>Be Swedish
>eat bacon
>go to jail
Be Swedish
>eating haram in front of your esteemed guests
pretty disrespectful desu
leave my bacon alone.
Is Sweden even a country at this point?
> Be filthy kafir
> Disrespect the laws of Allah
> Probably hasn't even paid his jizya
Sad that Sweden is still so tolerant of this, he should have got 50 lashes.
If there are any redpilled Swedes LEAVE SWEDEN NOW, your country cannot be saved, you people cannot be saved, cuckoldry is in your genetics. Leave your country and breed with an anglo or med so your kids aren't cursed with the same subhuman swedish genetics.
Easy there Geert, no need to get upset.
Link and translation please.
Did you look at your own flag before you posted? You can go to jail in canada for "misgendering" someone. The people who are the most keen on proclaiming the death of Sweden are
>Mr just lost the election
>Mr muslim mayor
>Mr fucking leaf
>Mr 60%
How curious, shouldn't you be more worried about your own countries? Next year is the Swedish election, so you still have some time to decide which one of you will be crowned the new top cuck.
Your country is finished
Check flag
1/20th of your population are "refugees"
The first step is admitting you have a problem
I thank God for the first amendment every day.
1/10 of your population are "undocumented"
1/8 of your population are "african americans"
this is exactly why we have the second amendment. it prevents any group of people from being immune to criticism.
Im a leaf but even I think I want to go stick my dick inside hot blonde swedish pussy like all the other sandniggers do. Not fair bro...
Oh so progressive.
1st durp.
At least Rutte allows me to eat fucking bacon in public
The only reason Muslims hate bacon is cause Mohamed was possessed by a pig demon ala Gannon from fucking Zelda.
We are already dead, that doesn't mean we can't laugh at you.
Those africans have been here for 100+ years and its more like 1/30th of the population are undocumented but we are actively working to deport them.
Meanwhile your country is encouraging these people to enter, making up propaganda at the expense of its native citizens and shaming and arresting people who speak out against it.
What can you expect from an Islamic country?
Sweden isn't even a real country. Stop playing this charade.
Sweden confirmed for caliphate shrine.
When New Zealand is more of a country then Canada and Sweden.
The guy who followed Muslims around on the train and waving bacon at them is going to get fined at most, if he's even found guilty which is unlikely.
Meanwhile in your country, people get 13 years in jail for waving a confederate flag. How about that freedom of speech of yours?
Your time will come too. Chinese hoardes will flood your tiny nation. I hope the whites in NZ start having crazy amounts of babies.
It was for waving a gun at people you fucking retard
>Cherry picking
Between some bacon and a flag, unless you're a retard, the former is less harmful than the latter, unless rotten like your people is.
When that day comes gooks will buy my piece of shit land for 6 million bucks, then I can fuck off to a less degenerate country.
Did you even read the article you linked?
I met a Swedish guy recently. I am from Brazil. We started talking about Trump's remarks about no-go areas in Sweden and this guy straight up denied it. I told him that I know that problem very well and it's called favelas. When you take a large number of people from a poverty afflicted area, they tendo to stick together because they share the same language and culture, and have very little skills to develop socially, even with the help from the government, thus the result being a "no-go area." Why are Swedish people even denying this???!
Can we stop with this meme? Netherlands didn't lose. CDA and VVD went full on PVV 2010. Left wing is like 1/3 of the votes.
Right wing won extremely hard.
You chose a convenient time to become concerned with the accurate representation of news articles. They waved the confederate flag and got sentenced to jail, just as the man in the OP ate bacon in front of muslims and got arrested. Obviously neither is the whole story, yet in one of the cases you conveniently choose not to see that.
>in court
Let's hear what he had to say for his defence. I'm sure eating bacon isn't why he's in court.
oh man, amsterdam alone shits all over cuck hole sweden.
>eating bacon in front of muslims is the equivalency of waving a gun at blacks and calling them niggers and making death threats
sweden is truly lost
Maybe the cunt should have just STFU?
So no, you didnt read the article
Its really sad to see how brainwashed swedes are
Right, and OP was totally about the bacon. Gotcha.
Calm your tits and do something
how does one even eat bacon on a train
its not a pocket food
Maybe the muzzle should have just punched or ignored him instead of calling the cops.
eating bacon and calling someone racial slurs is a hate crime
>hate crime
>C R I M E
are you braindead?
I have a question to americans. What will you do when muzzies start breeding like rabbits, get into the tens of millions and you start seeing sharia zones in the US, halal food in schools and most of all THEY TAKE AWAY YOUR BACON cuz it is haram?!
probably had a breakfast sandwich with bacon
> Next year is the Swedish election, so you still have some time to decide which one of you will be crowned the new top cuck.
>Suggesting any country might challenge Sweden other than Germany
Why are 'Nordics' the ultimate untermensch?
you understand this will actually never happen? muslims were vilified after 9/11, there is a deep hatred for muslims in our country, especially middle easterns. and they KNOW that themselves and they accept it. muslims / middleeasterns in america will never be able to accomplish what you just said.
Maybe he shouldn't have done it then?
Bacon is an everywhere food faggot.
yeah, and maybe he shud also stop having sex out of wedlock because it's haram, maybe he shud stop eating pork altogether because it's haram. maybe he should even stop being christian and take up islam as his religion.
you give muslims an inch, they will take your entire country. you should know this, sadiq.
I can still eat bacon wherever I want fagget.
that's not a very sound argument. If you're trying to claim your country isn't trash why are you deflecting so hard?
I think you're innately furious at the state of your country and the level of cuckoldry that is oppressing you, so you lash out here because if you lashed out anywhere else you'd be socially crucified.
It's okay to be upset. Multiculturalism is one hell of a doozy
The Chinese love pig.
