defend this pol
Defend this pol
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Yeah, I got nothing.
Someone redpill me on this shit.
Is this really the best you could do?
that's a pretty weak defense desu senpai
why didnt rand vote
Both parties suck, just in different areas. Conservatives want to take powers away from the government but don't put any thought into it and end up doing so even at the cost of making ancap memes come to life.
Remember, republicans think that companies are people and defend their "rights".
Republicans are also bootlicking faggots who hate America.
You can't make this shit up.
its so trump can veto it and get public support
because he's a complete pussy that doesn't vote on his own bills
ooo shit.
That makes sense. At the same time the republicans can still get that sweet cable money kick-back. But at the end going "OH WELL."
Like Democrats really give a fuck.......
>I have a right to privacy when using a public forum that's run for profit
literally gibsmedat
Companies, like people and government bodies, are legal entities that have certain rights.
Freedom is the balance of rights between legal entities.
If you think businesses don't have rights, then what's to prevent someone or the government to step in and claim that business for themselves?
But not a single democrat voted in favor of this bill. Really makes you think
It doesn't do that.
If you legitimately care about your privacy, you should want tight FTC regulations, which would apply equally across the board.
If you're a Democrat, you get a stack of cash from Jewgle/Facebook/Netflix and allow them to regulate their competition through the FCC.
>Bonus round: The rule they repealed only went into effect December 2nd
Defend this OP!
*teleports behind you*
he won't and you know it
You're going to basically get a solid no from every democrat on every bill. Unless it's a Holocaust memorial fund, etc, but Democrats are the opposition party.
the question is not why democrats voted nay but why republicans voted yea
Seriously? Do i have to? I'm getting tired of defending shit... KNOW WHAT: You defend it. stupid cunt suckin' nigger
Ahah this.
Because they believe in free markets.
The FCC only regulates ISPs, which means that Verizon and Comcast were disadvantaged in a way that Google and Facebook were not.
nice ID
Republicans need to be purged. Steve King is still /ourguy/ though.
Conservatives want to take power away from the government, so that they can give it to the corporations that lobby them instead.
Look at how much money Cruz has been getting from ISPs. Only in the US is corruption legal under the term "lobby", try that shit in other countries and you would be hanged.
Stop taking down start-up ISPs and maybe competition and the free market will make all of these regulations unnecessary.
sounds like facebook and google
why would we defend republicans. do people really think Sup Forums is republican? I see this shit all the time. Republicans are just as cucked as democrats. Wake me up when we get a far right party
no one ever obeyed FCC regulations and this just legalizes shit thats been going on for years
these FCC rules were put in place by obama now god emperor trumps rolling them back, whats the beef?
things were just as fucked up before, during, and nothing will change just ppl cant get sued for spamming crap now.
This. Dems and Reps are both corporate shills, they just have different marketing strategies.
Kind of like how Kraft foods controls a shit ton of """competing""" brands. The Democrats take away personal freedom, the Republicans essentially destroy economic freedom.
And before I get some lolbertarian on my case, financial freedom means you the freedom to stay away by our bullshit usury-based "free" market. Not the "freedom" to navigate within a closed system.
*you have
>Google and Facebook were not.
Google and facebook can only sell information they can gather. If you visit Sup Forums neither google nor facebook knows that unless you were stupid enough to either navigate to the site via the google search engine or post about Sup Forums on facebook.
Whereas your ISP knows every single thing you do on the internet. Everything.
Both sides of politics are bought out , democrats are worse because the have the media, but republicans have control now so the corporations make deals with them now
Fugging Ted Cruz.
Based Rand
Only if had the charisma and height...
Just because pol supported doesnt mean they're all republicans. Trump is hardly republican, and the GOP went against him the whole time and is still low key trying to sabotage him.
With that being said I still get along with conservative better than liberals 99 % of the time
Yeah, they are just riding his coat tails once they saw he won. The main GOP base hated Trump.
Unpopular opinion: you don't own any data that isn't encrypted, so you have no reason to complain about ISPs selling your unencrypted metadata or any other data that isn't secured.
He is going to run in 2024 and doesn't to be on record voting against the party every single time I guess.
He should have voted no because the republican party is going to undergo a massive change.
The right is not the same as it was a decade ago, its basically been co-opted by libertarians
He's smart and browses this site
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Republicans have nothing to hide, unlike the Democrats