Sup Forums = spam

For a brief period, this board was somewhat useful in getting political news and discussion.

Of the first 100 threads currently in the catalog, only about 35% relate to something political. The remainder are either "Drumpf"/Pornography Spam (22%), "Redpill Me/Is X Degenerate" Spam (12%), Reposting (15%), or unrelated /r9k/ shit (16%)

Why are Sup Forums mods such faggots? Why are the board's users so dumb? Discuss.

What reddit has become, so shall Sup Forums be.

*What reddit has become, Sup Forums has as well.

35% isn't actually that bad for Sup Forums


there are easier ways to get banned

One word:


I think Sup Forums is lost. It used to go through these phases for weeks at a time, but always bounced back. It's been this way for about a month now and I don't think we will bounce back. We've reached critical mass of shills that will not assimilate and take the red pill, and there aren't enough users to redpill them..

I've been on Sup Forums for 10 years now, and it happens all the time. A new board will rise up to take Sup Forums's place as the meme factory of the internet, and serve to waste a couple years of my life.

You're right. I feel there is something better for you. I feel you are too good for this place, too intelligent.

Leave this place while you can. There is a place, a gathering of intellectuals. A better place. reddit.

Well this is also spam. I believe what pol needs is a couple more mods, but pol is far from becoming b, so i guess theybare doing a good job.

>35% relate to something political
fuck thats like saying USA is 90% white, real number is around 10% if u filter out bait and shill threads

Then you only read threads concerning your own fucking country,

there's also always this thread every fucking day

Hey OP,
I think the board you're looking for is Its the place where faggots like you belong.


Says the faggot who posted a picture of a dead chick on /pol, which last I knew is a violation of board rules.......Hang on while I report your sorry ass.

Well, you've called it, now what is your plan to fix it?
Possibly raise standards above the impulse-click bait...Oh, um...maybe next time, eh?

I'd hit it one last time

We're being raided. It's David Brock's fault. Also there are some communists who tried to raid us for a couple months and I think one of them is back, but one thread is not so bad. Commies got BTFO and I imagine some got red-pilled.

>Why are Sup Forums mods such faggots?
They came from Reddit.

Control the record under a different name. Who gives a shit what they want to call themselves. We know them by one name

what? /k/ ? thats the last option they have given us then what then? what happens when they shut Sup Forums down? what do you suggest we do then user?
t. been here since 2007 desu

I hate how stormfags think everyone else has the same agenda as them, but when someone disagrees with their blatent nonsensical racism they're ctr shills. I hate how they revolve their entire pathetic worldview around muh pure musterd race, the truth is that most people don't care about race at all, we care about real issues that affect humanity and the well being of our loved ones

>1-post by this ID
fuck off kike shill

Lurk more newfag

I've been here since 2010

>Libertarians and anarchofags facile ideologies
hello nu-pol redditor

>admitting you're this new

That a real picture senpai?

really makes me think

The picture is real but it's from A Serbian Film, about an ex-pornstar who gets roped into playing snuff. Edgy, wouldn't recommend. Martyrs is better.

>tfw black women killed at a higher rate than white men at one point in United States history
Fucking nogs man how can you deny that humans are superstar but equal? Race realism isn't racism. We are all created equal in God's image some of us are just predisposed to being faster, taller, smarter, stronger, etc..

This is a little too on point for being what I assume is a bait image. I mean Sup Forums was never as good as it implies but it was a hell of a lot better than it is now.

because newfags don't assimilate

that's pretty politically relevant too if you think about it

Reddit is censored and mods incredibly biased, it is a mere shadow of what a true, free intellectual forum could be.

Even if the ideology of the board has gotten watered down a lot, the Overton window has shifted dramatically. For the first time in a long time the kikes and their puppets are being called out. If this board really does die, /pol sacrificed itself for the greater good.

So you're just going to ignore the oppression of blacks in america and the toxic thug culture that corporations have pushed on the black community? There are differences in race, there are also differences in individuals, but there's a difference between saying certain types of people are predetermined to being savage degenerates and acknowledging aesthetic and physical differences.

>and the toxic thug culture that corporations have pushed on the black community?
This is bs. Such a culture can only be "pushed" where there is a marked for being pushed. There is an inherent problem with the black community. Pushing the fault to companies is a cheap move making any improvement impossible.

Hey user, that isn't a real human.
Come back when you have real gore

Well that is that, I am now officially a #CruzMissile

We're under attack, newfag. God damn, people are fucking slow sometimes. Do you think the indigenous users fucked off the plot just after the election and never looked back? Apply a little situational analysis before spouting off and adding to the persistent stream of shit threads.