>pol is so pathetic that they need to photoshop maga hats and swastika armbands on pretty girls that would otherwise never be into such a shitty failed ideology like natsoc or even support some incompetent orange retard like drumpf
This is by far the most pathetic board on the whole website
Pol is so pathetic that they need to photoshop maga hats and swastika armbands on pretty girls that would otherwise...
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who is this semen demon ?
thanks for your feedback, it's of utmost importance to us that you have a great experience in your time spent on this board. this information will be escalated to the proper supervisors and further action will be taken where appropriate.
This is really not a thread related in any way to politics and more of a "my personal blog and bitching and moaning" post.
Reminder to sage off-topic threads until MODS delete them
greasy haired spunk bucket looks like she's on meth
>tfw no addict gf to cuddle and drool all over your dick
Who is this fluid druid?
Not our fault she enjoys our attention like a good slut
A confused girl that just tries to find her place in life.
Isn't she fighting a case now because someone stole her identity?
it makes faggots like you mad so it must be doing its job
that's not a pretty girl. it's an ugly and filthy fucking bitch and she gets those swastikas cause she's a lame SJW cunt.
This is a board of peace you silly goose
I will redpill the shit out of this spooge scrooge
who is dis xhamster cum dumpster?
You keep telling yourself that while you bang the 300 lb cyan-haired liberal she-beast
How will you do it there's no way to contact her
Maga girls are too easy, I'm going to do fascist QTs
Im a literal right wing anarchist and thats still a "disgusting and backwards ideology" to most girls.
>op is so pathetic he gets triggered every time he visits Sup Forums
Is she active on instagram? I can't see her profile because it's private
Youre right
Why do no pretty girls support retarded right-wing populist politics?
Why is it that the further left you go politically, the prettier the girls are.
I dunno
why is it that even though i'm a racist nazi i can get any girl i want from any part of the political spectrum?
No reason to be so upset sweetie.
Who gives a shit if you fall in love with a libtard cunt, I myself know that it's easier to drop redpills on girls then you'd think.
You just have to be witty and attractive and they'll believe almost anything you say if you do it convincingly.
>whiteknighting a literaly who on Sup Forums of all places
Because far right ideologies are for beta virgins that need to compensate for their lack of leadership skills and individuality
If your political movement attracts alot of women than it probably is not a good political movement.
> ukraine
uuh no retard
If this website isnt autistic enough to find her, I will.
Nooo way!!!!
it's not just pretty girls that they shop those shitty fucking hats onto. they shop that MAGA garbage onto practically anything the least bit popular.
trump supporters are cancer.
ummm no sweetie, its not pathetic, its called aesthetics and ideology.
uuh yes retard
Praise KeK! Ruler of darkness, bringer of day!
-t. loving (non-exclusive) significant other of pic related
What some anime nazies do does not reflect the whole philosophy of this board.
Stop posting this repulsive pigface
>not just Sup Forums
>this argument
>on Sup Forums
maybe you guys should take the self-awareness red pill about yourselves.
thats in finland you half breeded mong. some high scool joke. kys now and leave.
I guess so
it's not an argument silly billy it's just the way things are. women like me. why are leftists so jealous of nazis?
Hippie Mainerd.
there's only one race for the white house, obama wasn't part of it
You obviously have forgotten with whom you're dealing with desu.
This place is like the Mos Eisley cantina but the size of a stadium and they're serving alcohol.
This is the darkest, saddest, most pathetic collection of retards, trolls, racists, bigots, haters and losers that have either been rejected by society or rejects society themselves.
And I count you all as my brothers, I love every minute of it.
(Except for you CTR, ShareBlue, Alphabet agency faggots)
Well now I know you're mentally retarded so I can ignore you from now on.
The SS-Galician banner is a widely-used symbol of Ukrainian independence.
t. pic related
Ugly as fuck
t. fat NEET
because the opposite of fat sjws is nazis lmao. go to the gym landwhale
Who gives a shit.
you are SO triggered. why do leftists have black holes where their self esteem is supposed to be?
And yet here you are.
>guys wearing jackets and masks
>woman with exposed midrift, ankles, face
God women are stupid.
Good luck
I was going to complain, but you do have high test standars.
i want to facefuck her and come on her face
(@augfrogg): twitter.com
>1 post by this ID
Cry you fucking autist. Maybe try to idolize women that arent disgusting tumblr ayylmao dykes.
She shouldn't smoke, it'll hurt her pretty lungs.
I'm sorry my leaf brother, if you dont think this grill is a qt3.14159265 ur a complete and utter faggot
So we stopped making memes out of you, so you got mad and came here to complain eh? Tits or gtfo.
Trump girls thread. OK.
>guys wearing jackets and masks
It's because they are New York pussies who wear parkas in sweater weather. When I last went to New York people were wearing parkas in -10, they are weak.
is that lauren? cuz if it is, fuck her
>a bunch of dumb blonds
Thanks for the (You) s
every time i see this thumbnail i think it looks like she has cum on her chin
You are braindead. Shes more repulsive physically than mentally, and that says alot. She has the typical tumblr retard attitude. No wonder us leafs get memed on on pol kek.
Autistic cum dumps dont have opinions.
Ugly people exist everywhere, have you ever been outside of your house? Big whoop.
Is that Sam Pepper on the right?
>trying to shame pol
This is like taking a shit in on india. It's already a pile of shit.
You cannot intimidate pol, you cannot shame pol, there is literally nothing anyone can do to pol.
Praise kek.
>Shes more repulsive physically than mentally
Great, it shouldnt be hard to redpill her then.
A faggot like you would not understand how hot it is to redpill a tumblerite and turn her into your personal cum bucket. This girl is probably a walking daddy issue.
Im fine with playing daddy.
she's cute af m8. not breeding material tho
How is that fat faced cunt pretty? She looks like humpty dumpty.
Praise kek brother.