Any Sandniggers/Muslims on Sup Forums?
Any Sandniggers/Muslims on Sup Forums?
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why would you want THEM here?
Because THEY are better than (((them))).
It's pretty clear that they post on here.
Less worse.
I'm a Russian Muslim.
So not a shitskin.
im berber and arab i was born in morocco what do u want
When did you come to the US?
From Southern Russia?
>muzzies are better than jews
they're just as bad
the lefties (jews) who ruined my country with all these shitskins made me hate arabs and muslims
Sure but I'm not muslim you nigger please don't assume I'm one of them
Whatever, I don't care. The enemy of the enemy is our friend, even if they are shitskin Kebabs.
Sup cum skin
more opportunities i came when i was 2 years old during bill clinton's presidency im 21 now and working my way up management at a fast food joint
Exclusive pic of you and your bf
But the shitskins want to end (((them))) just as much as we do. They may not be here rightfully, but they still hate the zionists, and for that, they are somewhat a temporary ally.
I say we completely "gut" Israel and allow all the refugees to go back to THEIR rightful land of Palestine.
So your parents came here when you were young?
What state do you live in and did your family go there as soon as they arrived or did they move between the state.
Islam will rule the world inshallah.
currently live in VA i used to live in NC we arrived at JFK airport i have family in NC florida and ohio i think
Yeah that's pretty much what I thought happened haha.
Half Arab ex Muslim here.
My grand-grand father was a Syrian Shia who came to Argentina during 1920's escaping the Muslim society.
He baptize his son, my grand-father, as Catholic and teach him to hate jews.
Sounds based.
They are, he and my grand-mother support Hitler in public.
When I was a kid I always hear them say that Nazism is the best option, etc.
My grandmother and grandfather were the same way. Left Damascus to escape religious persecution (they were Catholics) and always hated muslims and jews.
I get very annoyed when assumed to be a Muslim kek
muslims are just failing jews
btw, when do you not even NIGGER tier shit skinned pedophile goatfucking bacon hater learn that there is no difference between a yid and a towel head for KeK sake
Yeah... Same thing but with Shia instead... I think everyone who isn't Sunni from the Middle-East face that.
Also, my family also came from Damascus but others were from Lebanon
I actually want to visit Damascus, I hear that is a great city. (And the oldest)
They're easier to deal with when you have a few just shooting places up. Some die, it's real fucked up, but they're not the real enemy that needs examined.
Get rid of the (((vermin))) and you don't get media pushing refugees.
Get rid of the (((vermin))) and you don't bend to Israel anymore, allowing the Kebab to return to Palestine.
The enemy of the enemy is our friend. Let's not get too fucking ahead of ourselves.
you decide subscribe ok pajeet my son
if u dont subscribe i will hack you account pajeet
shitskins and muslims are degenerate
muslims and islam needs to be wiped of this earth, it's not made for our modern times
shitskins are subhumans, they think with their penis
>Yeah... Same thing but with Shia instead... I think everyone who isn't Sunni from the Middle-East face that
Yes. Sunnis are the ultimate evil in the middle east.
>Also, my family also came from Damascus but others were from Lebanon
Me too kek. Very strange because most Lebanese and Syrians hate each other now after the war in Lebanon. My grandfather was Lebanese even though he grew up and lived in Syria.
>I actually want to visit Damascus, I hear that is a great city. (And the oldest)
I've never been there but my dad has and he said it was amazing. Too bad a country with such rich history is getting destroyed man it really sucks. I almost lived there because my dad like the country so much when he visited he tried to convince my mom to move there. Thank fucking God that didn't happen kek
>Chechen with straya proxy
How delightfully trash
>But the shitskins want to end (((them))) just as much as we do.
wtf i luv mudshits now
>Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Not denying their degeneracy, I'm just saying it's a diversion. We can't have 12 enemies at a time, but one. If the Kebab can be a useful idiot against the Israelites, then we can use any help we can get.
Useful idiots are useful. Especially when they surround the enemy's "homeland."
I'm a hijabi, sup
I see what you're saying, it's a great idea my dude
but what am I suppose to do...
just let the muzzies do their thing in my home country?
I want to exterminate them and THEN deal with the bosses
>islam needs to be wiped
Then do it.
Muslim, I like the way most Pol/acks are aware of THE enemy we all share. They love shekels more than anything.
You'll never get rid of Islam it is here in Canada and Sweden for good. Just remember the Jews or Gypsies.. they arrived in the west 1000s of years ago and were new removed. We won't be either but we also won't stay tiny minorities either you Eurocucks no longer have your own children en mass.
>it is here for good
Most Sup Forums posters are morons lmao. No depth.
but since they're so emotional I think they're one big crisis away from getting to international socialism. Just need to get some shouty youtube men.
Absolutely don't let them in. That's what the Jewies want, they want them to infiltrate our homelands so they have less resistance to their own homeland in the Middle East.
We must reject the Muslims from entering, and send them back to the Middle East to fight their real holy war against Israel. We must stop defending Israel against them, and we must stop getting involved in the ME on their behalf unless we want more airplanes in our buildings.
Let them do our bidding against the bosses.
This sounds made up, but this is what I was told. My grand father and his father are somewhat local legends in my father's home town Halhul in Palestine.
My great grandfather was the protoge of some infamous arab assassin. He was forced to carry a huge ass radio on his back for the dude and they both helped fight off the turks with the brits in beer sheba in ww1.
My grandfather was a British soldier and a double agent for the arab revolutionaries in palestine in the 30s and 40s. He was a trained marksman but his job was to guard the armory and drive supply trucks. He was the best of the weapons smugglers in Hebron at the time and he regularly stole from the brit's and gave the guns and munitions to the rebels. I'm told he regularly assassinated his commanders and actual arab betrayer after dark. He's best known for evading an entire British search operation for 2 weeks by hiding in a dry well after he bludgeoned 2 of his fellow British soldiers to death with a wrench in broad day light after they stopped one of his neighbors kids from getting water from a well they were gaurding. Rumor is there are hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of British ww2 arms behind the walls of my grandmother's house. I've only seen the Bren mk 2 he kept.
Man that's fucking awesome
Sup senpai
Praise Allah