Remember this?
Well there's more to the story.

this is fucking huge guys. the interview is over an hour long. the guy is intimately familiar with Montgomery and discusses his information as well as a bunch of other conspiracies in depth.

parts one and two are mislabeled.

>Its been sat on and the left painted arpaio as untrustable to montgomery kept going to others to try and get it out
>basically clapper and the cia know all kinds of shit. they are bad hombres. trump's election has fucked up their plan
> It looks like it was posted over a year ago. A lot of what this guy is talking about can now be confirmed from the vault7 shit from wikileaks.


> "trump is a double agent" ~27:30. unclear what this means.
> not mentioned in the Freedom Watch letter: the CIA apparently hacked every foreign embassy on US soil and stole their crypto keys and bank records. 31:00 Whistleblower Letter.pdf

People speaking:
1) Sheriff Joe Arpaio 2) Mike Zullo 3) Tim Blixseth 4) called and left voicemail for Carl Cameron
CIA Leaker Montgomery is real - he's been given immunity. See overview here via Freedom Watch
Part One:

15:00 - Major voter fraud "We want you to go on to the florida voter registration and download it"

Other urls found in this thread:

Wish good ol' AJ had brought more real news in that livestream? Maybe come get some. HUGE stuff. Spread on all platforms.

Part Two:

2:08 - Fox News (Carl Cameron) filmed a week of content with CIA Leaker, possible tie in with latest trump to urging people to watch Fox tonight
4:10 - "I've heard others previously stating that Montgomery couldn't be trusted and was a con man. However, if you listen here, it explains why. They smeared him on purpose and planted stories with the NYT so the public would think he was a con" I think I found one of the NYT articles here: - /u/baybreezes
12:50 - THE HAMMER is used, WIKILEAKS just published this in VAULT 7. The "Hammer" a massive computer that runs through 1 billion potential passwords a minute than cracks them.
18:11 - The head of the FISA court Reggio Walton and John Robert Chief Justice Supreme Court was hacked without warrant
25:00 - Discussing how this leak of intelligence overreach and hacking 150,000s of Maricopa county citizens accounts is far bigger than the alledge birth certificate fraud
27:30 - "Trump is a double agent"
26:20 - Phone call to Fox News reporter Carl Cameron to discuss story.
31:00 - the CIA apparently hacked every foreign embassy on US soil and stole their crypto keys and bank records. HUGE!
31:05 - Addendum: Montgomery sent FOX NEWS EVIDENCE of the stolen crypto keys from embassy
37:30 - Sheriff Arpaio gets fucking spicy talking about crooked McCain being on other team. "McCain?? Are you kidding? McCain's behind all this shit!"
51:55 - Investigator working on Obama's birth certificate case was killed a day before testifying regarding changes to the birth certificate.



Too bad user. Looks like everyone thinks it's nothing. And it is. Nice forgery.

Die shill die.


"A CIA leaker was suffering from a brain aneurysma and came clean regarding the shady shit they where doing. This is a conversation between the guy he came clean to, Sheriff Arpaio, discussing it with others."
Judging by the content and tools discussed, it is likely that this leaker is the source of the CIA Wikileaks.

CIA Leaker Montgomery went to 18 different places as a whistle blower to expose the hundreds of thousands of criminal offences. ....rebuffed by all. Including Obama - HE FAXED OBAMA ON OBAMAS SECRETIVE FAX LINE....
THUS, IF THIS IS REAL, IT COULD BE THE CRIME IF THE CENTURY. Especially with records of submitting information, ignorance cannot be claimed.





this is the happening we need



This was debunked hours ago. Get with it.

post proof/screenshot or gas thyself

Bump in protest of scared queerbag faggot homos from CTR & ShareBlue sliding this thread.

still nothing faggot? or are you just here to let us know you work for shillblue/shariablue and co?

Praise Kek


Bumping for Kek.

The happenings don't stop happening

Thread being tremendously slid. Sad!

I want to believe something will come of this but I'm starting to believe trump will get the Kennedy treatment by (((them))). You have to make the public award of these things for it to even matter


I listened to this earlier today and a lot of it can be verified through WIkileaks

"trump is a double agent"

additional bump for great justice

bump bump bump


>Tim Blixseth
Unfortunate last name

Anybody submitted this as a tip to any friendly intelligence agencies or news agencies for review, yet?

You know it's nothing when you see an OP with 50 links.

>"trump is a double agent"
donald trump is james bond.
like many famous and influential people he's been a CIA asset for decades. this is the reason everything he says that at first seems crazy turns out to be true. that's why he knows his communications have been surveilled.

Yer damn fucking right we man the Memes.

