If we keep this up, all of the The_Donald fags will be gone by tomorrow
If we keep this up, all of the The_Donald fags will be gone by tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
Dibs on one post
upvoted fellow pede!!!!!! true patriot!!! #MAGA!
even leddit get's it.
Now we know horsepussy is the cure for shills.
how do we solve the leafissue?
>these people browse the same board as you guys
I legitimately feel disgusted
>"bronies are less annoying than the shills"
they're less annoying than ledditor fags
we can shitpost in the cover of ponies.
not even the cia can find our plans now.
Why can't they just permanently range ban anyone who has Reddit cookies?
because that would be retarded.
kill yourself kike.
Fuck off, plebbitor.
>Banning Redditors from Sup Forums would be retarded.
Wow, looks like I found a Redditor.
>lets ban anyone i dont like
good try kike
They're not even hiding it anymore
The reddit fags are cancer. They just see Sup Forums as some anti-liberal task force that spends all of there time trying to get things done with "Meme Magic".
I hate it when reddit discusses Sup Forums shit
also, fuck off OP browsing reddit even for screencap purposes is pure faggotry
>call someone a newfag for not something that only happened today
>If we keep this up, all of the The_Donald fags will be gone by tomorrow
no they wont join the best bread on /mipol/
you are going to join us bronezz wee need your weaponized autism!
join the master race !
the redditors seem to be catching on
we need new tactics
fuck off back to pleddit
>Implying that this merge isn't a jew tier plan to purge the newfags
user, most of the ponyposters probably ARE CIA.
What's wrong with The_Donald?
Why are you hating on people that are on our side?
So these are the most passionate Donald Trump supporters around - and most of them come on Sup Forums anyway. Of course they fucking do, because we all use the same memes.
And you're saying you prefer horsefuckers?
Nice try /mlp/, I'm not falling for your shit.
We are like a tornado and every so often we hit some structure with leftist inside.
>Sometimes they all die, sometimes they get away
By stopping this constant whining about leafs and feeding them you dumb fuck
>basically half of Sup Forums are/were bronies
No, those faggots just nonstop spam, the rest are shitposters. Vocal minority.
Where is my post election salt going to come from then, huh?
>why are you hating on people that are on our side?
Because life isn't black/white and even if people hold similar political views to your own they can still be pieces of shit THAT NEED TO GET OFF MY FUCKIGN WEBSITE FUCK
the donald is cancer
>People honestly advocating an extended merging of the boards
For what reason? At the moment, there are almost no worthwhile threads for either politics or MLP. When the shock and awe wears off, and there are more news stories to talk about, Sup Forums, which is is significantly much faster than /mlp/, will take over once again. /mlp/ will essentially be contained to some small generals on Sup Forums after a few days.
/r/the_donald newfaggots ruined what was once a decent board for politically incorrect discussion. Now it's 90% LEL PRAISE KEK, ROLL THREAD, CHECK'M, ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T WORSHIP DONALD IS CTR, JEWS ARE AWESOME UR JUST MUSLIM, etc etc etc
/fit/ and /lit/ are merged as well. Its like a fucking massive red pill right now over there. Brains and bronze are being promoted like fucking crazy.
Did the mods just red pill have of reddit? Using /mlp/ to drive out the normie faggots, and using /lit/ to make the /fit/bros even smarter?
Maybe next year all 4 can merge
>Wars are fought with cartoon horse porn
This was all shit I found in 1 thread. I can't imagine how these fags actually think that they are wanted here.
>cucked moot
>gametegate brought LITERALLY 25m phoneposters
what a mistake.
we voted for the same person but that doesn't at all mean we are the same
God bless Hiro for purging the reddit cancer from Sup Forums with the assist from /mlp/
someone remind me again why "we" support an open border forum
please join
Jesus, these fags are insufferable.
>Sup Forums said
It was some dude. It's like they project their peer-pressured namefag hivemind onto anonymous image boards holy shit
wtf I love pone now
Go fucking figure.
>I saw this one post saying this thing, it must mean it's true!!!
I fucking hate Reddit.
Yeah the r/T_D fags are the ones truly becoming angry over this, none of them have seen an April Fools before here.
/pol General Discord:
Globalist redditfags need to go back to where they belong (In the abortion bin)
Lurk moar faget.
haha Sup Forums said it loves ponies ROFLMAO
I wish I could upvote that.
i'm fine with this i hope the mods keep it going for at least a week.
The name of your pic is the reason why Le Donald is a tumor to pol. We used to just call them niggers and hate them because of their ingrained behavior. Now you faggots come here in the name of MUH CIVIL NATIONALISM and fuck up our board with your nigger, spic, and kike loving idiocy.
