We're coming for you next Sup Forums.
We will rule this board within a year
Other urls found in this thread:
they couldn't even get bernie elected.
"on lock"
You mean overridden with shill accounts, bots, and anybody who gives a fuck about Trump just ignoring them all together after the past year?
You guys couldn't get Bernie or Hillary elected.
8 Years.
Trump is done for the 814th time
How will he recover?
this will never happen
left-wing pages need a lot of censorship, otherwise they would eventually become right-wing due to political incorrectness.
do you have any concept of how insignificant your post is? to me, your nothing but text on a screen.
and thats all you'll ever be.
Challenge accepted
drumpf is finished
>it's great to have fascist admins who ban anyone for having a different thought pattern
CTR tried owning this board once, but half their people got redpilled and then they ran out of money.
Redditors can't handle Sup Forums. No safe spaces here.
this. Go to any /r/politics post and every account in the comments is a month old.
Sup Forums Invasion of Reddit when?
guys stop, this is bait. move on.
bring it faggot
>reddit will
>lead to the progressive landslide
Hahaha yeah cmon now who will MATCH ME???? We can do this guys! This is the most liberal generation ever. We're gonna win this election. Just keep donating your college fund, Bernie will make it free.
could this be the end of DRUMPF????!?!?!?!!!??
Great post fatty!
>No safe spaces here.
Arguably one of the safest spaces for certain people (e.g. you)
You only invade territories for gain, though.
They're reaching levels of Autism I didn't even think were possible
>tfw you try to use dishonest tactics against us.
Plenty of proof out there that reddit is astroturf central.
That's cute. Good luck.
move along now, we dont really care about reddit and normies
They have the #4 most popular site in the U.S spewing their propaganda, they are literally cucking us hard. All we have is this ecochamber which isn't even the 100th most popular site in America and is just full of virginal nerds with no power.
Maybe we should just give up and become liberal.
It is Kek's will that Reddit will go bankrupt.
>we have to deal with your shit all day with no bans while reddit bans anybody for thinking differently or having a racist thought
Our natural memes will always triumph over your fake & forced memes.
Just as the truth will ultimately triumph in the end, so too, do naturally cultivated and loved memes conquer forced memes.
you can almost taste the bitter salt from whoever made that pic
>losing all elections is the greatest thing to ever happen to democrats guyz
Shadilay, brothers!!!!
Your right
>mfw lefty cucks still don't understand why trump memes became as popular as they are
>they think they can just force memes in retaliation
I agree. We should just become liberal as Reddit has way too much influence. That's why all of the recent elections have gone their way. Let's face it: we're better off without the nuclear codes being in orange cheeto's hands anyway. It's over, drumpf is finished. Sup Forums btfo
A fucking leaf
Your delusions of grandeur are laughable and pathetic and your astroturfing is a gigantic waste of DNC money.
Your anti-Trump mass hysteria will backfire soon and many Redditors will get sick of it. Hell, it's already happening on many of the nonpolitical subs. Who the fuck wants to be spammed with ThinkProgress articles on fucking r/Scifi ? Nobody, that's who. But by all means, keep it up. Keep digging your own grave with your retarded astroturfing.
And don't even think you have a snowball's chance in hell of gaining a foothold on Sup Forums. I hate to break it to you sweetie, but this board has been under siege since the day it was created. And do you know how many of these invasions and raids were successful? Zero. Absolutely none. We stopped the JIDF dead in its tracks. We made r/SRS leave with their tail between their legs after they got BTFO by our site's own admin and moderation team. Our shitposting was one of the many factors that led Moot to quit Sup Forums when GamerGate happened. We doxxed CTR with precision unlike anything you have seen before and got the shills to delete their LinkedIn accounts out of sheer terror.
Tell me sweetie, do you think your little raid will be any more successful than the ones done by the faggots we've defeated in the past?
Um... no.
We'll learn your tactics and turn them against you.
We'll spot your threads and report them.
And if you still keep this sit up, we'll go on 8 chan and look for your personal info.
You won't know what hit you and we'll make a joke out of your pathetic little shill force in a matter of months.
So by all means, keep trying to fuck with Sup Forums. I hope you faggots like the taste of weaponized autism because that's what's coming for you.
It's not a "safe space" just because there is a consensus of political opinion, you silly bitch.
Every normie wagecuck at my office uses reddit, when I was in college almost everyone I knew used reddit. They are gaining traction, Trump was just a small roadbump, liberalism will win as society get's more and more athiest and socialist.
>We will rule this board within a year
>Wanting to rule an ocean of piss
Uh huh, have fun. Keep in mind when you piss into the ocean of piss, the ocean of piss pisses also into you.
You just don't get it. Us redditors are super in touch with the young kids and they love our 2008 tier image macros and numale humor. We're the voice of a generation. Get over it.
