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Political situation in Russia
Slaughter p*tinist scum.
>Eльцин зaбepи Пyтинa
>Этo нaши дeньги
>Ктo нe cкaчeт тoт мeдвeдь
hello where are pseudopatriotic putinist (((russians))) posting under foreign flags
swiss pidor pls join
also hrvat op do you speak russian?
I understand the basics and know a few Russians
>swiss pidor pls join
"it's the Jews"
What's with all that virtue signalling and cringy duck memes? I thougt there was some public outrage about the corruption going on.
Proxypidors are gone. Sad.
If it was pure democratic will and anti corruption I'd back it but given this is Soros's machinations, meh.
>Soros's machinations
>dumb leftists still think Navalny isnt a (((NWO))) puppet hypershill designed to erode Russia's geopoitical influence and be an even more limp dick version of Yeltsin
it's a mene you cunt, famous "duck's cabin" from medvedev's dacha under Ivanovo
not a single proof of connections between navalny and glbalist kikes
hovewer everybody know that putin and today's regime are robbing russia and moving all their money to (((western))) banks
o zdarova kike
but putin himself is yeltsin's puppet
>being puppet of a dead man
How does that work exactly?
Putin used Yeltsin to get to power
Of course, Soros is the globalist Jew puppetmaster controlling domestic dissidents who want to destroy Russia as we know it. Are you aware of how retarded and Kremlin-tier this sounds?
>cringy duck memes
Medvedev literally has a house for his ducks
Do you support this crap?
No, I support p*tin and his friends who are robbing the peope of Russia.
They're grade-A shills and degenerates. Of course they do
>How does that work exactly?
Dead man switch or something, russians are crazy enough to pull that off.
A birdhouse? Is that what it's all about? Mkay.
>implying N*valny wont be robbing anyone and corruption will dissapear. It will simply become open to foreign actors and more widespread
Why would they support an oligarchy?
These protests arent about Navalny.
Swiss friend, you have a point. Opening Russia to foreign powers is a big fat mistake, that's the only thing I could honestly like about Putin.
> open to foreign actors
take the tinfoil hat off you mong. not everything is some grand conspiracy as much as you want to believe it
its the other way you pseudopatriotic cunt
yeltsin used putin to kill opposition in military and to give the power to the man who will keep ye;tsin, his family and their money in safety. putin as a good cuckboy did it all
>yeltsing take putin away
goo since it was yeltsin who gave manlet from petersburg the power
>its our money
>everyonewho doesnt jump is medved
do you have problems with las two snownigger?
Can you answer seriously?
>implying it's just the duck house
and this is just the tip of the iceberg
Why am i reading every post in a russian english accent?
>do you have problems with las two snownigger?
Of course i do, this is rock bottom.
Any Russian that doesn't support Putin is a traitor.
why do you have problems with football hooligan culture and slogans? are you good cuckboy?
didnt you hear Ктo нe пpыгaeт тoт чypкa before?
>Can you answer seriously?
I answered in accordance to your question.
You are just using simple logical fallacies and I'm not going to fall for them.
>take the tinfoil hat off
Kek. I never mentioned anything about a grand conpiracy user. Could you expand on that?
The simple fact remains that this man would open up the Russian corruption market to an international audience, thereby destablising the internal politics even further.
>any russian who doesnt support stalin is traitor
>any russian who doesnt support reds is traitor
thx for your opinion rusophobic kike
>These protests arent about Navalny.
That's exactly what they're about. Do you think he organises them and makes anti-establishment videos out of the kindness of his heart?
>ye;tsin, his family and their money in safety.
Yeltsin is long gone, shill. Putin saw an opportunity and took. And it's no secret he was their silovik. Nor is it that Putin is an infinitely better president.
But again these protests arent about Putin. They're about Navalny
It's a simple question, there is no argument for fallacy to exist. I'm just trying to satisfy my curiosity. And i honestly don't see why you wouldn't answer.
You are the kike for wanting kikes and SJW's to ruin russia and allow shit like fag parades.
modern russian "esteblishment" are rusophobic cryptokikes who are robbing us since 1917. they are still in power only because of checka-nkvd-mgb-kgb-fsb support. they should be killed, their property confiscated
You're the biggest kike ITT. You dont get to call others kikes you mong
What's happening? Are russiabros safe?
Why are they arresting young girls?
Alright. What's the share of the jews in this one?
