Russian nationalism, corruption issues and other. Пoбeдa бyдeт зa нaми. Mы здecь влacть!
How was it?
Future belongs to us. Crashing Putin's Russia with no survivors
It's a right time to end the (((Putin)))'s regime. Good job with killing cop today. Nice
I recognise Demush comrade. Maltsev seems like a sketchy type
They jail outspoken ethnonationalist leaders very fast
shitpost like it's september again
im pretty sure dead cop is faked, no proofs, just cop lying on the street. implying someguy could knock out a cop in type of helmet antiriot police wears
>What are the protests about?
Allegations that the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev is corrupt and stole tax payer money for various things.
>Who is Alexi Navalny?
He is a a Russian lawyer, political and financial activist, and politician. He is a critic of Putin and Corruption. He organized the rally in Moscow and has been arrested by police along with 500 other protesters.
>Where is this Happening?
Moscow and other capitals around the country
>What is Alexei Navalny's endgame?
He is head of the Progress party, The party's platform stands for the decentralization of power in Russia, cutting the number of government officials, lustration for those responsible for political repressions, reducing the president’s powers, possibly switching to a parliamentary republic and ensuring the independence of the judiciary. It also stipulates "drastically reducing" government interference in the economy, ending censorship, prohibiting the government from owning media outlets and abolishing conscription.
The foreign policy plank calls for introducing visas with Central Asia, stopping support for "rogue states" and partnering up with Western countries.
You can snap the neck with the helmet corner
they didnt give the nme of a cop, did they?
CIA insider here, were hearing chatter of an imminent coup in Moscow can you confirm on the street
Who's /ourguy/?
> Russian nationalism
hint: don't tell me shiropayko is Russian
Someone called Goldstein. I've heard he is against the Big Brother.
Who was Goldstein anyway? I only watched the movie
can someone give me a quick rundown on navalny?
i just want a basic gestalt of what is going on, who navalny represents, if he is a charming soros shill like nemtsov? or is he genuinely just trying to make russia less jew and chechen owned?
SeeI explained it all.
Malzev and Demushkin.
libeal nationalist, but other nationalists call him proukrainian cuck because of his position on krimean and ukraine
the only real politician tbqh
>nigger on the back
pic ruined
Sound like Soros is involved.
Navalny represents Greenberg and his clique.
he is caucasian stayin under the shadow
Goldstein is the enemy of the state or is he?
Does anyone in Russia actually not think Putin is killing/jailing his political opponents and whistle blowers, or do they just not care cause they like Putin?
You're a dumbfuck
Goldstein, the Inner Party and the Outer Party are all corrupted and twisted
Is putin trying to change the demographics of Russia?
he is.
what is wrongwith nationalism, cuck?
>or do they just not care cause they like Putin?
99% of mass media are pro putinist
Oy vey
checked those numerics.
He is speaking
Does Russia even have elections or do they just elect puppets since Putin is de-facto dictator?
>the enemy of the state
That would be the anti-sex union
/ourguy/ or nah?
>his political opponents and whistle blowers
Who specifically are you talking about? I don't think he killed Nemtsov for example, his murder was pointless and actively harmful for Putin.
Shiver me timbers
yes, he wants to gib citizenship to everyone who lives on ex russian empire terriotories and who can speak russian.
Lack of power alternation is leading Russia to difficult times again
Still, been like 1 poisoning, 1 shooting, and 1 throwing out a window in like a 1 month long period.
>that's right goy! we're not your enemy!
politkovskaya, high ranked military officers who were antiyeltsin and antiputin
ov vey, once again the eternal merchant is playing on both fronts
keep your friends close but enemies closer
Hard to say, but Russian people would probably be better off under him.
Sounds fair. I recently just heard about him so I have to do some more digging on the guy. Is he a nationalist?
Sound like absolute cuck for me.
Partnering up with Western countries? End os well last time.
does russian opposition want revolution/civil war?
if so please make it happen before september so i can come over and kick your ass before my university year starts
It's a literal beta uprising of Moscow and St Petersburg's small class of hipsters and SJWs. Look at the pictures.
