Be honest, does anyone here consider blacks to be human..? And if yes, do I have to treat them with respect?
Be honest, does anyone here consider blacks to be human..? And if yes, do I have to treat them with respect?
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n/a (but no)
You treat everyone with respect until they don't deserve it.
Using that model that uses specialty make up to make her the blaquest
That's.... not real, is it?
I want to see what her pussy looks like
No I don't.
Depends on the region.
Western/American/European blacks: Human
South African blacks: Human
Central African blacks (Rwanda, Congo, etc.) Nonhuman.
what did he mean by this
Wtf is that photoshop
holy shit which country is that from
>blacks human
Not in the same sense that Europeans, Asians, and Amerinds are human.
you don't "have to" do anything, but going out of your way to disrespect is a waste of energy
Do you have any pictures of these nonhumans?
I would fuck that chocolate milkshake
Depends entirely on the actions of individual blacks, but given their present and history as cultural failures and subservient every single time they come in contact with other races, it's entirely justifiable to place the burden of proof on them.
Just look up Congo War on google.
You will see what I mean.
blacks are human, but abos aren't
would love to have a qt black servant desu
I consider blacks to be human, yes.
You don't have to treat them with respect, but doing so can be in your best interests and the best interests of your group if you are intelligent about it. This covers both the short- and the long-term.
Are you human? You may have high IQ but that dedication to be a pervert clearly shows that you clearly are not a normal human being.
You say indivudual blacks but they literally consider themselves all related to each other, as cousins or brothers. Is that just pack mentality similar to what silverbacks exercise as a means of survival?
>Don't have to treat with respect
Uhhh was this what you meant?
>Canadian PM
Yes, they are human. The different species of humans were genetically engineered for different purposes and seeded at different places and times.
I'll leave it to you to figure out what black humans were optimized for.
>every single "attractive" nigger is just a nignog with european facial features but with dark skin
They are sub-human, but that is no reason to treat them cruelly.
Well, technically, yeah.
Possibly the most uncivilized places in the world are in central Africa. Rape, war, murder, and cunts yelling about how god told them to rape little kids.
>Would I have to respect them?
If you're a piece of shit, no not really. You can rationalise why you want to be seen as shitty being all you want, really.
I have no problem with people who feel like they have to put others beneath them. That's not for me to deal with in the end.
If it conveniences you somehow then go ahead
Monkey tricks, murder, and viral population multiplication?
>>every single "attractive" nigger is just a nignog with european facial features but with dark skin
More non-white women have "european facial features" than do white women.
btw I'm black
there are two types of blacks
>western blacks
>equatorial blacks
one group is human the other is not
I kind of get the sense of cuckholdry behind this post.
The non-ghetto ones are
the former first lady is a tranny
fuck her and her tiny artificial penis
Niggers are not human, but they are humanoid.
If I were to kneejerk then I would say No, you do not treat niggers like shit anymore than you would treat a stray dog like shit.
However, if that stray dog snarled at you then you'd kick it in the snout and put it down.
Same principle. However, given their low impulse control and anger management issues, it is best to treat them the way a shepherd treats wolves, as ALL potentially dangerous and react to them accordingly.
Oh hello, how are you doing amidst this sea of racial discussion? I wont blame you for the treyvons. My question for you is why in your opinion isn't there brotherhood among whites like there are blacks? Care to comment?
>I kind of get the sense of cuckholdry behind this post.
That's an interesting dilemma.
>blacks are non-human animals, therefore we don't have to treat them nicely
>lol gooks abuse non-human animals, how shameful!
I think it was natural tho
Need sauce
what do you mean
Imho, it is better to be violent and aggressive than to be crocked pedophilic fag lovers who have their kids brainwiped and pumped with hormones that turn them into abominations bound for mental collapse and suicide, to get virtue points from society.
Niggers, therefore >>> white westerners
2 types of blacks and brown (coming from a brown person)
Normal blacks and browns are normal people
The gang faggots that do nothing but drink and steal are niggers
You don't respect anyone unless you think they earned your respect
Based fucking leaf!
She isnt even half black.
there are only two genders
but not better then white easterners?
Some are human, some are not.
She's still black.
is how u eat a big mac nibba
Notorious F.A.T.
technically she is Egyptian
Black girls are human, and are even better than white girls. Black men are debatable.
post moar pls
I swear to god this is where evolution is taking us
The blacks all share a common bond and will involve themselves in other peoples business to stick up for ppl of colors. Whites rarely take up actions like this and are seemingly racially asleep. Do you think its because blacks have been oppressed theyre quick to defend one another and their fellow races actions?
I'm gonna go right ahead and say yeah
She's hot, I'd fuck her ass hard but I do not consider them human. Just good to assfuck and dump
Approx. equal
They're a different species. I try to avoid them and keep conversations brief if I have to interact with them.
Well put closing!
black girls tend to be the most left cuck leaning,
I being black, have dated only white girls and only 1 black girl and she was a rare conservative
Agreed but there are limitless manifestations of mental illnesses, as many as cells in the brain i suppose.
Check post number and the first two digits of my ID. Kek is sending a message
keked heartily
Respect is something that is earned, not arbitrarily or inherently given.
Never respect anyone because they tell you to.
Black people are human, niggers are defenetly not worthy of the term "human".
Checked the digets
Off my 200, what disease do you suppose this black specimin has?
>Black people
Pick one, Mehmet.
great nice one thanks for contributing
>nigga does not equal black
?????????kyle wtf??????
How do I unlock this character?
That's an incredibly fair point, Vlad
It's you whiteboys who aren't human, neanderthals. We're here to give all your daughters a taste of this diversity, in every last hole.
Yes and no, you aren't supposed to be compelled to respect anyone you don't want to respect.
Moar digets. Kek has a black girl fetish
Ive gotta admit white girls carrot string their pussy, but black girls want to fuck, and give effortless deepthroat from what ive seen.
You watch way too much porn
I'm a proponent of the white man's burden tbqh. Blacks are less evolved than whites or Asians and need our help to civilized themselves properly. Left alone in the modern world, you can see what they become
my black dick is the size of yo brain and that is my insulting myself
So what you're saying is we need more race mixing.
What the fuck? Blacks are infamous for minding their own business. If they were more likely to stick their neck out for their fellow blacks, Chicago PD Homicide's clearance rate would be a lot higher.
also, blacked porn does not equal real life
they are objectively an entirely different species. i respect them if they deserve it because i know how to act civilized in society
just like with anyone else, only those who deserve it
This is true.
sram te bilo
visit zimbabwe
Absolutely not the same species of "human" as me
I think this poem describes our view the best:
>On the Creation of Niggers.
>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
Hehe i like how you shit on their whole race with that.
It is from the poet H. P. Lovecraft.
>Whores sucking black dick for money represents real life
>believing in the BBC meme
Just go ahead and neck yourself faggot