>You are the kike for wanting kikes and SJW's to ruin russia
but they already did it in 1917, putin is good boy of kgb kikes who (((privitized))) propery of russian people and gave it to criminals, his kgb cuck griends and red directors
pls timchenko-like cryptokike from mountain kike country, im 100% rusian
sure. no one really cares worldwide about russia as a country. oil and arms which are already monopolized and both those markets are far from stable in terms of economic impact on a country. not much there man. i hate to break it to you shill
>modern russian "esteblishment" are rusophobic cryptokikes
>almost the entirety of Russian parliament is Russians
>impossible to get ahead in Russian politics unless you have a Russian last name
And they called me conspircay theorist
Yeah you're clearly not a Russian
Fuck off Eesti shill
>wanting kikes and SJW's to ruin russia and allow shit like fag parades
my sides
>no one really cares worldwide about russia as a country
Sure thing bud
>but they are all russians i swear
doesnt mean anything, good goys under protection of fsb(just new name for CheKa kikery service)
>le ebin mountain kike memes
Not an argument shill
Anti corruption protests
100 cities participated, 1500+ people arrested
>muhh j00s
You do realize Jews havent been in power in Russia since Stalin right? He had them all gulag'd
you might be talking to a proxy shill. oh the irony
Go to sleep. It's nothing.
butt blasted
lol pussy
> all the 10.000 nazi and leftist Russians join to protest
Why didn't they just mass slaughter all of them, doing the country a favor by getting rid of vermin
of course, i swera, even if mountain kikes dont arrest bank accounts putin's mountain kike firm which he used to steal 30-50% russian oil money
>liberals post islamic state propaganda and advocate violence against political rivals
Really stimulates my synaptic responses
>10.000 nazi and leftist
thefuck are you on about
Damn their in full damage control
Where are Night Wolves bikers and NOD activists who promised to beat protesters?
Have they pissed their pants?
>mah mountain kikes did nufin wron i swear
hey mountain kike, why do you try to hide that your cuckboy putin used swiss firm to steal russian oi money?
>Hundreds of people take part in anti-corruption rally in #Moscow
meanwhile, earlier today
>The state news agency TASS, citing an unnamed Moscow police source, said more than 500 people were arrested in the Russian capital.
lel top commie press
I openly state that I would support any kind of polititcal terror against p*tin regime and its supporters.
fag parades are better than poverty, neofeudalism and corruption
BTW. North Korea doesnt have fag parades nor SJWs nor feminazis. This doesnt make it a better place to live in
ay lmao, second
>Premier minister have a mansion!!1
>Don't vote for edro pls
I hope FSB gets your kike traitor ass and makes you disappear
No proofs.
And not sure what has to do with anything.
Again. What makes you think Navalny isnt a complete trainwreck in waiting?
how the fuck should I know?
>that flag
Why do you even care?
Are you paid shill of what?
Proxyshill, I suppose
>Premier minister have a mansion!!1
Oh, and I'm not sure if you can call a $400+ million complex "a mansion"
but fsb are kike traitors themselves wtf))))
>no proofs
typical rusophobic foreign pseudopatriot kike. if they didnt steal oil money where did they spend them?
The only shill here is you
I've been a supporter of Putin for Years. Lots of Americans support Putin for fighting degeneracy that the kikes are promoting.
Why am i even surprised at this point. Never change. (you)
>typical rusophobic foreign pseudopatriot kike
Nice pseudo-intellectual meaningless word soup you got there.
> if they didnt steal oil money where did they spend them?
Oh so you're a troll
>Lots of Americans support Putin
good goy, didnt your grandparents support commie kikes and their occupation? didnt they justified collectivisation and red terror 80 years ago?
Move to Russia and enjoy p*tinism then. Though, it's easy to be his supporter living on the other side of the Earth knowing shit about Russia.
Americans confirmed for retarded once again. I remember when Putin's memes started but once again you prove that: "when you act stupid, the stupids come and think they are in good company"
>supporting Putin means supporting jews
Okay everyone give me a short rundown who is /our/ guys and who are (((them)))
Also tell me why they are bad/good.
The floor is yours.
Fuck tha police comin' straight from the underground
A young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
They have the authority to kill tha minority
Fuck dat shieet cuz I ain't the one
For a punk muthafuckah with a badge n' a gun
The Kikes support commie Russia, now the Kikes have lost control and trying to overthrow putin to destroy russia.
>fighting degeneracy that the kikes are promoting.
Sup Forumstard retardation at its best
>Lots of Americans support Putin for fighting degeneracy that the kikes are promoting.
usa flag shills on Sup Forums are not "lots of americans" you fucking faggot
>thinking pro/anti-degeneracy is a thing in Russia
>thinking the whole world lives in the same context as US
american ignorance, everyone
>all proofs are linked
>mountain kike starts his "no proofs" rethorics
why do you epect me to talk to you like a human being after your no proofs shittalk you mountain kike pseudopatriot?
Kys, you burgers are truly an embarrassment. Democrats and Republicans with no distinction.
Now thats what i call proxyfag
if kikes lost control why was it kgb kikes, criminal kikes and ex commie kikes who got all the power and propert after privatization in russia?
im sorry rusiacuck. Sup Forums is online role play. dont be upset.
Fuck off pasta faggot, your nation is a cucked EU vassal
he can get out through the door of his house. give him a break
>>all proofs are linked
>his proof is a wikipedia page