>"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
>"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
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Incorrect. I feel this way generally.
But considering that faggots and liberals would be most affected, I would support a federal crackdown on tolerant states. In other words, I would happily drop my weakly-held principles in this case, comfort in the knowledge that people truly fucking America up would suffer.
I mean, more and more states will do it just for the pleasure of taxing potheads out the arse.
Marijuana should not be legal.
I'm a moralizing busybody with plenty of friends.
Said no one, EVER.
Fuck off cartel shill. Shouldn't you be busy chopping someone's head off?
Would you like to volunteer?
how can you tax potheads if they dont even work.
but thats me
Possession of less than 1 pound of marijuana should not be a criminal offense.
>how can you tax potheads if they dont even work.
Some of them work dead end minimum wage jobs.
shills are more pro marijuana than anything
What did you say?
I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized.
Nobody's ever said that, or at least believed in it.
That's because people that develops the tolerance for it, also realizes that they can smoke and they like it.
> how dare you make the choice to consume a substance that doesn't harm you or anyone else. I don't smoke marijuana and you are not going to either. do you think it's your body / life or something?
I don't smoke
But I think it should be decriminalised
Not legal, though. Fuck stoners
>what is a sales tax
if you're going to legalize alcohol and tobacco, why the fuck not?
all or nothing.
I'll have you know I took my first drug awareness class in 9th grade. It was mandatory threw the local school system. I learned about the effects of all the different drugs upon the user. From alcohol to heroin to cigarettes to sugar to Government Dope. I bought my first "Hightimes" magazine when I was 18 years old because I wanted to further study the reasons why people use cannabis. The information was amazing. I never knew regular treatments from a cannabis compound could stop a little girl. Who would have 10-15 epileptic seizures a day to just one episode a month. There has also be other discoveries of cannabis with cancer treatment. Yet the USA and it criminalistic laws against cannabis forbids those kinds of treatments in the USA because Uncle SAM wants to tax people for DOCTOR visits and Government DOPE medications. I study Biology at the University of Oxford. I have never used cannabis and I am not sure I will unless I feel I need to. So here you go!
"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
user 2017
Weed smokers are so fucking annoying.
Weed = the Liberal drug.
Fuck it, legalise heroin and crack while we're at it then?
I don't smoke pot, I live in a state where it's legal and I think it should be legalized.
Ive said that.
I've never met somebody who smoked pot who wasn't an imbecile.
Sure. People will go back to smoking opium instead (they only shoot heroin because it's concentrated and easy to smuggle) and drinking coca leaf tea (again they only smoke crack because it's concentrated and easier to smuggle).
You can argue about the morality of addiction, but if we can tolerate alkies, we can tolerate people addicted to opium and coca-cola.
>not realising that heroin and cocaine in their pure unadulterated forms are safer than a lot of readily prescribed and legal pharmaceuticals.
I've never known someone who was drunk off their ass to not be an imbecile.
I am an ex-opiate addict, nowadays I'm clean and have no desire to use any drug.
I never much liked weed.
I think all drugs should be legal to use recreationally, as it is the only morally sound alternative.
Legalize, regulate, tax.
Income from those taxes should be used for helping people who want to quit, or need health care for drug related reasons.
This way, no cartels, less money to criminals, no burden on health care, less cost for judicial system.
I've never done an illegal drug in my life and I'm for legalizing nearly all drugs. Why should the government be able to tell you what you can or cannot do to your own body? Let idiots ruin themselves and remove themselves from the gene pool.
I don't smoke marijuana any more, but I think it should be legalized.
I don't smoke weed but think it should be legalized. Less funding for criminal gangs, regulate the quality of it so people don't end up with laced shit, tax it for added revenue. There is literally nothing wrong with this. Doesn't the Netherlands have the same or lower cannabis consumption compared to countries where it's illegal?
I don't smoke.
It SHOULD be legalized so we can focus more on important shit, not fucking DUDEWEEDLMAO.
Also, it'll help kill weed culture, which is fucking disgusting and degenerate.
I held this position for 8 years now.
>thinks cocaine is healthier than alcohol
Actually, no. If your talking about chewing leaves then maybe but literally nobody who has snorted proper coke would waste their time with that bullshit.
