How bad do you think the 2020s will be?
How bad do you think the 2020s will be?
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good for the jews, bad for everyone else
Make Fascism Great Again.
well hopefully like this
Civilwar like.
Fuck land, metals and cars, buy ammo, guns and drugs
it will be extremely chaotic. climate change, wars, famine, mass migration, white genocide. kek will give you a hundredfold of what you asked
Praise that freakin god of chaos in the form of a frog. Great times ahead, great times. Nobody will get tired of winning, except those whoes ride will end.
Anyone else wants to go back to the 90s/00s?
Things are only getting worse.
Kanye will be our prezzi
India will be a superpower and have a great empire.
Every day. I can't stop thinking of the past now. Even the early 2000s were a party compared to now.
I have no hope for the future. I know the 2020s are going to be even worse than this decade.
> pic unrelated
Depends if a uniformed war begins, and how many countries are involved.
If none, i would say we will be doing a bit better and Europe will be doing worse.
>2020 olympics
>mass media spergfest on Japan's lack of diversity
>During olympics, crime rate in Japan will skyrocket
>Japan won't take it, start strict policing against the niggers
>Debates arise surrounding diversity and its negative effects
>Japan olympics will be the first domino to fall within the 20s
it gets worse
>Mediocre terror attacks in EU continue up until mid 20s
>Norway become more hostile towards acceptance of migrants
>Sweden is being crushed, receiving no help
>Germany begins to accept the mistakes it has made
>Mass riots within migrant communities refusing to leave / accept lower gibs
>UK is steady as a tortoise, no major economic changes
then it happens
>New US president shall be EXTREMELY liberal
>Chaos ensues
>Sup Forums is shut down
>censorship & minority propaganda hits breaking point
>gun crime rises due to mass clashes
>US goes to a vote in favour of disarming its citizens within the 20s, met with huge resistance
>fire and car bombs
>shit will hit the fan
the 20s will suck. Prepare yourselves for war - get fit.
>mfw armchair politicians have been shilling this belief because India is one of the only nations with positive views towards Israel
Here you go.
This vid was made about 8 years ago. It may have seemed fanciful to many at the time but we are rapidly heading down this road.
Enjoy your future.
Eurabia will happen or EUSSR
An alien decade consisting only of pain
A continued escalation of racial conflicts and the continued decline of civilisation
I think the 2020s will actually be the best decade for exposing the jews, removing kebabs, and bombing mudslimes, and the best year for non-retarded humans in general. Fashion will be A++++ too.
he fu se
I'd probably wager it's going to have a massive happening akin to one about a hundred years ago.
>it will be extremely RANDUMB. climate hoax, "wars", (((famine))), (((mass migration))), white memecide.
yeah sorry I ain't buying it
An endless stream of niggers to Europe
Will the European Union disappear in the 2020s?
I think that maybe not disappear but it will be a reduced EU.
>changing demographics and economic austerity
>ecological collapse and habitat loss will lead a significant rise in food prices
>Advances in missile defense will slowly make intercontinental nuclear war obsolete, radically changing geopolitics in a way not seen since the end of ww2. We will return to a multipolar world. Nations will engage in high tech, conventional warfare that will be fast, lethal and look awesome on your 10kp 3D tv.
