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>inb4 someone calls them controlled opposition and orders people to not vote for anyone
it's already too late
Sweden is racist!
Increase immigrant intake!
It's only too late when we're all dead, so either grow a pair or fuck off.
Is Sweden waking up?
Is the time of the Svearike upon us?
>give voting rights to refugees
>sweden forever cucked
How would they stop it?
Mein Got im Himmel.
If Sweden could somehow uncuck.
Then mabye we're gonna' make it.
That's bullshit. Even if they have like 25%, but other cuckish parties together have 75%.
It doesn't mean shit.
Immigrants are peaceful!
The only reports of violence in Sweden are fake news
just like the Netherlands!
Mate, your talking about a part descended from the Swedish Nazi party, moving main stream in Europe's Sodom and Gamorrah.
All the other parties will come in to line. Migration, "diversity" will become a dirty word.
It doesn't matter how we win; only that we win.
Can't Shimmy the Jimmie
Too little too late.
I'll donate 20 Swedish currency to the pro immigration party. Match me!
Well overall, it was a victory.
Geert brought the "mainstream" parties to the "right". Lets see what happens.
What was unthinkable a year ago ("Morocans are scum" etc.) has been normalized. Dutch voters are the most negative on "diversity".
Ever move of the mainstream narrative to the "right" is a victory.
>it doesn't mean shit
SD is the largest party now with the election a year and a half away. They'll probably have reached nearly 1/3 of voters by then. It will look immensely bad if the largest party gets shut out, this isn't like in Apartheid South Africa where the Conservatives were the opposition but the Nationals were the largest party and the governing party. It isn't like the Netherlands either where Geert's party is number 2. If they shut out SD then problems will be had for them because SD's voters are supporting them knowing that the other parties are currently refusing to work with them- they don't care, they support SD anyway. On September 10th, 2018 they'll have the largest number of seats in the Riksdag.
One can hope, hermano
Defeatist shit
>all those dumbfuck liberal comments
>"lol 10,000 refugees is only .1% of the population"
>"jews never tried to take over sweden when they were refugees there"
>"we should give citizenship to all the arabs to nullify the votes of the RACIST DRUMPF SUPPORTERS"
Civil war when?
You people are basically uneducated barbarians spouting bullshit that is not even vaguely close to the truth, i have always thought it but never said it, that felt weird.
Also we have less then 15% immigrants in our country and half of them are finish.
>half of them are Finnish
Implying that makes it any better.
Grenade attacks always have happened too right?
It's nothing like the Netherlands. Both Baudet and Geert are in Parliament there and have 21 seats between them. Rutte is the largest but he's been forced to take a hard line in order to maintain power and he can't form a coalition without someone outside of his hugbox so hopefully he's forced to bring Geert on board and start physical removal of Turks to make the Netherlands Dutch again.
In Sweden there is only 1 party against immigration in the Riksdag and that is SD. SD will be the largest party- the current largest party will only get about 20% of the seats next time around in a huge reversal. Because you need 4% to get into the riksdag it's possible that SD might get even more seats than their 24-30% of the vote in 2018 would otherwise suggest- similar to how AfD in Saarland will get more seats than their 6% suggests.
If the SD is shut out that means 1/4-1/3 of Swedes will be refused a voice through a coalition of supposedly right wing and left wing parties.
They need like 50% of the votes to have any kind of influence, since all the other parties have agreed to form a coalition to wall them out.
>import 200,000 mostly male immigrants in 2014
>"y-you're all just barbarians who dunno nuffin!"
Stay mad, then kill yourself.
t. cuck
Not really no, up to 2014 there where to major ''allinces'' we had the left with socialdemokraterna as the main part and we had the right with moderaterna as their main party, but when sverigedemokraterna entered the game in 2014 they got what is called vågmästaroll, because of SD neither the left nor the right had over 50% this meant that whenever the two alliances where deciding on something they could not agree on SD got the vågmästarroll to decide which side that would win the vote. SD is 25% and in an unexpected turn moderaterna at 20% has recently decided that siding with SD might just be the right choise
Wow, those immigrants in Malmö sure look finnish. Fucking shit for brains.
omfg. Swedistan is toast. Enjoy sharia you norse cucks.
Our only hope is unsentimental repatriation.
The statistics doesn't take in to account second and third generation immigrants.
what is vagmastarroll?