You have to go back.
They aren't on my side, I'm an ethno nationalist and they're hard civic nationalists (if that), the worst part about civic nationalists is not only don't they realize their ideology only works as a stepping stone but they'll fucking resist it because of the dank black guy in a trump hat and muh magic dirt.
>What's wrong with The_Donald?
this is unfortunately true. /mlp/ is loving it because it is a chance to take a vacation from our shit-tier mods
eh. it's just the new version of reddit talking about Sup Forums and "Le Anonymous Hackers". They put autism on a pedestal, someday they'll realise that's all they're staring at.
Is that Carter Cruise?
This board is shit because when the stormfront fags disappeared, they just got replaced by meme fags.
I honestly liked the stormfront posters more than those who crosspost from reddit, they contribute no actual content.
>Sup Forums harbor
>tryhard autists migrate to 8gag
>april fools 2017
>tryhard autists flee back to /r/the_donald
board quality's looking good, lads
Kill yourself redditor.
the next stain on America will be a cult of satan worshipers that work through divination
>the faggots that I've been posting with for years are all this degenerate
At least you'll make good cannon fodder.
I can't look at any of you faggots the same now.
Nuclear annihilation can't come soon enough.
Good fucking riddance. /r/the_donald is what made this place into a bigger shithole. Mostly evident when pizzagate was happening and these retards were trying to kill off our stupid Sup Forums conspiracies. Fuck them and all that they stand for.
>contained to some small generals
We could only be so lucky.
No. We'd be stuck with pony shitposting on top of all the rest of the bullshit since ponyfags who normally aren't here will be here.
It's like trying to stop a fire by pouring more fucking gas on it.
I doubt they are, the majority are probably weathering the storm elsewhere + the mlpfags are notorious for being severely autistic, it should come to no surprise that they'd spam Sup Forums given a chance + people think it's funny and want to shitpost/laugh at Sup Forums. The combination of the three just makes it seem like a lot of Sup Forums supports their degeneracy.
Ban the phoneposters too
I fucking hate reddit.
yeah, I'm just going to go play Deus Ex some more.
Fuck this shit.
I'd really like to know what's going on in the political world today though. There are a few important things that need to be discussed and all there is is shitposting. I fucking hate april 1st. A yearly test of my patience.
Marshmallow technicolor alien blobs aren't horses.
So much this.
is that Kellyanne Conway?
Get out faggot
Let's just make it permanent. Finally plebbitors and stormfags will get out.
April 1st is always shit, every company decides to make a joke of it that's either super unfunny or really disappointing that it's not true.
THIS. But it'll never happen since phoneposters are so dumb they actually click on ads, so they're more valuable as sheep for the website revenue.
We have the numbers and the autism to make it happen, but how?
They are unironic donald trump cocksuckers who actually believe the hype.
Sup Forums is memeing fag lords who enjoy the chaos caused by trump existing.
They are very different things
Feels good senpai
the solution is to make mobile IPs not able to create new threads and their posts autosage unless they type cancer into the options
why though?
Is it time to siege /qa/?
I hate Reddit so goddamn much. They're like an embarrassing 13-year-old retard half-cousin who still wets the bed, and you hate everything about them and clearly don't welcome or enjoy their presence but they keep bugging you anyway because they think you only hate them jokingly and that you're actually friends.
xDDD look guys the 'pedes know our 1337 Sup Forums lingo KEK WEW LAD LEL
Should not be getting your dick hard
Anyone who is booty blasted or upset about this joke is clearly retarded.
Honestly if everyone ignored the biat threads and just posted ">>>/reddit" instead of going along with it, they would disappear by themselves.
Also people posting actual real topics to discuss would help making them disappear.
where did this picture come from? I mean, where in America was this taken (city) and why?
Sup Forums isn't about the "maymays" and they're not on our side. It's like supporting Palestine or Israels side on their conflict, but we don't want any of them in our country.
just report and dont reply
Wow that pic, smart.
I love it. Theyre flocking out en masse. Keep this shit up mods
Remove those fucking degenerates from here ASAP.
It's hilarious how these 'fuck me in the ass daddy God Emperor Trump' types are so fucking analpained about horsepussy spam.
>just flat out posting lies
that's why no one likes the reddit transplants. they cannot even invest the ten minutes it would take them to figure out that it's bullshit because then they might miss the chance to be the first to make a thread about it and rake in those ebin upvotes
Based horses
>Why are you hating on people that are on our side?
They are civic nationalists.
>not knowing where Sup Forums is at any moment
Sup Forumsacks are raiding the /qa/eers right now. You should know how to get there.
They have TRS now.
Sup Forums has its own battles