>luckily for us molecular computing will make for even cooler vids and media
we are in for a rough ride boys
>Imagine the amount of degeneracy that emerges, somehow even worse than now
>Popoulation convinced that black migrants in Sweden will eventually evolve into white super Nordics
>Britistan, Swomalia, etc
>American schools have like maybe 30% whites left, most of the white population ageing
>the amount of immigrants in london reaches critical levels
>large groups of blacks and muslims roam the streets 24/7 with their only objective being to commit crime and enforce sharia
>all kinds of people from shopkeepers to policemen find themselves being threatened or even assaulted on a regular basis
>this finally forces the last white families to leave london around the same time the royal family vacates buckingham palace for "safety" reasons
>with no more white people, the immigrants demand that the police leave their communities
>as expected the fuzz ignore all calls from these neighbourhoods
>crime rate goes through the roof, police stations are broken into and officers are killed
>even though the vast majority of immigrants support the brutality, some plead with the barely-functioning london assembly to restore order
>the army then steps in and demands that all sharia organisers must leave the uk permanently
>pakis fail to meet a compromise
>government demands the police and army respond to sharia areas
>the few white areas of london begin to break away and form independent towns and villages
>neighbouring cities step in to support these new communities with defences, the government's inability to control illegal weapons because of the riots means that there is a near 100% ownership rate of guns
>meanwhile in londonistan, everything goes from shit to detroit-tier
>lumumba, mugabe and idi amin style revolutionaries make a reputation in the city
>word gets around that the city is so poor because when the white communities broke away they took the wealth and the public services
>gangs of pakis trying to nig whites on the streets
>one stand your ground incident here, another there
>eventually the dindus organise into a revolutionary mass
>pillage through white communities
>whites stand their ground en masse
>race war has begun
It will be the decade when things fall apart.
lmao. You cucks are hilarious. Your fantasies are right funny. Only thing going to happen in the US is America getting great again. Europe is fucked sure. But the US is secured by the number of weapons we have. US will NEVER vote in favour of disarming its citizens, we aren't euro cucks. The second they try to take our weapons, is the second they lose control of their country. They will never make the grab. There will never be another Extremely "liberal" president at least not for another 40 years.
People thought you would never have a nigger as president
>implying things aren't currently and haven't been falling apart since the 1950s
wtf are you talking about? America is on the road to redemption you faggot. We are the only beacon among a sea of shit. If you honestly think thing are going to get worse you aren't paying attention.
Race war before 2030
Don't worry and think so far ahead, live your life until you're still young.
He was mullatto you faggot get your facts straight. His mother was white. His father was black. And NO only idiots thought they'd never put a mixed man in office. It was the perfect strategy to insure that it will NEVER happen again. He has ruined the chances for any liberal or black for the next half century at least. The pendulum is swinging back in America. You guys are too far gone I'm afraid. Eurofags are on the way out. You guys gave up the one insurance policy that would have prevented whats coming your way. Your right to bare arms. Your pretty much just glorified slaves at this point. So I suggest you prepare you buttholes for sharia law and start praying towards mecca. Because that's your future. At least until we come save your faggot asses AGAIN.
Hopefully I'll be married to my girlfriend and have some land. Got my life savings in a stock and I need it explode this week. Grant me good fortune.
Man I fucking loved that greentext
If it's bad I'll just move to Japan on South Korea. Asians seem to love me.
I honestly think MidWest America and east Asia will be the safest places. Alaska included.
You guys are all super pessimistic... Come on, it's gonna be lit.
They won't grab for guns. People who own guns can keep them. They will grandfather it in. No one else can buy guns. You can't pass guns down to your children. Then the populace is completely unarmed without resistance in 50 years. I honestly hope they make a grab though so shit hits the fan.
Look OP, you won't be happy without Jesus, same as always. I wish it were complicated enough for your deterministic mind to accept, but it's just not.
I know, I can picture myself watching the burning apartment blocks at night as I take a break from scavenging for any leftover cans of food
I've done a lot of fucked up shit in my life.
Does Jesus forgive all?
Once the crowds of refugees in 'Children of Men' seemed science-fictional, far future, but you can see that in Greece or Italy today, I'm sure.
>Based ameribros see the light
Thank you. I get why the eurocucks are down though, their entire worlds are litterally being shit down the tubes by their betters. And they have no means to stop it. Granted its their fault for giving up their guns but still Its kinda sad to watch. Only kinda though, its mostly hilarious. Any Eurostock worthwhile would have already made plans to come to america and await the great reconquering of Europa to be honest. Thats the real future anons. Europe will be over run and destroyed and then America like a great glorious tide will wash over it and free the lands of Europe and recolonize. Cleanse the earth of all degenerate filth. And the STARS! Its going to be glorious.
> /your/ future
Why, where are /you/ going to be?
