Why are the republicucks suicidal?
Amnesty is a good id-
top kek
This and the 1965 act single-handedly ruined America.
Sorry for reproducing with the indians though
Who cares if Texas goes blue? Republicans don't need it if they control the rust belt.
Hard to tell which of you put the worst into it
They keep falling for the "natural conservatives" and "bro-tier" memes.
Probably the blame is on us as we created the race as a whole
should have brought women asshole
>LBJ gives some gibsmedats
>Niggers vote 90% democrat forever
>Reagan gives amnesty
>Spics only vote 30% republicans
Why did this happen?
One of the best ways to discourage illegal immigration is to take away their incentives to live in the US.
Just electing Trump has made the crossing fall by 40% in February.
Amnesty would have the opposite effect.
they couldnt do basic math so well
Nah it wasn't logistically feasible to kill them off for you guys. You'd have ended up with an entire continent like South Africa if you didn't shag them.
because republicans dont like illegal immigration
you have to like illegal immigration to get hispanic votes because they all have family that are illegal
dem want them to flood in
the next dem president will tear down trumps wall and grant amnesty
we will see illegal immigration like never before in human history
Can't you just deport all spics?
They would have died of eurasian viruses and bacteria. They fucked immunities into their descendants
Latinos are naturally left-leaning because their independe revolutions were (for the most part) socialist in nature
Because they want big government, free stuff and Spanish language pandering.
No the initial and immediate populations would've been susceptible. Resistance would've been passed along by survivors.
>Why did this happen?
Democrats gives welfare, Hispanics love welfare. LBJ got both niggers and spics, and he will get the democrats any other race that wants gibs.
Reagan was a retard that trusteed democrats. They told him legalize the ones already in, and we will secure the border. He legalized them and got no border control.
The 1960s was the decade democrats guaranteed low IQ votes forever. Until the welfare falls anyways.
>Why did this happen?
Because Republicans said "ok you are here now legally, here is a shovel get to work". That Mexican then heard someone whisper to them and say "That guy is full of shit come here. You don't have to work ever. The government will take care of you just keep voting Democrat".
It wouldn't have been enough as you can see in North America. It wasn't just one virus like polio it was all of the eurasian viruses and bacteria they were quarantined from
The spaniards did bring women which is why south america is what it is
Basically a nice little summary of civic nationalism's failure.
What's funny is that Mexicans are largely Christian and that didn't mean shit.
Judas needs his 30 silver.
Do you really wonder why
Only White people vote conservative.
The only political position that matters today is being White Nationalist. The rest is inconsequential crap because making all White countries permanently brown means the countries will start looking like brown countries.