Go listen to the first 20 minutes of audio.
We've got everything from election rigging to mass illegal spying.


Bump fuck McCain fuck Tucson Mayor

bump for the downfall of the terrorist organisation: the CIA

Louise Mensch debunked this today. Its a Russian PsyOp

Everything is Russian to that cunt.


Debunked by whom? Where?

You idiots will literally fall for anything that fits your confirmation bias

Juts look up Klayman and Montgomery and give me one solid reason why you think they are credible people

Praise kek

Klayman and Montgomery are known fraudsters. Do you ever actually look into the things you shit post senpai?

Prove it. Provide links shill.

praise kek lads for a real happening is upon us


if i post a link you'll just call me a shill; find it yourself, try critical thinking for once in your life.

Hint scroll past the obviously paid top search results.

Klayman is a known fraudster going back to the clinton years. Maybe you are too young to remember

the best source for FOIA documents is Judicial Watch, founded by your so-called "fraudster"

Do you know why he isn't their anymore? Go ahead and google ill wait for a response if your not too assblasted from the truth

What difference does it make. If he's right with what's happening right now, it doesn't matter if he's wrong in the past. But nice try shill.

Of course, not really surprising since he's a lawyer fighting against the evil deep state which likely does participate in ritualistic child rape and murder.

Hes a lawyer trying to sell books a bilk the taxpayers for "legal expenses" when he sues the government

This is a shill story meant to make YOU look like an idiot


By a woman who thinks the fact that her toilet getting clogged was the work of Russian saboteurs.

>Klayman and Montgomery are known fraudsters
Bull fucking shit.

>Believing anything Joe Arpaio says that hasn't been confirmed elsewhere

Justice bump

>being current shill therefore not bumping this thread enough

Lawyer latching onto the extremely likely story of a CIA whistleblower showing the government has been involved in borderline treasonous abuse of power? Give me a break.

Sorry to ruin your happening, but Trump is going down autists


holly shiat

they have milions of phone calls, this is fucking epic
If its real this is then the confirmation of 7th floor

>Driving one of those half computer cars

Don't do this anons.

>whistle blower

this guy is fake news incarnate


Bump. No sleeping on this one

Isn't this the guy who writes like 15 tweets for every Trump tweet? Sad!

Also, his profile pic. Pic related.


yo what the fuck did he mean by trump as a double agent

Trump is literally Bruce Wayne/Batman. The hero we need, not the hero we deserve.


You sir! Do you dare Blixeth my name! Have at you and your slander!

It be true.


Say what you want. Doesn't change the Fact that he won a case against the NSA in 2013. Sorry to ruin your narrative

The best of times. Hope this goes main stream.

Listened to the entire interview...

What a nothing burger...

Nice fake, fbi-ci

This is all well & good but the FBI are setting up Trump with impeachment over the Flynn Russia story. Need to make this shit about Comey being corrupt & compromised go mainstream. Not even joking.

so what? alex jones was right about some things related to 9/11, does that make him not a conman or kike shill? fuck off.

his lifelong relationship with Roy Cohn supports this theory, and would explain why he is still alive

Comparing "some things" to winning a Federal lawsuit against the NSA aren't even in the same catagory you stupid faggot

>that pic
>four years
>spelling eleven days wrong

the press conference was probably before his death i no ur all 12 but dam it init ww11 it waz a cpl yrz ago

though the press conference I remember was in front of the darpa logo i dunno what this kathleen fisher thing is

>select all images with cars

Makes sense,

Insider knowledge from the "good" CIA

Shhh sleep now user. It's late and we're all tired.

Is this a new meme?

What is this jibberish? I can't be bothered reading this.

Tldr cia has a computing system called the hammer(gaaaaaay), apparently everything is a nail.

Wait, are you implying you were ever away from your memetic battle station? Have this man flogged for dereliction of duty.

>are known fraudsters
poisoning the well... (((shill))) tactic #12345
you are getting predictable and boring.

Yes it forces people to reply thereby bumping the thread and it staying up top.

>if i post a link you'll just call me a shill
that's because you are a (((shill)))

>assblasted from the truth
no u



>are known fraudsters

He's been trying to whistlblow for two years. They have been politically assassinating him for that long. We are enured to your (((tricks)))

Now I know why I live at my stations.

>life sentence

>Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo
Italian americans are at the front lines fighting corruption while the eternal anglo and the gentle german cuck themselves to death.

Zullo was recently on Jones show discussing these leaks.

Give me a basic gestalt, what's going on?

quick rundown

shits real, fox news probably the most pro...uh...america I guess station, the sherrif from obamas birth cert has inside sources


This shit should be stickied for at least a week.

Keep in mind that tape was from 2013.