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What your 60 Minutes comfy food?
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This race mixing combo is absolutely Haram. What do you call this anyway? Burgerinno?
I've tried these and they're overrated as hell.
gross af
if you want comfort food just go for regular but well-cooked junk food (nicely prepared burger etc)
These are fucking horrible.
Scottish munchie box desu
This is why we get made fun of
Any recommended frozen food?
Ugh, what in the world? Who would make that? Who would eat it?
>No actual burger
What's the point
guys where do i watch it live? help me!
No. Learn how to cook.
Spaghettiniggers are white.
Is lamb the best meat on Earth? I feel a strong yes.
Southern italians are niggers
please describe irnbru...I hear so much about it
Its really amazing tbqh, on occasions ill get some from my cousin in salzbury
tbqh it's unparalleled.
Is 60 minutes live? Where can I watch it if it is?
Eat gyros or gtfo!
Combines pork, fries, tzatziki and is served by the descendants of true european thinkers.
Roaches can fuck of with their cheap halal kebab shit. And the pizza burger is disgusting.
why so many 60minutes threads? why are you people obsessed with seeing MSM try to write the narrative.
/ultimate comfy/
What am I looking at exactly, I recognize baked beans, bread, eggs, "canadian bacon? / ham" not sure of the rest
Havent found a good brand of frozen hash browns that I can make as good as fast food hash browns yet
Love comfy threads op.
Just finished a plate of potato skins with cheese chives and sour cream enjoying also some Goose Island IPAs. I have to load a plane shortly so I won't catch the 60 minutes segment live, but you lads have a right comfy time.
Btw, any Sup Forumsacks in Newark airport? I'm buying
A cup of strong tea.
Toasted seed batch bread, butter and marmite.
Auusies will understand. Yanks won't.
Ausbros call theirs 'vegemite'. Same stuff.
I've had both. It kills the Yank.
>so skill
It's kinda like if Coke, Pepsi, and Orange Soda had a baby
ordering some pizza n garlic knots
what time is it at again?
oh sweetie only drumpfkins believe the msm conspiracy thoeries
grilled steak and baked poh tay toe
Not mentioning tea; very unpatriotic. SAD
Spaghettiniggers are Arab/White admixture.
Man.. i lived in Budapest for 2 years.
Chicken Paprikash is so damn delicious.
That and Jokai...
I bought those once, and it was one of the most disappointing experiences in my life.
This. They weren't very good at all to be honest.
Stop eating so much shit or your arteries will become all clogged up by the time you're forty. Believe me, I see it all the time.
m8, I haven't touched a fizzy drink since I was like 12. I only drink water, juice, and mostly always tea.
I make 3.5lbs of grilled chicken cutlets at a time and refrigerate them. Lemon juice, chicken cutlet and peas or carrots, and then a banana or orange.
TFW nobody know about your fav snack
For breakfast I had what I call "The Redpilled Omlette", want ingredients?
Ditch the irn-bru, and add brown sauce.
Irn-Bru is for the fucking SNP rats.
Glaswegians use it if they can't get their smack.
you're completely fucking disgusting.
Is there a place outside /pol for comfy threads? All other boards are in such a hurry to edge.
Bout a half pound of cheap steak with salt, pepper, and habanero pepper. A medium rare/rare. Chocolate/peanut butter protein smoothie. Costs about $2.00 total and is enough calories for half a day.
>what is /r9k/
Link a stream that has actual decent quality please. The Stream2Watch link has some shite quality.
I heard someone say it tastes like slim jims? So its like sausage spread? Or what
Yes this is amazing. Thaw them out and you can put them in salads with balsamic vinagrette, so good.
crayfish are the lobster/shrimp of the fresh waters. so good.
Nah, tried. Just butthurt and condolences.
People aren't mentally stable enough to get comfy.
That shit is disgusting! Only sand niggers eat it here.
>you forgot to tip your fedora you fucking faggot
Dr. Oetker pizza is pretty decent but I myself prefer chicken nuggets. Its in the oven for like 20 minutes, just enough time to cook some rice and after that just throw some sweet sour sauce on that baby, its fucking delicious.
Make sure to add a bit of olive oil, or else it gonna get dry.
Accidentally greentexted that but whatever
>bone app the teeth
What am I looking at exactly, I recognize baked beans, bread, eggs, "canadian bacon? / ham" not sure of the rest
Havent found a good brand of frozen hash browns that I can make as good as fast food hash browns yet
>Hash Browns
>Black Pudding
>Potato Cakes
>Fried Eggs
>Back Bacon
>Baked Beans
>Fried Bread
>Bread Rolls to mop up beans
>Irn Bru
Total of around 2,500 calories.
whats happening?????
It's savoury and salty. On good toast with butter, it's fucking heaven.
It's a waste product of brewing beer. It's essentially brewers' yeast and very healthy.
Even vegetarians can eat it. Americans seem to hate it.
Bongs, Auslanders, Kiwis love it. (usually)
based Belgian pastry
As a food prepper, I have half a dozens of easy comfort foods. Most batches of them, take between 40 and up to 60 minutes, and easily feeds me for 6 to 10 meals. Depending on the meal, they aren't that healthy, but taste is far better, and cost is far lower, than any junk or insta-frozen food shit.
No, really. Learn to cook once, and you will spend less than half the money, for thrice the taste. Fanciest stuff I buy, is good spices - everything else can be low-price grocieries from the supermarket.
true true I always see short fat Muz families load up on frozen shit, also the most terrible cheap candy
Nobody cares you fat ugly pasty faced, pimply virgin blogging your life on Sup Forums.
I feel like physicians and nurses make at least 50% of Sup Forums's posts. just a feeling I have.
>chicken tendies
Your should learn how to bread chicken. It's a lot cheaper and better tasting.
>not cenovis
KYS m8
>sweden literally eats achmeds pizza complete with "special sauce"
Sure looks like a feast fit for you and your wifes son
Got a 6 pack of lagunitas IPAS, some primo medicinal marijuana, and my gf is making tacos/watching it with me. Feels good man
Apparently kek is going to die
Wow, very traditional...
Looks tasty
Stop eating kebab
He gets it
Italian + German = Axis Power Sandwich
>black pudding
My 'merican version is:
Baked beans:
Grits (cooked properly, plenty butter)
Cuban toast if possible
American bacon, crispy, not soggy.
Sausages, crispy edges.
Scrambled eggs not over cooked.
Cuban coffee.
I'ma try and find vegemite though, I'm generally carnivorous so if its savory I'll like it as a thin spread on days where maybe too rushed to cook a lot of meat.
Leftover eggplant parmesan from two days ago.
Yes, olive oil and balsamic. This user gets it too.
Now it needs some pork katsu in it to have its final form
the comfiest boards are honestly /fit/ and /ck/. I spend most of my time there.
/lit/ and /k/ can be comfy too
Actually chicken is fucking expensive in Sweden so I dont actually think there would be any major savings. Although its probably a lot better for your health, who knows what kind of preservatives and shit that they use in the chicken nuggets that I buy.
It's messy af mate how do it easy I'm burger
recipe for homemade sweet and sour sauce 4 tendies? been thinking of trying to re-create mc donald's at home. Has anyone tried this?
>goes to rick wilsons twitter
>60 year old man posting over 40 tweets in one day (today)
>claims relevance
You should publicize the expensiveness of chicken to keep the groids out
>Beans for breakfast
/fit/ is garbage these days though. I spent my first 3 years on Sup Forums there and when I recently went back to check on it I couldnt even recognize it.
So is that like an American child sex slave? A pizzaburger? Is that what that means to the pedos who conceived of this monstrosity?
who cares desu