Germany more like GerNOmoney


ITT: gerNOmoney gets told pay debts

pay debts

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can we pay you in migrants?

>tfw people say it's a good thing to be allied to America

How true is this? I don't buy this for a fucking second. They have to be lying. How are they lying?

What debts? Germany doesn't have to commit 2% GDP to defense until 2024. Also it's not like this is the mob and we're offering protection to Germany to extort them. MAybe that's how Trump runs his casinos.

pay debt
>Also it's not like this is the mob and we're offering protection to Germany to extort them.
That's exactly what this is. What did you think? America World Police? We're still better than Russia or even Germany's current rulers.

Do not worry you'll be compensated for. We'll enrich you with migrants. I been told that they're more valuable than gold.

>America's global protection racket

We're the laughingstock of the world. Trump is Yeltsin tier. Say goodbye to American hegemony, now Russia, China, and Europe(Germany) will be competing for influence now, they have competent leaders.

I remember when Greece had excuses to.

>Germany doesn't have to commit 2% GDP to defense until 2024
You realize that the agreement of the Wales summit is not legally binding and that Germany can spend whatever the fuck she deems appropriate, yes?

Well they haven't payed yet and they just hate us more for giving them money

Wait are we the america of Europe? Everyone hates us even when give them money and we are hated even more if we just ask for it back

Fuck I want guns now at least.

if you send over the few traditional christian german cuties you have left, we'll go ahead and wipe the debt away

>delusion, the post

>You realize that the agreement of the Wales summit is not legally binding and that Germany can spend whatever the fuck she deems appropriate, yes?
And NATO can also be freely dissolved, it's not a pact for life.
Not like the Russians are our concern...

>Occupies country
>Forces them to pay for the occupation
This is cartoonishly evil, but I like it

If migrants were worth money, would Turkey threaten with them as biological weapons?

Even less of a reason for this ridiculous stunt.

You seriously think the world isn't looking at this reality show style stunt and WTFing?

>Germany doesn't have to commit 2% GDP to defense until 2024

Also, any money "owned" would be towards NATO (even though it doesn't work like that), not towards the US, which has no claim on that money.

where is Greece? this is fucking hilarious


desu, if Russia invaded Germany and installed a right-wing puppet government it would be a massive improvement over Merkel and the jew

Honestly I am scared.
America and Russia get along again.
Everyone hates us Germans again.

Anyone else seeing WW3 coming? Only this time we are already occupied and we will be the ones getting genocided.

I secretly hope so. It would be the greatest catalyst for a EU army.

That's not to mention the €500 billion still owed in compensation to Israel for property stolen or destroyed in the war.

The Israelis wrote it off a long time ago of course---they accepted an insulting settlement from West Germany, and got nothing from the GDR.

Realistically, the US will never going to see the money. Germans only expect debts to be honored when the debts are to Germans.

The right thing to do is to cut them loose and force them to start treating Russia like a business partner and not a rebellious colony.

60% white

yes, amerifats nignogland is glorious

Better not vote in Schultz then


i dont see a problem, russia stronk is a meme, we killed 20 mil of them last time.

>That's not to mention the €500 billion still owed in compensation to Israel for property stolen or destroyed in the war.
Oy vey! That lampshade was damaged! It was a rare item! Worth at least $6 million! Also it was my cousin!

Well who can I vote?
If we vote AfD you are going to nuke us.

Again. You get along with the russians again. You HATE us. The worst thing we can do right now is vote far right. You would have an excuse to kill us.

Just lay down your arms and let Putin liberate you

The only competent member of this administration is the Sec of Defense, Mattis, that makes me rest a little easier. But ultimately Trump has the final say. I honestly wouldn't be upset if a coup happened to take place.

Stop being a baby and vote AfD. Nobody is going to nuke you for voting in a conservative FFS. You can stop being scared of the right-wing boogeyman already. The rest of the world is laughing at how left-wing you've become.

Okay, you take all of ours spics and niggers and we'll call off your NATO obligations.

coup in germany or a coup in america.
Because you guys are so divided I feel like it would lead to a civil war. And I don't wanna see dead americans.

Schultz wants to buttfuck EU countries that follow his brand of sjw socialism. This includes antagonizing the UK for Brexit, that will only polarize relations with us. Don't see how voting ADF will make us nuke you though

No, but you can send us all of your so called "far right" political prisoners.

pay debts

explain this

>Fastforward to 2 month and china is forcing the u.s. to pay it's debt.

>Also Trump doesn't know what defense is.

how fucked is the situation with migrants in Germany? are they everywhere?

>ca-can pay with hand shake?

Germany pay debts

Yeah Schulz is no fucking threat to anyone but Germans.

>And I don't wanna see dead americans
why not?

Nope, they're not even worth 3/5s of a dollar.

Shit, now we need to impound all the Leo 2 panzers we sold to Greece

Because they are great and we are cancer.
If anyone needs to die its germans.

>China forcing the US to pay its debt
Why would China want to sink its own economy, and the world's economy for that matter, like this?

