Sup Forums is Libertarian.
All others suck cock on principle.
Sup Forums is Libertarian
Average IQ in San Francisco (where people voted for Hillary): 160
Average rural and suburban IQ (where people voted for Trump and Bernie): 85
Wrong. This is a natsoc board, and shame on you for deadwood and snake references in conjunction with being such a cucked faggot
Awww....did mommy buy your first pair of Doc Martens?
Both wrong this is a Christian board.
Sort yourselves or may god have mercy on on
Is this bait?
Wut? You're not good at this
Libertarian Here.
This is an absolute load of baloney.
What about roads?
authoritarian calling an an-cap a cuck
can't make this shit up f-am
Why do so many libertarians contract autism?
Or rather why do so many autists contract Libertarianism.
Is it really that cancerous an ideology?
How do we deal with the LQ(Libertarian/autist Question)?
I propose throwing them out of helicopters.
Kys lolbertarians are a fucking joke. There are no libertarian societies for a good reason and there never will be. Discussing Nozick at university has very little to do with what goes on in the real world. Also, this is not a "insert a -ist och ism here" board. This is a board of peace in service of Kek. Lurk more faggot.
>this newfag
ancaps are authoritarian cucks too, they just replace the state with landowners and corporations
Authoritarians, ridiculous no matter the side.
>le evil corporations
>le evil state
>le corporations are good guys
Holy shit sweden, I know you got here around election season but please stop trying so hard.
I'm a gay Nazi, so...
Paleolibertarianism is Linked with tradional Catholicism both in philosophy and by advocates. There is no contradiction
>the state are good guys that look out for you
Oh look, another lolberg thread
>obestity, mass immigration, feminism, pedophilia, and usury are ok because at least i still have my NAP
Do you get dental with that?
nice try, pal
>freedom is bad
>he needs a daddy figure in his life
oh,'s canada
American National Socialists need to move to Europe honestly. I like free markets and freedom in general, cucks need not apply
How so? I'm interested. I was always under the impression that Catholics leaned more towards socialism
Sup Forums is a meeting point of national socialists, libertarians, nationalists and capitalists, against the anarchist, the marxist and the globalist.
underage b&. come back after you're done with puberty
Sup Forums is and always has been a Scientology board.
nah mate pretty sure its a zoroastrian board in service of ron paul
>what is crony capitalism
>what is lobbyism
This is correct. Been coming to Sup Forums for over a decade. Sup Forums has always been a natsoc board.
>le corporations are better than state, even though you can't replace anyone higher up in the corporation through voting.
>a beneficial society is bad.
If you tried a lolbertarian society these days we would be worse off because of the kikes.
>comparing the amount of influence a corporation has with the influence that a government has
>thinking your vote matters
>For over a decade
There was no Sup Forums in 2007 newfag.
Return to stormfront and neck yourself.
>Believes he has free markets right now
holy shit Sup Forums would be awesome if the official religion was Church of the SubGenius
how do we meme this into reality
>Underestimating the brainwashing they do through mass media and all the bullshit chemicals in fast food wasting society away.
>Not understanding that bringing society up through a higher learning standard and not pandering to blacks in our school system we can actually achieve a better society and one that will actually vote more informative.
There was Sup Forums faggot, he didn't say Sup Forums. I hope the McPolice will send you to the gulag.
>shitty school system and brainwashing
and who the fuck do you think does this? it's the government.
Catholic theory on Natural Law and subsidiary is the foundation of paleolibertarian.
Even classic catholic economics are extremely free market in substance. So much so that Murrary Rothbard the founder of Anarcho-capitalist called the scholastics proto-austrians. The Scholastics were the first to determine that "fair market price" was simply what what 2 parties agreed upon. They defined price gouging as morally acceptable on both philosophical and economic and raged against forced inflation as a tax.
Culturally too Rothbard, himself an athiest( who was expected to convert to Catholicism before is untimely death) called the Catholic Church the pillar western civilization.
Many of Rothbard successors in Paleolibertarianism/paleoconservatisism/ancap are themselves Tradionalist Catholics
For a good starter books on the relation between the Church and libertarianism (not the big "L" beltway kind) read "The Church and the Market" by Tom Woods and "Free is Beautiful" by Randy England
yeah and Sup Forums itself wasnt natsoc back then either nigger, that was a year after chanology and it was mostly just trolling for the sake of trolling, that included nigger and swastikas but it did not include natsoc ideology
even Sup Forums didnt start off natsoc
>that bait
dumb faggot. Read my post again and get back to me.
Nobody said the entirety of Sup Forums was natsoc you dumb ass nigger.
>people actually fell for the Sup Forums is satire meme
This is how normies rationalize staying on Sup Forums.
>mum I'm posting swastikas ironically xD
We refuse to have a disciplined society. Do you realize the cultural impact our society would have if we went libertarian right now? The rise in crime? The obesity rate? We would be worse off, and its already bad. Historical buildings would decay as well.
Heh, nice try kid.
Anyone with half a brain can see its satire
This redpilling that everyone keeps talking about hardly ever happens desu
Its more prevalent in the U.S, trust me. Europe might be eternally fucked, sadly.
>>what is crony capitalism
literally just capitalism
No clue what this reply means
U.S Redpilling = Yes.
Europe Redpilling = Not enough for significant impact.
Sup Forums has always been frop for the normies