Why doesn't the media just name drop Sup Forums and Sup Forums already? Surely they know we're at the center of it all, right?
Why doesn't the media just name drop Sup Forums and Sup Forums already? Surely they know we're at the center of it all...
I'm pretty sure r/the_donald is a bigger part of Trump's online success than Sup Forums is.
Because if they've learnt anything from Trump, it's that attention only makes us stronger.
Good publicity, bad publicity...
It's still publicity.
We're not at the center of it all, you're just narcissistic and delusional.
but we are meme magicians
Sup Forums made r/t_d to use as the fall guy
They can't effect us by screaming Nazi so they ignore us.
The founders of that subreddit were literally Sup Forumsacks faggot
...though they did get kosherized later on by the leddit admins
Lol half-chan cuck thinks he's a part of something.
>S-S-Surely my countless hours of seclusion wasted anonymously shitposting on a Cambodian yak-recipe forum isn't in vain!
Cringe af
Lol infinity-Chan cuck thinks the same
because once you're here, you're here forever.
fuck you
>cringe af
that phrase is unironically degenerate
>"It's all for you user! It's all for you!"
For real though. All that you survey.
>so is the phrase unironically degenerate