Explain this Sup Forums. Why is she paying 25k if not use the best equipment. Why should she have to use some $100 semen encrusted thinkpad.
Explain this Sup Forums. Why is she paying 25k if not use the best equipment...
as I look over at my t420....
>25k a year
maybe go to a good school?
T420 isn't even old.
It has Sandy Bridge CPU. There has been basically no advancement since Sandy Bridge anyway.
She would probably think a Power PC Macbook is newer.
Women don't deserve tech.
She probably thinks only apple makes laptops now
I bought my own laptop for my University. My classes that required a computer were in a computer lab. She's lucky to have a laptop given to her.
why is she stupid enough to pay that much?
Because thats more than enough for browsing facebook or whatever they do
That ThinkPad has more raw power than a MacBook that costs 3x as much.
I go to a university that uses a few models of thinkpads, and I repair them for the school too; we only phased that model out a couple years ago. They have good hardware and are very physically reliable. Most replacement parts are relatively cheap and they're easy as fuck to fix
What is she studying?
Because she wouldn't invest in a decent computer herself. Welfare laptop is worst laptop
She thinks it's old because it's square.
this. I even installed Dark Souls on mine for a laugh the other day and it was actually playable
Boo hoo, my text editor doesn't make lattes too boo hoo.
The only thing I didn't like about is that I have to completely remove the motherboard to get to the heat sink, and to remove the motherboard, I basically have to take apart the entire thing. My X120e is still puttering along though after 5-6 years though.
Hahahaha, fucking cunts.
Because it isn't paper thin and silver it must be ancient.
>Studying an art degree costs 25k a year
Australian here...what the fuck is she talking about? Can a burger explain?
gender studies
I get one for my job, she's probably taking a useless degree and she sounds like an ungrateful bitch
I play MGS V on my t440p with most things on medium, some high. 24 fps at worst, 30-32 most of the time. That game is ridiculously optimized tho.
This silly bitch doesn't understand.
Laptops are a lot like women.
The Macbook is your girlfriend. Sure you may get social respect for having her, but she's expensive and doesn't always do everything you wish she could. You love her only because you put so much work into getting her, but she's fragile and you're afraid of losing or breaking her, so you're always physically gentle. You get paranoid when you see people eyeing her up a little too much because in the back of your mind you always have a fear that some people may be wanting to steal her away.
On the other hand, the thinkpad is like a backstreet hooker - sure she's not the prettiest thing in the world, but she's cheap and functional. If you're even slightly capable she can do anything you could possibly want - that's what she's designed for. She's a sturdy machine, you can make a few physical mistakes and she just brushes it off like nothing. She isn't going to give up on you until you're satisfied. No need to worry about people stealing her - it would be significantly easier just to buy one. Even if you were to fuck up big time, you can just go out and get another one. Getting them second hand is best because they have experience and are much cheaper - you may need to clean out other peoples mess at first, but once you make yourself at home you'll have a good experience.
You work for your girlfriend, whereas a hooker works for you. No need to waste your time and energy when another product can get the job done at a fraction of the price with a fraction of the difficulty.
Why would anyone buy a Macbook?