Hell no faggot you done fucked up for life
I would rather not think about it
Sometime in the 2020s America will experience a crisis that will become a major turning point for its current politics, climate and culture.
The Fourth Turning happens every 80 or so years and the past events have been catastrophic (American Revolution, Civil War, WW2). You can only imagine what the next event will hold in store for you
Its an inevitable cycle
>no one else can buy guns
>doesn't know about the ghost gunner
>doesn't know about the arms revolution that is currently taking place
>doesn't know Americans know how to make guns and will never unlearn that.
>thinks liberal cities make America America, doesn't know the Real America.
bruh, the guns aren't going anywhere. No matter what they try. You can't un pandora's box this one. They'll have to kill damn near everybody. And they'll still fail. They will continue to try and dumb us down and fail at that. They are failing at every turn here in America. The writings on the wall America will be made great again.
The issue is every generation gets more bluepilled. (((they))) still own mainstream media, education music etc. They've hijacked some of the most influncial culture in our country and until the root of the problem is removed, the long game remains in their favor. Also disproportionate amounts of immigration is also an issue. It's really just been white people scraping by to hold things together while everyone else votes against our interests
I'll see you niggas in hell.
That's triangle theory though. Where there is conflict another has prosperity, like what happened to the Swiss. They were all fucking farmers before the war. WW2 was a windfall for them. Move to the opposite corner of the conflict before it starts.
People are tunning out MSM and dropping out of their bullshit schools. This is only the beginning. The future is bright. (((they))) don't hold all the cards and people are waking up to (((their))) control. Its only a matter of time before we retake our place. Things are looking up for us man. At least in America. Again Europe is fucked until we reclaim it. But This Hemisphere is straight.
An extreme economic crisis dwarfing that of 2008 will happen later this year / early next year - most countries will see GDP rates of -5% or less for at least two years.
If we can make it through that without a major global war, then I believe that the future will look brighter - people will rise up and realise that the only solution is to get back on a sound monetary system; a movement will arise which exposes fiat currency to the masses and it will take ahold of the establishment too quickly for them to be able to react.
Yeah. It's hard not to be pessimistic, I'm in King County (Seattle area in Washington State). It's probably one of the most liberal in the country. It's hard here not to be blackpilled if you aren't bluepilled. Hopefully I'll get out of here one day. Keep hanging on Ameribro user. Well make it to the promise land
>all these Americans who are unaware that spics and niggers are set to demographicly replace us in the next 20-30 years
If America goes through a crises its felt around the world since they're now the superpower.
If they decide to launch a war or go through a revolution, I don't see any countries benefiting from this.
China would fucking collapse
This user gets it. Americans have independence and firearms in their blood, collective memory, and written down in their fucking constitution. There are three guns for every person in the US. Ghostgunner only accelerates this proliferation. Rural populations own the most firearms, are most skilled in their use, and most likely to resist globalist and city-slicker overreach.
Now do you get why they are importing millions of brown people? They've got NO chance unless they can change the demographics. As long as we've got whites willing to go guerilla in the mountains freedom will likely endure on this continent for a long time.
A lot more nonwhites using nigger vernacular like this nonwhite
Either a white chimpout or the official nail in the coffin
It wouldn't be an overnight proclamation of disarmament. It would be slow creeping restrictions that add up over time to the point where firearms are so heavily restricted that the right to have them is essentially gone. They'll do it slowly so that anyone making a stand against it can be denigrated as overreacting. Sometimes I wish the government would go too far so we can have a revolt and show them that it's the people running this show. That was how it was supposed to be from the start and it's one of the reasons we have the right to bear arms. I think the founding fathers would be absolutely disgusted by the state of the nation today. They'd probably start a revolution themselves if they were here.
>Believing that the problem is spics and niggers
So what? As if thats not reversible. As if we can't fix that in a few generations. As if and intellgient rulling class won't manage them once (((they))) are removed. You guys get to sucked up in (((their))) propaganda. I'll say it again, America is on the way back up. Our problems are minuscule compared to the rest of the world and we still have the best of everything on our side. If you are affraid of demographic problems just wait until the whites from Europe are forced to flee. The numbers will go back up, granted they will be inferior stock. But I don't think having less white people in america spells the END for whites. Nor does it spell the end for America.