>Um... no.
this is some heavy duty bait
>Reddit has a couple of shitty subreddits
>Sup Forums has a guy with the nuclear codes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post by this id
I realize you're trollin but what keeps me on Sup Forums is that it's not an echo chamber. Between the trolls, the paid shills and the rare actual liberal passing through, we get a variety of viewpoints (genuine or otherwise).
I can't stand reddit because the entire site is an echo chamber.
/r/thedonald is an actual alt-right echo chamber. I tried hanging out there a few times but it's just boring. Same old shit all the time.
Other areas of reddit are echo chambers of liberalism or whatever private philosophy has taken hold of the room. Nature of their voting system.
Sup Forums is way better.
It will still remain mainly conservative because it's not a "safe space" so lefties can't handle it but at least it has variety.
>unintentionally redpilling normies
uh...thanks, I guess?
I agree, fellow redditor. All the kids think we're very cool and hilarious and will blindly follow whatever our hilarious and totally not forced memes tell them to. Young gen Z kids hate Sup Forums and will never come here or repost pepe memes. Drumpf BTFO (PS: The narwhal bacons at midnight guys XD)
>cool kids vote blue! See?! Look how cool we are fellow young people! Look how young and fresh our candidates are!!!
>extremely corrupt geriatric lizard hag and cuckd socialist geezer
Trump is finished because you virgin faggots are popular on an echo chamber of a website?
kek. yes.
Invading Reddit would be like invading India. They are mostly harmless and you don't want to inherit their huge piles of problems. Nothing good would come out of it.
>You're fucking dead, kiddo
This is the first time I've seen this used unironically
I go to a university. Reddit is what all the cringey people with no self-awareness browse in class, Sup Forums is the dank secret people don't blab about. All that rule 1 + 2 stuff does set standards, even if it doesn't completely stop blabbermouths from bringing shitters over here.
You have to go back.....
This. Nobody fucking buys what shills are selling, only the shills do. It's basic delusion.
I once posted "DELETE THIS RACIST HATE-MEME" as a joke on T_D. I got banned within 10 minutes. No area on reddit is good for discussion or even banter, they're thought police on all sides.
not sure if this reddit traffic report is skeweed, ive seen data showing the opposite trend.
RIP reddit, press F to pay respects.
Sup Forums has doubled in search traffic recently.
Sorry, it was "SEXIST", as it was talking bad about HRC.
There are no shills on reddit.
Wow we're the best echo chamber!!!
Those losers on Sup Forums are so ignorant!
Fuck Drumpf!
*sucks vape*
I think this confirms that leftist are waste of life
You fool, now they'll all come here.
WOW, that's a shitty photoshop.
To much pixilation under the hat.
Fucking loser.
You do realize what happen to tumblr right?
Fucken retarded.
Shill level th33
This person says the same shit EVERY FUCK DAY.
Reddit was always yours.
The fact that we made a colony there humiliates you.
You'll never gain ground here. The most you'll do is keep replying to yourselves but since you have nothing of worth to talk about openly you'll never gain a foothold here.
If you tried to organize here we'd shut you down immediately. Meanwhile you can't do shit to stop us. Fuck with us irl and you'll get shot. We don't strike first just so that we can legally shoot you.
That doesn't sound like a declaration from the good guys. They're on the wrong side of history.
What do you think The_donald is?
>m-muh Russia boogeyman
Is that where that faggy "can't compete" meme came from?
>bits infesting out site and driving off 80% is great
lol wut? I haven't even been to reddit since the election and that was just to troll crying liberals.
Let them get redpilled if it is the will of kek.
I just gona let it drop, most of the oldfags and memetic engineers alredy know it and whe are laughint at all this kek.
Its a psyop, nothing coming from here has that huge impact but we just pretend that it does so the big players get confused and start targeting the wrong places, they are now in full panic mode and investing millions in bots that wont bring them the desired effect. Plebits think that having a gridlook on those subs will bluepile the masses but in reality people will search for other places and ignore this nonsense spam.
>gender reassignment surgery
>my fursona
i sometimes wonder if their ancestors who fared scurvy,storms and piracy on a rickety wooden ship would feel about this being their offspring
Gee Leddit will make Trump UNCOOL!!!
>delusions of grandeur the Reddit post
Leftcucks posting unfunny walls of text again? Why do they do this?
Reddit is so fucking bluepilled. It's sad really.
it's not its. Fucking faggots.
>muh reddit united
>muh trumpets
*Sup Forums ddos reddit*
>that is not fair
*autistic scretching*
Oh, you mean mental retardation?
We gave David Brock a heart attack, enough said.
Fuck off, pedo kike
You realize that allyourexpensivetoys is literally a troll account that exists to make liberals look bad?
Not defending them or anything, but we're the same assholes who found a flag in 36 hours, using star charts, advanced trigonometry, frog croaks, social media scanning, contrails, and a plethora of other skills to steal a little flag in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere
You cant get much more autistic than that