A pig he fucked laughed at his tiny, tiny penis once. That's why he moved on to toddlers.
why are you in Germany?
>Sweden is so cucked, eating pork near a muslim is a crime
Goddamn even we dont cater to our shitskins like that.
At least Sven is getting mad, its a good first step here.
can you please explain in more detail. or have a link
I wanted to save you when I read your first post out of consideration for fellow man but now it's clear you just need a good nuking
Sharia for Sweden when?
This wasn't the first time he did it. He probably brought the bacon for this specific purpose and knew there would be muslims on this particular train (lots of immigrants in märsta). I'm guessing he's an alcoholic.
Yup. Even in the most liberal hellhole (SoCal resident) that shit would never happen.
>nuking sweden
why waste valuable resources when they're killing themselves from the inside out? let the swedes be birthed out, THEN nuke
Sweden yes
Sweden is going to be Islams #1 staging front when we go to Holy War. It's just going to be libby countries fighting proxy wars for the muslim population. We're going to be fighting 2 armies, the cucked armies of the EU and the the muslim residency.
Might as well clear it out before they completely colonize and normalize the construction of a World Caliphate
at that point, the entire earth would be covered in ash and like 97% of the human population would be wiped off the face of the earth. nuclear fallout is more dangerous than nuclear warfare itself, it's best to save our nuked until we know the world is truly lost and nukes are our last resort.
the usa has "hate crime enhancements" dum dum
the usa has hate crime enhancements? u trolling?
you'd be surprised with what ppl get away here.
unless ur being sarcastic, i cant tell ahmed.
Poor poor Sweden. We knew thee well
we don't have to literally nuke them. Just a paraphrase for instant genocide
What I'm saying is that while Sweden may be cucked right now, this is going to change quite soon. Meanwhile, Holland, Canada, France and Germany have all blown their chances. They try to grab onto whatever they can to maintain this myth that Sweden can't be saved, when in fact Sweden is the only country that can be saved.
>I think you're innately furious at the state of your country and the level of cuckoldry that is oppressing you
I never denied this. Then again, this is hardly unique to Sweden.
I'm not sure Sweden is even on the same planet as us anymore.
hey man, fuck it, let's nuke them actually. i'd rather die knowing we ended 4 billion lives in a matter of minutes than live seeing a cucked hemisphere
i know a guy like you
he thinks sjws are chill people and that feminism is nothing wrong
thank god you people exist
voting for the same party
expecting change and thinking the jewish run Sweden democrats will change anything ( literally went from : deport all subhuman niggers to - " we can drop the immigration question fi that will allow us to be part of the decision census" )
fuckin niggers are getting votes only for one reason and its not economic growth
you are the reason white women will die and i personally thank you for it
because i fucking hate swedish women
and i hope to god i live to see the day they get to wear a burka
fuck sweden, fuck swedish people
thank god im not a shitty swede
Isn't the Swedish government mostly female? Look at them now
Jesus fuck man, I used to always want to visit Sweden and Scandinavia, then you assholes go ahead and turn your country into Iraq right when I have money saved up and am a grown man.
Damn fuckin' shame, I always thought your history and culture was pretty neat
Nice digits but it seems like a waste. France has Le Pen, they easily have a chance to reverse the cucking. What do you have going for you? and I don't ask that in a condescending manner, I am genuinely curious.
What do you have in your back pocket that will change the fate of your nation?
>Mr 60%
still 15 times the amount of white people in sweden
Not before I give a few commies directions to the afterlife. I'm not going out until I drop some of em
yes they posted a picture of them looking smug at the camera to "mock donald trump"
then everyone made fun of sweden's shitty feminist government because they put on hijabs to visit iran
We have some really stupid state laws that are usually overridden by federal laws here in the USA. There may be a state or two with dumb "hate crime" laws like this but the case is always thrown out due to MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the constitution.
Usually a local news organization will report on it, everyone rolls their eyes and/or laughs at it, and then everyone forgets about it since no one is ever prosecuted.
Is this the case in Sweden or will this guy actually be charged for eating fucking bacon and saying a mean thing?
It's fucking Ganon. One N in the middle.
>Sweden is the only country that can be saved.
quads of truth?
although from what I hear from my friends in eu, sweden is in the worst state, basically the california of europe. while yes, america is also getting closer to being fucked, and canada is sjw paradise at this point, i think sweden wont be able to be saved. it honestly seems like a sinking ship
hopefully as a nonwhite i can go and get some super hot girl from there who thinks she's being 'progressive' then redpill her later
not allowed to kill invading muslims. that's racist
Sweden is turning into a shithole.
i couldn't imagine not ever knowing what bacon tastes like. i don't eat it all the time, but goddamn bacon is some good shit.
>Sharia zones
As soon as that starts happening, we get our CCW permits and use the buddy system to go exploring downtown.
Oh god anyone calling Merkel the leader of the free world makes me cringe so hard. Please tell me those weren't germans. Nobody can be this deluded.
Yeah I'm going to go ahead and doubt this is real.
I know it's funnier to take this guy at his word but nah.
Requesting also
gorsh, this is something
Nah, it's assblasted liberals in the US that don't view Trump as a real leader. So Merkel is their "real" leader.
>When you realise the "racist" comments were simply an unwitting and unintentionally racist attempt at being polite with "wanna bite?".
Oh good.
That means they just want to insult Trump and don't give a fuck about Merkel.
Liberals make me sick. I bet they not absolutely nothing about Merkel.
9/11 made that an impossibility. They would have to wait 100+ years for most of the people that lived around that event to die out for it to be a possibility. People in the US have a natural distrust and disdain for Middle Easterners. It's bad enough that poos sometimes get mistaken as ME and people treat them differently.