I wish I could remember the author. Bbut basically he gave examples throughout history about how there are always nations that are born or receive huge benefit from the conflict between the prevailing superpowers. If there's a conflict between US and China, for instance, they both blow there loads and some other country fills the vacuum. Like Alexander vs Persians, Rome was the beneficiary.
>UK is steady as a tortoise
This is where the larping ends
You're so full of migrants already they'll join in the rallys with their muzzie bruhs and you'll have just as many riots as germany
Nigger did you not read what I wrote. You can't disarm Americans. Its not possible. They will never be able to do it. We aren't Europeans. We don't give up Guns. Niggers won't do it because they fear getting lynched by Honkys. Honkys won't do it because they fear Niggers chimping out. Spics won't because they kill each other all the time over drugs and other stupid shit. You keeps implying that "they will slowly disarm us" no nigga, its not gonna happen. Maybe in your liberal city shit holes. But who the fuck care about those. A few well placed explosives or 50 cal rounds to electric grid infrastructure and those places will kill themselves. America is and will always have guns, will keep guns, and will love guns. Its not happening here faggot.
> demographic problems just wait until the whites from Europe are forced to flee
> EU is sinking ship
> everyone is brainwashed in school and uni by marxists
> no one bats an eye at terror attacks and importing millions of barbaric people
> economy is shit
> automation is coming, so a fuck ton of low skill jobs will cease to exist, meaning that all the illiterate monkeys from africa and other sandnigger countries will have to rely on gibs
europe will stop being a nice place in 15-30 years or even sooner.
I kind of hope I won't be around for it. I don't want to live very long. I get depressed thinking about 2040 onward. It just seems to futuristic to me.
Fuck you Sup Forums I was fine being bluepilled being filled with this propaganda thinking everything is fine. Know anytime I think of the West I see a people digging their own graves without even realizing it.
Why cant you go back after taking the redpill?
I'll be retired in thirty fiveish years, why should I care?
you can't think about the 2020s if won't live to see the 2020s
*insert smiling black guy with his finger on his head here*
this nog understands
non burgers get fucked
Let's make it that way.
>why cant you go back
You made a choice.
I guess there will be even more unattractive illegal mexicans farting around than there already are.
black people have been consistently around 13% for a long time
Not as bad as we were expecting, but the mass migrations attending the evacuations of Bangladesh and Florida will put heavy strain on the neighbouring states. Alex Jones will devote most of his shows to wild conspiracy theories in which he claims that the Tabbies are a hoax put together by the EU to discredit Russia - there is no such thing as aliens, only Satan wearing a costume. The English pound and dollar will be roughly at parity - £6 = €1. The Scottish pound will be €1.22. The President of Nigeria will build a new palace. On the moon. Uber, Lyft, and Facebook will be bankrupt. Immigration to Alaska and Siberia will be high, with the attendant whines ('whites to become a minority in Alaska by 2022! DO SOMETHING!' from the usual suspects. Le Pen will be dissolved after they are caught planning a false flag nuclear attack on France.
Pick any post apoc film, or any bigguy movies
US posters should have a state ID.
Alabama or Wyoming.
It's easy to pick on little Evropa countries.
"Grab SKS and go innawoods" kind of bad.
That's kind of redundant don't you think?
Yeah, we're gonna get so fucked, our murder rates might even reach 1/3 of what you currently have.
Don't forget the truth that triggers you:
Germany homicide rate: 0.7
Sweden homicide rate: 1.1
US homicide rate: 4.9
Sep 23rd is the midpoint. After that you're gonna have a bad time.
So what is this shit I've been reading, apparently stockpiling weapons, body armor, food, and medical supplies puts you on a watch list and you can't get on flights anymore. Plus the government can confiscate anything deemed a stockpile at any time. What a bunch of shit, how'd they get away with passing these laws? So much for land of the free if being prepared for hard times makes you a criminal.
The boomers will retire so that will free up some positions.