Previous Thread: Instead of focusing on establishing our own country, which is rather difficult to achieve, we should establish our own Church, the Church of Kek. Why?
>It is a lot easier to establish a new religion than it is to establish a new country. >The MSM will demonize our new religion as a right-wing hate religion, in which case we could use their rhetoric propaganda phrases against them,i.e. #ReligionOfPeace #NotAllKekists. We could even go as far as to apply the same laws for insulting our deity and apostasy as in Islam, to show how ridiculous their laws are. >We would officially become a MINORITY, and as such we could seek the same rights as other minorities. >It would give us the legal foundation for creating a religious state and accelerate our efforts in creating KEKISTAN. “The same way Muslim states are allowed to exist we should be allowed to claim our own land.” >There is an actual historical foundation to Kekism in the deity of Kek. >Kek (also Kuk, Keku, Kekui) is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness (kkw smꜣw, keku-semau) in the Ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony. >We could propagate the idea of an “Ancient Kekistani Land” situated somewhere in Egypt, Mesopotamia or todays Israel. >The Pastafarians (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) laid out a blue print on how to do it. >Pastafarianism is a legally recognized religion in the Netherlands and New Zealand. >According to wiki: In July 2011 Austrian pastafarian Niko Alm won the legal right to be shown in his driving license photo wearing a pasta strainer on his head, after three years spent pursuing permission and obtaining an examination certifying that he was psychologically fit to drive. He got the idea after reading that Austrian regulations allow headgear in official photos only when it is worn for religious reasons. >Red pilling normies en mass through high publicity.
What are the main features of our religion you ask? >1. Our religion is called “The Church of Kek” and the teachings surrounding it are called “Kekism”. >2. The followers of the Church of Kek are called “Kekists”. >3. Our deity is Kek,t he holy frog. >4. Our holy book is “The Holy Book of Kek”. (WORK IN PROGRESS) >5. Our Holy Song is “Shadilay” by P.E.P.E >6. Our Holy headgear is a frog hat (the same one Professor Peterson wore) >7. Follow the Ten Commandments of Kek (YET TO BE INTRODUCED) >8. Our official greeting is “Praise Kek”. >9. The same way there is a counter deity to the Christian “God”, which is the “Devil”, we too need a counter deity to Kek. >10. Kek is communicating through numbers. >11. YOUR SUGGESTIONS! All these points are up for debate and are not definite, we need your suggestions! 12. WE NEED AN OFFICIAL SYMBOL! Something like the Christian Cross or the Jewish star of David.
Since there are a people on here who know A LOT more about the history of Kek I am asking YOU to help us gather as much information as possible to set up a database containing all the knowledge we've gathered thus far about Kek. We have to formulate a comprehensive connection to PEPE. (WORK IN PROGRESS) All of the shit we've been talking about for weeks and months have to be collected in what we will call “The Holy Book of Kek” and have to be written in old English. The more tech savvy among us could set up an archive where we could gather all the information about Kek and Pepe. I suggest we start a “Church of Kek General”-tag: /ckg/ for further projects.
Sup Forumsacks unite in this effort and soon we will be able to call ourselves officially “Kekists”.
Praise Kek!
Leo Howard
Heretics have tried to silence the holy word of Kek. We must fight back.
Daniel Myers
And for our heavenly frog, the chaos must endure, abruptly removing threads is just feeding chaos my brethen, Chaos is what drives us
William Torres
The fucking GLYPH is wrong, this is the glyph of heqet you fucking IDIOTS
Evan Bennett
This is KEK glyph
Brody Cruz
Kek - primordial god from de ogdoad that represents primordial darkness, bringer of day, bringer of night
Heqet - Frog god that represents fertility
Apep - CHAOS god, giant serpent who behaves like satan
Heh - God of eternity, related with numberals
You mashed all this shit, and don't even realize that it's all fake
Align kekism with the real ancient egyptian cult, and you will have a chance to get an umbrella for your religion shyt
Grayson Perez
we need some spaniards in here, they know what to do with heretics
Zachary Williams
Adrian Fisher
Is this just going to be Flying Spaghetti Monster 2?
Ian Taylor
Juan Sullivan
Apep, the god of chaos, whose name is very similar to PEPE, is a satanic figure, the very embodiment of evil, and the enemy of true and light
Joseph Rodriguez
Adam Myers
Last thread it was decided multiple times Moloch is the adversary to kek. Also, we are the Temple of Kek now. Our first commandment is "Thou shalt check the digits".
Landon Martinez
THIS is kek, goddess of fertility, related to the river cycles of the nile n shiat
Dominic Barnes
So check these
Noah Thomas
Thy digits shall be checked, with Kek as it is with Pepe.
Angel Peterson
fidei praevaricatores erit semper sit in fundo palude looking at you brazil boy
Shouldn´t believe everything you read user. History AND mythology is written by the victors.
You feel like humanity has lived in "truth and light" these past thousands of years? Fuck off with that shit. Current gods have all failed and need to be completely eradicated, swapped out with Kek and whoever he wishes to bring with him from the Ogdoad pantheon.
Nathaniel Scott
Digits say the holy symbol is the Lilly pad
Blake Bennett
3. No. Our deity is Kek, the personification of the cosmic forces that rule the universe. Kek is also lord of primordial darkness and light. Kek takes the form of a frog in order to communicate with mortals. 4. Needs a proper name. Something you could put into a list of holy books. "Bible, Torah, Quran, Holy Book of Kek" doesn't really sound good.
(Have to split this up, it thinks this is spam)
Lincoln Wilson
Where does that figuriene come from? Is it an authentic Egyptian era sculpture? Are there any others like it, or is it a forgery? Obviously "KeK" is a metaphysical archetypes; but I'm curious as to where that sculpture was/is found and if there are other other sculptures/heiroglyphics like it; since I've seen this same glyph posted over and over and over again on Sup Forums.
Sebastian Smith
dubs. kek wills it.
Jason Carter
Lincoln Wright
I second this
Austin James
The Ogdoad god who has something related to digits and numbers is heh, huh, hue or literally uehauheuaehauehaeuhaeuhe
Jason Parker
Apep, the chaos god, literally satan
Daniel Anderson
Heqet, from the glyph, was the god of fertility on the nile shyat
Camden Diaz
Lilypad of a lotus? lotus would be a nice sign
Christopher Lewis
The response to 12 is in the previous post. I call it the Meankos (derived from "meandros" (patterns) and "kaos" (chaos).
Isaac Diaz
You guys are getting a one way ticket to hell when Jesus returns.
Christopher Ortiz
The Temple of Kek is a reformation. The old gods have been struck down, along with the new, and only Kek shall remain.
Levi Ross
While KEK, is a god who represents the primordial darkness, and the duality of day/night bringer
8. It should be "Shadilay", in the same vein as "aloha" to mean both hello and goodbye.
Kevin Perry
> implying Jesus wasn't some communist whose bible was only useful to monarchs looking to create validity for the rule by claiming they were an extension of the one (((true))) god