?
I only support fascism when threatened by commies
We edge ever closer to a Global Communist corporatocracy with innumerable puppet states.
I don't just support it when threatened by commies. It's already happening.
The neo-Cons are Trotskyists and the Democrats are Leninists.
The Bible was OK with the Midians (smelly Arab immigrant troublemakers) getting killed, God ordered the righteous to kill them all.
We never got any update in those orders so they still stand, that's how it works
No, I do not support antifa.
Antifa says punching Nazis is an american tradition, well so is killing commies!
>antifa scum calling patriots traitors.
Top fucking kek. Your ilk are the scum who are against the very concept of a nation state. You are inherently treasonous.
You don't really support communism, do you?
National Socialism fucks over the bourgeois and feeds the people
Bolshevism fucks over the worker and starves the people (the neo bourgeois it forms remains well fed tho)
Well, yes