They can tip the scales in the vote for a bill in the Riksdag. Våg=scales Mästarroll=Masterroll
Holy shit you're retarded. Just leave already.
>we have less then 15% immigrants in our country and half of them are finish.
They were.
Not from malmö, i usually look at southern Sweden and wimpswamp with mild disdain, you really did fuck up the immigration, to bad i cant actually feel it up here, they don't like it here for some reason. Is it true that you guys actually have winter clothing when its not under -10?
>Our only hope is unsentimental repatriation.
God speed, Sweden.
Inte för att jag tror att Sverige Demokraterna kommer att lösa alla problem så tror jag att det är en bra början.
The finns are much better than the immigrants from MENA. Closer to the swedes in all aspects.
Good point.
Just a reminder that the Swedish cuckoldry is genetic and not cultural, and that most Swedes will probably not allow anti-immigration to pass
Is this one of these Euro no one will form a coalition so it doesn't matter things?
I'm not from Malmö, what made you think that? Sundsvall mate.
Kek confirms Sweden is full of pathetic faggots and whether we win them or lose them means nothing
KeK confirms
Then you are ok in my book, well i have gotten over my mild disdain for southerners and replaced it with a seething hatred for immigrants and jews tx Sup Forums
Not showing those prized Swedish diplomatic skill there, work on it.
That is sadly true.
Kingmaker. If they side with the left block, the left rules. If they side with the right coalition, they rule.
The right and left got together and collectively agreed that if SD voted against the budget, trying to make any demands, the other side would vote against their own budget to balance it out. Both blocks have been leaking a ton of votes to SD, with C now taking a lot of S support while S has been ruling keeping the blocks somewhat balanced. The agreement didn't work out great, both blocks rapidly losing influence and some of the smaller parties dancing on the 4% line required to enter parliament.
Also, SD being the biggest is more impressive than it sounds. Not only did they enter parliament first in 2010, our (formerly) biggest party, S, has been a political hegemon for the best part of a century. Their fall is massive.
Swedes used to be nazi and pro-eugenics
Once the anti-immigration train gets rolling there it probably won't stop until the bulk of shitskins are back where they came from.
It's also worth noting that as more Western countries see anti-immigration forces gain power anti-immigration forces will gain even more power, since if everyone else is doing it that makes it okay for everyone else to do it.
That fell quick as their results in polls were in freefall because of the agreement. I guarantee you, M will hop on the SD wagon the moment they can rule without the other 3 alliance parties.
>make every citizen's life objectively worse
>how could they vote against us?
You Swedes really need to wake up to the fact that your political left is run by cultists who are beyond reason.
Unrelated but does anyone know if there's a site where I can find local Swedish demographics? Or just a well-traveled Swede? I want to know if the part where my great-grandma came from is overrun or not
>your political left
Are you an idiot?
All of them. They all betrayed us. That's why we've a brand new party taking 1st place.
This. All Swedes like Alex Jones, want Achmed, tyrone, and Obongo's black dick
The only disdain i have for southern people is the way they talk. I hate the lazy and the rioting immigrants with a vengence though.
Where is she from?
>Sweden is so cucked, their government will increase immigrant intake forever
>Sweden stops immigration completely
>Sweden will always be a leftist shithole guys!
>Swedens anti-immigrant anti-eu party is now the largest.
>Sweden will never throw out people though soo...
>Sweden starts throwing out 8 times as many people as Norway and Denmark are now taking in.
>I-i--i-i-its to late f-f-f-or sweden guys! No need to find a new scapegoat to make us feel better about our own countries heading the same way Sweden was 5 years ago!
I really enjoy "Sweden is cucked" threads, the mental dissonance is so thick i can almost harness it as sustenance.
Sweden is extremely cucked, good thing the shitty demographic is moving out on their own accord now that Sweden is properly starting to hate them.
Imagine how nice Sweden will be in 10-20 years.
>manage to slow immigration
>everyone nigger will now be on welfare for the their entire existence and all their kids will be too
>every Muslim will demand welfare and riot and kill if it's ever denied and all their kids will too
>mfw Swedes will know what niggers and Mudslimes are and will never smugly criticize an American for hating niggers ever again
>everything is going great, stop bullying us
kys ostrich faggot
shut up you blackpill faggot
>Swedes start genociding muzzies and blacks en masse
>Sweden becomes the Fourth Reich
>Hey you're a faggot hahah i'm a meme-master how you gonna argue logicly against that??!?!
