The last one capped out... we are poised to seize the memes of production!
A spectre is haunting Sup Forums communism general
The last one capped out... we are poised to seize the memes of production!
A spectre is haunting Sup Forums communism general
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Actually, interesting fact. The Soviets were state capitalist for all but one area of the economy, and that was the agriculture. In the agriculture they actually did go through with an extensive collectivization program, while everything else not collectivize. That's why they were able to keep tank production and the space race going just fine, while their people starved and food production was minimal.
>GIBSMEDAT: Now in ideology form
commie skelatl aesthetic is the best
I need your money to make America great again, user.
Trust me, it'll trickle down.
National Socialism fucks over the bourgeois and feeds the people
Bolshevism fucks over the worker and starves the people (the neo bourgeois it forms remains well fed tho)
The two are inherently incompatible, /leftypol/.
Come into the light and surrender yourself to truth, national socialism is the tenant that all men can go by.
Yeah, nah.
Nah, yeah.
>kill more people than any other form of governance
>cause more suffering than any form of governance
>fail in every single implementation
Basically you're an edgelord or at step 1 of your political understanding.
It's amazing how the German economy under National Socialism improved in every way. Wages went up, business profits went up, unemployment went down, and the GNP grew.
Actually, interesting fact. The Soviets were state capitalist for all but one area of the economy, and that was the agriculture. In the agriculture they actually did go through with an extensive collectivization program, while everything else not collectivize. That's why they were able to keep tank production and the space race going just fine, while their people starved and food production was minimal.
At least I can still buy guns.
Nice airsoft m80
>not posting the superior version
Also, could we actually get a serious discussion in these threads for once?
>"At least I can still buy guns."
>posts airsoft
What did he mean by this?
Nah. And you already posted that, and the fact remains that the population grew and famines ended after collectivization.
>argument is literally tfw too smart 4 u without producing anything
>further realize that this is what the left is: they want all the benefits of what others produce without producing anything themselves
You deserve a helicopter ride.
Reminder: Communism killed 94 million people in the last century.
>famines ended after collectivization.
Said no Ukrainian ever
>>further realize that this is what the left is: they want all the benefits of what others produce without producing anything themselves
Funny coming from the guy who thinks he has a right to the product of someone else's labor.
If I purchase the materials and the machinery and you want to use them, I'm within my right to charge a rental-fee.
Nobody's stopping you from buying your own tools and materials and keeping all the profits to yourself chum.
>famines ended after collectivization
So, in other words, after the one part of the Soviet Union that came close to "real Communism" was stopped, that's when people stopped starving.
It was socialism, not communism, and I don't even actually like Stalin, memes aside. It's just that the whole Holodomor meme needs to die.
>labor theory in age of automation
>being 200 years late on a failed economic theory
>jews were forced out of the workforce
>this allowed aryans to occupy these jobs
Okay are you now pretending there were enough working jews in Germany at the time to where this would matter?
>jews who fled
>had their assets confiscated
But.. since the "jews controlled the country" narrative is wrong this should be a pittance on the national scale, right?
>If I purchase the materials and the machinery and you want to use them, I'm within my right to charge a rental-fee.
Why would anyone pay to work for someone?
>to take complete control of all wealth and freedoms you have to produce a mountain of dead people
>I-I don't even like Stalin
But everything you want to do would result in the deaths of billions.
I know, I'm just saying that the one part of the Soviet economy that wasn't state capitalism also happened to do the worst. Collectivization is garbage, hence why it didn't work for the agriculture.
Oh you're getting paid, it's just that I'm in my rights to request a cut of the profit in return for you using my tools and materials. Why would I let any schmuck use my materials and wear my tools down if I couldn't profit from it?
>means of production are what keep humanity enslaved to a commodity ridden existence
>implying I want to seize them
>implying we should not simply build a better counter-industrial future
Seriously Marxists in this century are the same blind academics that they fought in 68
You do realise Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm and 1984 after his experiences with COMMIE death squads? That pic is retarded.
>muh 80 gorillion
>labor is not a factor in value
Show me an item that requires no labor to acquire that isn't free.