Same goes for opium:
It's a nice thought but I don't buy it.
Ok then. Criminalize alcohol and tobacco.
Slippery slope amirite?
Time to get my old pasta out
The major effect of marijuana legalization on a federal level is the problem of introducing a new commodity into the world stage
When Cigarettes first came into major production lots of 3rd world countries based their entire currency on the product and caused major monopolization problems
Or for example in the 1946 case where major tabacoo companies in the US were running drug cartels or the fact that despite that case those same
companies banded together and now form an oligopoly while places like china and many parts of the east have major monopoly problems who's prices can directly
effect how much their currency is worth, which is a major issue since china's fluctuating currency can directly affect the money worth of the united states
Also you have to remember how much of a strong hold Big Tobacco had on the united states, and how many years it took to finally subdue big tobacco
but that's simply in the united states
Monopolies are not good
Oligopolies are not good
An unregulated new exploitable commodity is not good
So the major threat of legalization of weed is not simply because
>mah big bad gubernment hiding them free weeds for muney
It actually affects everyone on a global scale with a global impact
and if it does become federally available there's going to be decades of years of constant problems and dodging of regulation
>Muh I want freedom!
>Muh small government!
>Muh libtards and their feelings XDDD
>Ban weed cuz muh feelings
>kill weed culture, which is fucking disgusting and degenerate.
You make me laugh 8)
Legalise it so that degenerates fuck their mind more and nigger drug dealers lose all of their money.
Who same here
>Smoking 1/2 (often more) joint at least per day
>Single since 2 years
>Trying to find work in my domain
>Creepling depression
>Smoking made me numb to it but socialy akward and agoraphob now
>Lost most of my friends (stoped seeing them because of reclusion)
>Still living with parents
>the only good thing is that i'm handsome, tall etc.. so people tend to be nice when they begin to know me
>Trying to get my shit together and stop smoking just so much
It's just about selfcontrol, I just can't to that right now and can smoke all my stash in a day.
There's nothing wrong with creating a market for weed.
Kys commie
Lots of people say that. Marijuana being illegal costs an insane amount of money in law enforcement and corrections costs. Legalize it, tax it, regulate it, and it will make billions. Weed is less dangerous than alcohol.
I say it. however, what a giant role weed plays in the life of some people and that they cant stop talking about it is really strange. just watch the interview of the joe rogan show with bananaman. like 90% is lmao weeeeeeeeeeeed xDDD
>Criminalize alcohol and tobacco.
Yes, this is the best option.
I don't smoke it but you authoritarian dipshits need to fuck right off.
Stopped smoking pot when I found out my fiance was pregnant. I think it should be legalized for recreational and medical use. Seems to me like the only reason everyone here bashes on it is because of liberals fighting to get it legalized, and "muh droogz r bad lel".
Keep it classy, mate.
I have never met a stoner with a job.
I don't smoke weed, but it should be legalized. Just to take money away from undesirables and criminals.
Watching joe rogan talk about weed is the most cancerous shit ever
I'm pro decriminalization, and maybe even legalization, but he takes lmao weeeed to the next level
Watching him talk with crowder made me want to literally kill myself, even if crowder wasn't 100% right himself
I have stoner friends with graduate degrees and high-paying careers. Lots of deadbeats are stoners but not all stoners are deadbeats.
Stop Cherry Picking Faggots!
>Said no one, EVER.
Actually everyone in Alaska said EVER
>be 25
>haven't smoked since I was 17 because I realized it was degenerate
>in favors of legalization
I don't smoke it but I don't think it should be illegal.
This makes sense but won't happen due to lobbyists.
One reason why there is no momentum behind the muh legalise weed industry is because there are fewer lobbyists for industry's that don't exist (cannabis, mdma) than ones that do (alcohol, tobacco)
If policy were based on common sense then they'd either all be legal or all be illegal but that's not how politics works
I don't but I still believe it, prohibition doesn't do shit and all it does is crank out more broken degenerates from our shitty, wasteful prison system.
I'd rather see it legalized and then neutralized with a campaign to stigmatize its use like tobacco and promote society to naturally ostracize potheads instead.