>What do you mean that america is taking in more middle-eastern and african men per capita than Sweden ever did?....
also how do swedish elections work, is this enough?
>we deported people who should never have been here
>still multiple no go zones
You're still fully cucked and trying desperately to have some self-respect. It's not working.
>Imagine how nice Sweden will be in 10-20 years.
Oh I am you fucking cuck. The damage is done. If you cut your hand off it doesn't grow back.
its not going to happen. Swedes are weak and when it comes to election day they are going to vote liberal left like the cucks they have always been.
May Sweden burn in hell.
t. Dansken
We will find other things to smugly criticize you about later when this shit is over, don't think we have stopped being closet arrogant pricks just because we have been continuously been raped in the ass by the left and Ahmed for 3 years.
You are right, but don't be so naive as to think you can deport 300,000 muslims without triggering a major chimpout or even a civil war. Because everything short of deporting most of the muslims will mean that soon, Sweden will be Swedistan.
Shit might hit the fan, better start stocking up on ammunition and conserved foods, Hans.
Question for Swedebros here
Is the SD against all immigration or just third-world immigration? What's their stance on white westerners moving to Sweden?
just curious, not planning on moving or anything but it would be nice to see Sweden uncuck themselves since it seemed like a really nice place before the rapefugee crisis happened
hope so, would love to see Swedish lynch mobs clear their shit up.
The country needs to look like the witcher 3's universe.
How fucking stupid is Sweden?
Your women are literally incentivized to not love their children i.e. day care and shunning stay at home moms. But they care about all those poor African children to vote to let them in. Just face it, your women are degenerates that hate you.
>Hey i read this meme about no-go zones
Its true actually, the 3 shittiest zones in Sweden is almost as bad you 12th worst zone.
But hey, atleast you called me cuck like a proper meme-master so you make a great point!
I know its hard, but that same study first said 2019, then 2025, then 2030, and written by literal jews.
But hey i guess in this case we trust them 100% right mr reddit memester?
This is a good post because its serious.
It might indeed, but as it looks like right now they are just walking to denmark and norway for free gibsmedat since we cut them off more and more each year. With abit of luck most will be out of here before shit truly hits the fan in europe.
Against refugees, their opinion is to invest in their own countries (which sure, is still kinda cucked). They are 100% fine with higher educated people coming here.
t. i read this on reddit and i am an expert now on Swedish culture.
Gonna stop responding to the "le epic fag cuck" reddit folk now. If anyone has any serious questions feel free.
It was always frustrating to have Yuros that had never interacted with a nonwhite lecturing me on nonwhites. It was this insufferable combination if ignorance and arrogance that Swedes just fucking radiated.
Now after getting /blacked/ you don't see it much anymore. I'm sorry that you had to take the redpill, but you were very deserving of it.
Only after seeing it for yourselves do you realize that the 3rd world is the that way because it's full of 3rd world people. They're not poor because of colonialism, they're poor because they're fucking stupid and lazy.
Danskjäveln should know his place and keep quiet, we know what happen last time and this time we wont be that mercifully we might even give back skåne, we don't want it.
The USA takes in middle easterners as 5% of our immigrants. I'm almost certain they're greater than 10% of yours. Like I said, kill yourself. I thought arrogant retarded Swedes that pretend everything is fine died out five years ago but I guess I was wrong.
>we might even give back skåne
You wouldnt DARE SVENSKER!
See . This isn't reddit mr barack hussein obama.
Don't make me bring out le epic danish meme pictures like the fact you guys no longer can serve alcohol in your capital due to your sharia patrols.
Explain your rape statistics. Is it because of the wording or is there really a rape problem?
I know you're desperately trying to cling on to any superiority you once had, but making fun of burgers won't change the fact that if you don't win now you're going to be the next Somalia.
>AMA from a total faggot
And where are the American girls holding up signs to welcome them? Oh right...
>walking to a country where the authorities steal their valuables before allowing them to stay
Yeah and I'm sure all the turks in germany are moving to france. Fuck you're delusional.
could be worse. You could post this picture of our current PM in his youth playing around with the Taliban.
>the lion from the north is rising
Expect Sweden to become a hotbed of white nationalism.