The point
That towel on your head

>pledged in 2014
>to be reached in 2014
>not legally binding
>it's only been two and a half year

Then save your own skin

wew lad


Coup in America. With military support it would be bloodless. We're too pacified.And I could see Mattis holding elections eventually if that were to happen. But this is a half-baked fantasy of mine.

The only germans that need to die are the leftist
But that applies to all of the West

>being on an american website writing in american and shitting on americans

You are retarded. This is why everyone hates us.

I love this man

>voting for a nationalist german party means the US will destroy germany
Dude wtf are you smoking. Are you guys really this cucked as a people?

lol dude it's ok WWII was 70 years ago we forgive you, you don't have to jump.

Because they can.

>Germany's debt will fall to the Muslims who inherit Germany

It's called denbts you mongrel.

And we were just cashing out the peace dividend, you know? You wanted to do as well but you didn't.
But I can already see the next thread where it's about some German rearmament or military research and all the burgers go REEEE again.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

except there's no debt, that's not how NATO works

Yes it is, it's called being a vassal, and Germany is our vassal state. We pay for Nato, they need to pay up what they owe us

Do you not see how history is repeating itself?

You say that now but in a few years you will be piloting a drone to kill some nazis just like your grandfather.
Yeah I am sure they will pay for it. Good luck.

>Kill themselves because they can

>This is why everyone hates us.

I think it was a joke senpai

Two world wars.
You really wanna go for a third and get shit stomped by the rest of the world again?

You killed 15m civilians, Hans. Thats why we castrated you. Savage like you should be on a leash, now pay debts.

Pay denbts Germany.

so you're just cucked as shit than. Enjoy having you and yours raped by the muslim hordes invading your lands

It is you retard, people commit 2% of their GDP to Nato spending as is outlined in the treaty. So far, only Canada, the UK and Romania have been paying what they owe. You faggots in Europe are so fucking entitled, selfish pricks and need to pay your fucking defense debts. Unless, of course, you want us to let Russia take over the place. So fuck off, suck our big burger balls you vassalized pieces of shit.

>Donald Trump LITERALLY invoiced Germany

I repeat: Cuck

We are still occupied by you. There is no going nazi.

You might say "oh but trump won't order them to kill you and stop the nazis" but you have term limits.
You always swing back and forth. So whoever comes after Trump is going to nuke us.

pay denbts

Meanwhile Josef kills 20 million. I guess you're balls are to slippery to castrate.

>that would be a bad result for Humanity.

Kek, reminds me of south park.
"How much is that in pubes?"
"We don't take pubes sir".

It's actually the norm in international law.
The occupied country has to pay the costs for accomodation of the invaders. It's meant to prevent looting.

Trump has completely given in to the establishment regarding foreign policy. Flynn is gone and he retracted his statement on the one-china policy and on NATO. You're still governed by interventionists. Prepare for more regime changes.

> pay us in sports cars, gold and white women
> take an ICBM up the asshole since it would kill millions of your hajis anyway so it's a double win.

Meine Seiten

>Germany has no money left
>forced to cut social benefits and stop giving gibs to Pakis
>they leave
How is this bad

Yes, thats why all educated russians hate Stalin and we have no statues of him, only some busts.

Educate yourself.

But now our allies tolerance is gone, especially with childish stunts like these. Also Bannon is still in Trump's ear.

Yeah, funny how they forget just two months ago they had Obama in office who never missed the chance when he was in Europe to talk about how great diversity is. His obsession was truly bizarre.

Nazism rose as a response to Germany's economy being complete fucking shit after they surrendered in WW1. Germany is significantly more economically prosperous than they were then. Therefore, nazis will not be a thing if you elect a right-winger.

Ah yes, I forgot about the statues of Hitler in Berlin.

Sorry we don't produce any German people here anymore.

>my german gf is becoming a rare now

That's so fucking funny. I love Trump so much.

Soviet propaganda.

>english wiki is a soviet propaganda

Are you kidding. You think someone like Obama would tolerate a nationalist Germany?


>But now our allies tolerance is gone
That's ultimately of no interest. Noone cared about allies for the Iraq war.

Literally everywhere. Been at a friends place in munich the entire last week - it was even in a higher class part of the town. Still, not even half the people there would go through as german in my opinion. I was fucking shocked. THis country is dead.

Nevermind that, my small town in lower bavaria (~10k population) has around 2k refugees now. Funny thing? 60%+ of them are the blackest people I have ever seen. 80% of them are young males.

Everyone here hates it. Would never ever leave my kids alone outside like back in the days. It's much worse than what people are saying. Most german cucks don't even notice anymore. The friend I was staying over at said, fully convinced, after I raised the point of there not being any fucking germans in Munich, that they are germans. They speak german and most are born here. I must be racist if I care about how they look.

>A debt that has no interests and doesn't accumulate if you don't pay

It's more like a donation, really


There's no way Jews ever owned $500 billion in property kek, that's larger than Germany's economy at the time