Is it a woman's nature to deceive and destroy?

Is it a woman's nature to deceive and destroy?

Was it not Eve who had us exiled from the Garden of Eden?

God warns us, time and time again - yet we continue to ignore his wisdom.

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why would you send 5$ to a random person when they aren't even promising anything for it

Girls have power.

yes, modern women in particular are scum

>Girls have power.

Pussy privilege

So guys are stupid enough to send $5 to a random stranger? This girl is a cunt for not delivering but the guys are stupid as fuck and kind of deserve it.

>man pays a woman 5 bucks for nothing

I see the real problem, do you?

There wasn't even the enticing offer of something that never came to pass either.

This is literally selling a box of nothing and ignoring the fact someone was dumb enough to pay for it.

dear god men are pathetic

No, manlets are just too weak.

>Is it a woman's nature to deceive and destroy?
>Was it not Eve who had us exiled from the Garden of Eden?
>God warns us, time and time again - yet we continue to ignore his wisdom.
Pretty much.
And agree with the anons, these suckers had it coming.


Never trust the vaginal Jew. It was even in the Bible and probably the Torah and Quran, too.

Yeah--power that we willingly gave them. It's the great folly of man that repeats itself over and over ever since Adam.

are.... people that stupid?

btw i bet a guy runs that account

This ain't ok at all.

How hard can it be to have some dignity?

umm im sure theres a way to refund your paypal money back
whats the big deal here

You idiots dont even realize that it is simply a man pretending to be a woman.

"Huur duurr wimmenz r evul"

I found the vaginal Jew everyone!

god agrees

Can you run multiple instances of Tinder off a computer? I'm about to start an operation.

Women are just bored desu. They dont have much in life other than attention and the men they get it from. So they think of all kinds of fun games to play. Women know that men want to fuck all the time and they sometimes just mess with them to see how far they can get it. It's nothing personal, it entertains them and it makes them feel powerful. Then it all collapses when they actually like a guy but he grew distrustful of women and fucks her them over.

The best way to deal with women is to fuck with them in every way possible. Mentally, psychically, any way.


>God warns us, time and time again
Can you send some quotes from the bible please where God warns us? Not calling you a liar, I generally would like to see the quotes.

videogame "i'm a girl" trolling for free shit taken to a new level

>The best way to deal with women is to fuck with them in every way possible. Mentally, psychically, any way.

Any neckbeard dipshit who fell for that deserves it.
I'm tempted to start a persona just to wring some money out of you pathetic fuckers.

anyone whose retarded enough to give some random nobody money deserves to get "robbed"

she's making legit money scamming betas and retards

This isn't you, is it OP?

How do you know it wasn't just a clever man?

>To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

Basically, men will rule their women but the vaginal Jew will make his life a living hell.


Search for findom on twitter and you'll be amazed.

>"see what happens"

And this is right at the start isn't it? Adam and Eve's story.



>And this is right at the start isn't it? Adam and Eve's story.
Yes you fuckface. Civilization litteraly started when men decided not to listen to women.
And every time men listens to women, they start tearing down civilization.

go to the "irl" section of twitch and look at the amount of whores in the directory. Beta males really are that fucking stupid.

I want in

how do you even run a single instance of it?

This is like when I was in Primary School and would trick people into giving me money in runescape by pretending to be a girl

Why are some guys so fucking pathetic

You don't think I know that? I don't hate women but fuck me they can be nasty wretched creatures when they want to be. They never should have been given the vote, let alone any significant rights.

>They have a kid
Jesus fucking Christ, does the guy or girl have no shame? That fucking kid is going to be fucked when it grows up and realizes what is happening.

> Is it a woman's nature to deceive
Anglo at least find out something about women. Let`s see when will he find out about why they do it.

False, it is weak men who hand them power.

I'm guessing imaging you were the husband got you off?

The problem isn't women it's male horniness which leads to stupidity. Men just need to be neutered. You have to cut the head off the snake so to speak

The idiots who actually sent her money deserve to be scammed. What a bunch of fucking morons. Just why? For pics? You can find hotter pics to fap to that you don't have to pay for at all.

>I don't want my wife to cheat on me.
>So I will allow her to have sex with strangers.

Granting women power and independence was the single stupidest fucking thing the Western World ever did and will be the main reason for its collapse.

>I don't hate women but fuck me they can be nasty wretched creatures when they want to be
As the saying goes. Women, can't live with them and you can't live without them. But they really are horrible creatures.

Women have higher verbal iq then men, so they can better trick us.
They have more childlike features, so it is easier to invoke compassion from men, and therefore better trick us.
They have bigger tearcanals, so they have an easier time crying, in that way they can invoke our compassion, so they can better trick us.
Female homo sapiens have concealed ovulation, so they can trade sex for resources without getting pregnant. And so they can cuck men.
While men absolutely have faults, women have litterealy evolved to be lying, cheating whores.

>haha he said I could so i don't cheat, but not like I would. But yeah i am totally gonna have sex anyway xD. Oh my kid? Don't worry he won't know I am doing this.

Guy is a cuck and she is a dumbass whore

It's technically not cheating if there's consent, is my guess as to what the husband's logic is.
That being said, that's retarded.

Why is so shocking? It's simply the virtual extension of what women have come to do every day. A college girl flatly admitted to me that, when she was rooming with several other women, they would get guys to take them out on dates just to get a meal because they couldn't afford food.

Women, as emotional and irrational creatures, are by and large incapable of production. They must resort to parasitism to survive. Whether that's finding a partner and leeching off of his resources, victimizing desperate men on Tindr, or suing employers for "gender discrimination" doesn't matter.

That's why the real redpill is homosexuality.

>She's looking for a man who can dominate her




They were also passed around like objects when their tribes were conquered. They often bred with the very enemies that conquered their tribe. They have no concept of loyalty or honor.

>I'm looking for a man to take charge & dominate me

Looks like her husband needs to uncuck humself

Wasn't it king David who became infatuated and totally pussy dominated by the harlot Bathsheba?

It's true, save yourself. Get with men. Nothing wrong with being gay and surrogacy!

The sooner we can obviate the ovulating jew by replacing it with an artificial womb, the better.

Imagine a world without feminine subversion.

Never thought I would say that. Growing up and receiving the bigger picture as a suppository does that to an user.

Has anyone attempted a platonic homosex "relationship"? Sort of like that one movie where the two guys pretend to be spacedockers to achieve some societal status that they needed to accomplish a goal?

Asking for a friendo.