Said me.
Potheads are degenerate, mostly, but there's outliers.
Said me. Now, fuck off, because it takes somewhere between $20k-$60k/year to incarcerate the fuckers, and you want me to pay for it.
>Stop Cherry Picking
>on Sup Forums
lol where do you think we are
Sup Forums's entire ideology is based off of cherry picking anecdotal evidence.
At this point it's just anecdote vs. anecdote. Kind of pointless to debate.
Pictured is another example of stoner culture. The highest, most professional culture known to the western world.
btw, weed cures cancer too.
seriously this is the strongest fucking argument for legalization
we spend so much fucking money keeping these niggers clothed and fed in a prison for something that really doesn't deserve anything more than a fine.
I say that.
These. Do you have any idea what kind of blow legalization would be to drug culture? Have you been living under a rock? OP confirmed for massive fucking faggot, surprising no one.
Said me. There's objectively no reason it should be illegal while alcohol is legal.
The trashman says it all the time. Never done a single drug or a single sip of alcohol. But he's a degenerate cuck.
I don't smoke it (job with security clearance, mandatory drug tests and what not) but I'd much rather the proceeds went to honest businesses and the tax man than criminals while my tax money is spent fighting and imprisoning said criminals.
Yes you have, you just didn't know they smoked pot.
Not to mention that a lot of them are going to go in as harmless stoners and come out as harder criminals.
Decriminalisation =/= legalisation
You're the problem.
This is the LINE!
This is the TERMS
>i weed weed
someone was weed when they smoked this hat up.
Are you referring that in regards to Muslims?
if they ever come out.
most people who end up in prison end up going right back in after they are released.
you're now supporting this fucker for the rest of his life.
i'd support either. i'd prefer to legalize it, but decriminalizing it is fine too.
I said it was safer than legal pharmaceuticals and never mentioned alcohol but whatever, see what you want to see.
I could walk outside and find 50 people who say this.
I think this.
Youre fucking retarded OP.
A guy burnt a PLANT! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEND HIM TO JAIL OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HANG E'M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you call people faggots when you're the autistic faggot. Go schizoid out somewhere else FAGGOT!
You'd be wasting your time.
they pay money to buy marijuana, taxed.
how Sup Forums are such fucking idiots
How they got that money in the first place is questionable.
If they don't work how do they buy any in the first place?
How are there dealers making money all over the place if pot heads aren't working?
They can't all just sell drugs. If they were all stealing then it would be chaos on the streets.
I hope you're not serious because this is some really stupid thinking.
>every pothead steals money
grasping at straws
Maybe through work?
I mean, that is where I make my money.
You've never met a stoner, have you?
Relative newfag here, why is there always this stupid thread?
Bottom line is prohibition is a policy which spends lots of money and does NOTHING to reduce the availability of weed.
It should be discontinued for that reason alone.
I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized.
better that money go to marlboro or whatever instead of moderate head choppers(hispanic (white))
>why is there always this stupid thread?
'Cause there's always stupid stoners around.
legalize it and let the retards pay for it. literally no downsides
It is my stance. Maybe I want to try it someday and don't want to go to jail for it. It doesn't seem any more harmful than alcohol.
I don't smoke pot but I think it should be legalized
>weed becomes legal
>weed is taxed
>smoking weed is no longer edgy and anti-institution
>DUDE WEED LMAO """culture""" dies out forever
I don`t smoke weed, I think it is just a waste of time and money,makes you dumb and alienated.
That said, given that its consumption is so widespread and that it is so easy to buy, I don´t think legalizing it would bring consumption up, which has been proven that it doesn´t by various studies, and I would much rather see that money go to the government in form of tax revenue than to some immigrant drug dealers pockets. Also, by selling it at a reasonable price you can put the dealers out of business and control who has access (no children, no traffickers) and insuring product quality, avoiding even more health damages.
>I shit post on Sup Forums but I have friends in real life
said no one, EVER
>trucks killing civilians is anecdotal
As a libertarian I believe exactly that. What right does the government have to tell me I can't burn a plant and inhale the smoke for its psychoactive effects?