>Oh you're getting paid, it's just that I'm in my rights to request a cut of the profit in return for you using my tools and materials.
Where do you get the money to purchase the tools that the worker could not simply buy himself?
>4 panels; could have done in 2
>all done on MS paint
>the commie side that is meant to be somehow better is just equally a mess
>and to topple that, you need a little yellow space in the bottom for extra larping
This ideology is so low IQ it even shows on its memes.
The future, for (You)
>pic related
>Where do you get the money to purchase the tools
Would you even concede the argument if he got the tools and materials through just means?
tbf, it's pretty funny watching a nazi pretend to care about Russian civilians.
Baby's first political ideology
>I have no argument
Why should anyone support a system that will slaughter billions? This is a real question.
Hello cucks. This general is for the discussion of Cuckoldry, the ideology of revolutionary open relationships and sexual desire.
Cuckoldry is the next stage of relationship following the monogamy.
What exactly is cuckoldry according to cucks:
>Cuckoldry is a stage of relationship in which the reproductive means of the wife are bull-owned, and husband gets to bed not in order to have sex with her but to prep the bull.
>Cuckoldry in it's full form is a pleasurably degrading, bull-worshipping relationship that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a relationship cuckoldry teaches us that we must replace the standrad marrige, which is controlled by the husband and a wife, by a cucked relationship, which is controlled by the bull. Then, a period of prepping follows in which the bull is pleasured by the cuck. When the bull class has been prepped, there will be time for wife to get mounted by the bull, and eventually the functions of the husband will become indistinguishable from the functions of a porn shot fluffer, and his genitalia will 'wither away' as Marx said.
I don't have any websites but i'm pretty sure OP can help me with that.
Same way most businesses get started. Maybe I took a loan from the bank, maybe I inherited a modest amount of money from a relative, or maybe I saved money working for someone else until I could afford it.
If the worker wanted to, he could save up his earnings or take a loan and start his own business, and own his means of production!
What post did I make that implied I advocate the Nazis? Or is this just one of those 'he doesn't agree with me, he must be a Nazi' deals that the left are obsessed with right now?
>I don't understand automation and think that the year is 1802
So what I take from this is they're basically saying "TAKE IN ALL OF THESE SHITTY 3RD WORLD PEOPLE OR WELL SHOOT YOU". Some "liberty".
No, I meant that nazi who was moaning about kulaks.
>serious discussion
>communist shill threads
>everything red it good:DDD gommunism leads to goood :DDD party leads to good :DDD capitalism evil :DDD collegdivism good :DDD we never been tried :DDD funny label and abbreviation for gommie regime make commie regime good and funcdional :DDD exploidadtion :DDD no gomminism too smarts for u id really will work get edugaded :DDD id works if a say it :DD everyding was fine under gommunism no one starvs everything capitalism fault :DD edudate yourself read mo gommie book deories that never been tried :DDD no u nod right gommie good :DDD ur facts are capidalist lies :DD NOO IM NOT RETARDDED TALKING NONSENSE YUO CAPIDALIST PIG :DDD
>not wanting billions to starve to death makes you Hitler
Are finite resources "free"?
What fun it would be during a chaotic situation for a beta cuck to be pointing an airsoft at me thinking they have the upper hand by threatening me, while I will take it as a direct ancap threat and shoot him in the face
Naw. Free trade is just a spook to let the capitalists bring in a bunch of migrants to compete with native workers and bring down wages.
>an item that requires no labor to acquire
> that isn't free
Especially here it's drinkable right from the streams, yet people pay for it.
People paid money for pet rocks.
We sell moose shit to german tourists.
If you want to get even deeper into economics how about the innumerable ways you can exploit byzantine laws to generate money?
You will now proceed to dilute the meaning of labor so you can "win" the argument.
>Workers of the world, unite!
Show me that just laboring actually increases the value of anything. Pick up some wood, mow it in to wood powder, and try to sell it to people for a higher price than you bought it. Turns out, your labor creates no value.
Wasting your time and effort doesn't create value. Value is marginal and subjective. In order for labor to create value to society as a whole you required a free market capable of measuring said values with the marginal needs the population has.