He want to be friend with EU, US and Ukraine.
eternal anglo strikes again
The Russian people need their own Adolf Hitler
All Navanly shills and liberals who read this will get die in their sleep if they don't reply "1990's was good for Russia we need to sell our children to ((((Gay Couples))))". Stay mad child traffickers.
Source? The throwing out a window guy was trying to get a bathtub inside his apartment and fell down like a retard. I don't see how Putin could have prevented this.
Maybe, but this is speculation.
Seems like anyone not Putin at this point is ourguy
Your sanctions would be gone and your economy would be better.
Yes all these people who it would just be so convenient for Putin if they went away, it's all just a coincidenceeeee. Go too sleep comrade....
Has da best wife....
I still don't know what people you're talking about. The bathtub guy is alive by the way.
Hey there Soros
Most outspoken ethnonationalists in Russia are CIA agents
Nikolai Gorokhov -tub
I know he's alive. But for how long?
Denis Voronenkov - shot
Vladimir Kara-Murza - poisoned 2nd time. Still survived like a beast.
>It also stipulates "drastically reducing" government interference in the economy
And there we have it. Privatization driven by foreign NGOs. If you fall for this, you're retarded.
Is there the same website like wikileaks but about russian polititians? Never thought about it, but there must be one.
Capitalist Russia + Capitalist America = ?????
I think it would be sick
But at what cost?
If your enemy praise you, you doing something wrong.
praise kek
As opposed to the multiracialist jewish shills?
Not true and even if that was true, we both know that CIA can be useful. Like with Pinochet in Chile
Pretty sure we already capitalist as fuck.
>He want to be friend with EU, US and Ukraine
So obvious shill.
how do you tie up 2nd with 1st, nigger stop your schizoposting and eplain logically. noobody wants to privatize anythin, everything is already privatized by kgb cunts
Why do you make these leaps? It means less state run companies such as gazprom will be privatized.
>we both know that CIA can be useful.
Lol no they can't
>Like with Pinochet in Chile
Pinochet was a traitor to his nation who sold it out to the IMF and multinational corporations. Same as you will have coming to you if you fall for this nonsense.
What cost are you paying now Dima?
>Nikolai Gorokhov
Is a retard like i said. Do you think it was secret KGB bathtub that caused this terrible tragedy?
>Denis Voronenkov
The guy who was a career gommie, supported annexation of Crimea was shot in the center of Kiev by ukrainian ex-military felon. Surely looks like Putin did it. Maybe Putin also killed JFK, i don't know.
>Vladimir Kara-Murza
>Still survived
Some assassination for a Khodorkovsky shill.
Do you fucking retards even know what privatization means?
That would still largely be Russians, wouldn't it? I though most Russian speakers in former Russian empire countries (aside from Kazakhstan) were ethnic Russians.
Sure thing pardner.
>Visas for Central Asian Turkroaches
>Stop supporting countries America and Israel don't like, including long-time allies.
>Kiss up to NATO
Wonder (((who's))) pulling his strings.
Why don't Russians want to become Western?
Thanks for the run down:
Wierd, Putin is putting Russia back on the map... Slaves are always corrupt its in their culture...
I dont get it, at least for now, I mean who is zooming who?
We don't want to become western country. We want to become succsessful country without thieves in our goverment.
oy vey
I'm not buying your bait, it's just pretty funny that the majority of westerners apparently think that Putin is killing people with bathtubs.
>reducing the president’s powers, possibly switching to a parliamentary republic
Jesus H. Christ what a cuck.
Going with this plan will just end up making you a colony of the west.
>That would still largely be Russians, wouldn't it?
no. any churka will be able to bribe russian language exam an become a citizen. even chinese cunts from manchuria.
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Can someone give me a quick tl;dr on what is going on in Russia right now?
Are my Russian bros alright?
Please be safe and eat plenty of Blini.
Cmon. If you unite with the West and become white nationalist you will end up a successful country without thieves in the government.
Define Western. If you mean gender politics, multiculturalism and moral relativism then no
Which is why it's evident that it is being pushed by the west.