Sup Forums Stands with Rand
TFW the "Randlet" outplayed your 64d Chessmaster, Donald "not enough votes" Trump
>Tries to pass randcare
>Exact same thing happens, moderates don't approve of it
>be congress
>pass full repeal when they know obama wont sign
>we cant do a full repeal now that someone will actually sign it
trump should have never gotten in bed with the goblins
He didn't gain anything
trump didn't want that shit to pass. He just wants to get Ryan fired. Rand is a two-timing cuck who was named after a kike. Go figure.
Rancid Paul and his nutcase pappy need to go shoot themselves. Freedom Cockus can go to hell.
What would the dynamic be between POTUS Trump and Speaker Paul look like, Sup Forums?
Could be. That would be pretty funny.
Why are you so mad, Ryan?
Nothing with Ryan's name attached for me, thanks. I never signed up for Obama care, I knew it was a hoax. Fake news, boys.
has anyone been prosecuted for not paying the penalty? imho they wont do it because it will lead to court cases that will destroy the mandate, so just dont pay fuck em
Rand's 17 hour filibuster on the Senate floor, was remarkable, I don't recognize Cruz's, as that was copycatting. I doubt Trump could stand for 17 hours, surviving on a pocketful of peanuts, and peeing down his pant leg. Truly based.
if cruz were president he would have never even let that shit touch the floor
I don't know, I work for myself, so... But this was supposed to be the year when they start withholding fed taxes, or maybe last year. Obama care was a hoax from the start, they handed out 175 billion in tax credits illegally, plus now it comes to light, Obama was using federal monies from corporate fines, to bank roll it also. It's a hoax!
Rand and Trump and Bannon
It was meant to be. Pillars of patriotism. Christians. Truth tellers. Likers of a good burger. Good things await.
>I never signed up for Obamacare
Me neither. My understanding, however, is that you can be fined $700 if you didn't sign up on your taxes.
I think they call it a (((tax)))
A shame he's a closet democrat. Just like Paul Ryan.
malik obama hates rand paul.
>I don't recognize Cruz's
I'm going to need you to make that same post, but delete that part of it.
>Speaker Paul
Rand Paul is a senator you stupid burger.
And Donald Trump.
>his nutcase pappy
Y-you take that back!