This isn't something I just made up, this is what the economic academia has already been through for almost 100 years. Yes, that's right, you are arguing on the position of a theory that is considered outdated for over 100 years. Your retarded ideology is so bad, that it was outdated even before the Soviet Union was funded. That's why 60% of the planet resisted to adhere to the "wonders" of communism. Please, commit suicide, make the world a better place.
>3rd world Islamists will be good workers
Boy are they in for a surprise.
Of course, it's just that you're not gonna accomplish communism by shuffling in workers from countries ravaged by capitalism.
They have this magic phrase called "socially necessary" which hand-waves all criticisms of the LTV by secretly transforming it into the Subjective theory of value.
>poised to seize the memes
this is where you fail
you can't seize other people's meme
you have to make your own
but you can't do that
you can't make anything of your own
you're whole ideology is based on taking other peoples shit and making up reasons for doing so
but you can't take our memes
the essence of a meme is an idea, that lives in a persons head
you can't steal an idea
you can only make new ones
but you can't do that
you can't produce anything of your own
I'm all for workers' self-management and private sector unions, but how do Sovietboos justify the killings that occurred in Stalin's regime and related regimes?
I don't think worker co-op's are ilegal leftypol.
You're not gonna accomplish Communism in western countries withour them either.
In fact, 3rd worlders are MORE likely to revolt for communism than us.
Democratic socialism is a step away from totalitarian communism anyway, george orwell is literally a cuck
That caption is full of leftist things. Most leftists aren't Marxist.
Immigration: the Reserve Army of Capital
So, how does it feel to be the most useful idiots in history?
>but how do Sovietboos justify the killings that occurred in Stalin's regime and related regimes?
Your pic is basically "socialism is when the government does things" so a strawman.
At least the Left has the intellectual honesty to separate free market capitalism from state capitalism.
Supposing he did, what he has earned then are the tools that he has bought, and nothing more. If he wants to get additional value out of those tools, he can use those tools to make products to sell on the market. If he makes the products on his own then he's entitled to all of the money. Otherwise he's trying to get something from nothing.
>coal must be mined
>power plants must be built
>water must be boiled to move turbines
>Especially here it's drinkable right from the streams, yet people pay for it.
You would have to drive to those streams to get it.
>People paid money for pet rocks.
You would have to go to the quarries to get them.
>We sell moose shit to german tourists.
You would have to collect it yourself.
>You will now proceed to dilute the meaning of labor so you can "win" the argument.
You pay for a good because you don't want to go through the labor to acquire it.
>Show me that just laboring actually increases the value of anything.
It doesn't. We consider use-value and exchange value. This is a common mischaracterization. We don't think a good has value just because labor went into it, but rather *if a good does have value in the first place*, then labor must have gone into it.
The two statements are not the same. We don't think that labor guarantees something has value. We think that if something has value, then labor goes into it. There are things made with labor that have no value. There are no things that have value that aren't made with labor.
This is proof that communists are literally parasitic creatures, they're not even human. I wouldn't even feel remorse if a communist died right in front of me
Again I ask: Are finite resources that require no labour to create, such as land, "free"?
Never thought of it that way, but you're 100% right.
Yeah, but turd-worldism just means more Pinochets. Even if you do, what are you gonna do against the bankers who will funnel money and guns to nationalists in your country? Gotta cut out the cancer at the source.
Still doesn't answer the question of why I should let workers use my tools and materials for free, m8
No communists in history have ever killed the bourgeois. They have only ever made them the ruling elite of the party.
>not real communism
>not real communism
>not real communism
>not real
>not real
>not real
a what the fuck
none of the communists are real communists then
what a strange thing
>make money for porky who does nothing
>get small allowance back
>I'm so free
>There are no things that have value that aren't made with labor
Diamonds. Checkmate commies
>communism is a ruse enslave people in order to make yourself the new bourgeois
As a nationalist I would gladly accept the bankers money and arms, then when my faction gains power we'll nationalize the banks are make usury illegal.
And that's circular reasoning anyway.