
What do we do about the canadian problem?

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Politely ask us to leave? :(

Yes, let the hate flow through you


I cannot wait to die. Holy fuck being alive is fucking hell in this country.
I hate waking up every day strictly cause Im canadian.

For the Love of God, please let me leave this shit hole.

Or Die.

hiroshimoot allows quebec flags

Annex. Divide into states. Construct mega highway and rail system.

Kek wills it.

these libtards in office are exactly what we need to wake people up, and we have another year and a half for it to brew for the next upcoming election. I'm seeing more and more frustrated canadians waking up.

if trudeau gets elected 2019, burgers are free to annex us.

Nuke us please!

I think I'm already dead. Life is purgatory in canada.

stop spamming you dirty shit. What are you Mexican or Italian? LIterally cant tell the difference.

You dad should have flushed you down the wank tube.

Do they want too??
Can't think of a reason they'd want 35 million jack offs who hate the USA via commie brain washing

Cause you have dickeyes and dickbrain that can't recognize flags.
Here's the mouthy loser who ruined the rep of canada on pol

After we meme Mad Max Bernier into the CPC leadership, we need to do the same for Pat Stogran in the NDP.

>battle-hardened veteran; fought in Afghanistan
>was never a member of any political party and stayed out of politics entirely
>was hired by Harper to be veteran ombudsman
>was later fired (i.e. position was not renewed) by Harper because he criticized the Cons and Libs bullshit veteran's charter which actually gave less benefits to disabled vets
>hasn't given much of a platform yet, but called out the elites in the two big parties, said he wants a more open government that will support Canadians, and cited Liberal broken promises as motivating him to run

eat shit buddy.

Also, you literal piece of shit. They are the same fucking flag. Literally the same fucking flag.

you fucking moron.

Well I'm not interested in any of the Conservative candidates but I'll keep an eye out for this guy since there is potential here

Toronto reporting in.
Where are you guys from?

Toronto. Please kill me.


Listen to the clip.

Toronto. Pretty amazing city, but kind of expensive. I love it here, though.

How the fuck is Toronto amazing? It's absolute shit

I wish we dont annex Ontaria, Quebec, NF&L, or Nova Scotia.
The west and north can support more migrations further north away from niggers and we can get an Alaskan superhighway.
Not to mention your recources, and the little oil you have left.
Life will be great in the new Canadian states while you guys burn
Maybe Nova Scotia can join for map aesthetics

You probably live in the suburbs.


don't lie on the internet user

No I live in the city. It's so fucking full of degenerates and it's getting worse everyday.

Invade Canada
Exterminate the niggers and cucks

Ah, you must be an altright idiot.

im from Toronto too. were done for bois

Pfft... "altright idiots" are the only ones with actual brains nowadays. Objectively speaking. Only a snowflake liberal can think Toronto is a great city. The fuck is wrong with you.

You let nature take course and import the superior Canadian bulls that your women desire.

day of the rake soon pls

Tons of great paying jobs, great diverse group of people, access to pretty much everything, always something going on, lower crime rate than the national average. I love it here.


Downtown Toronto is one of the few worthwhile places to be in this country if you're into sexy singles,regularly buying nice things,, and building a long term career.

We have a higher standard of living here though so you're just a spoilt little shit

Is it easy to migrate to the US? Im ashamed to call myself a canadian. Knowing this fucking retarded leaf is gonna pop up everytime i post shames me.

It's also not led by a bunch of fucking greedy, spineless morons

Where do you think you are? Did you get lost on your way to reddit?

Only a few good things about Toronto there. Every city has "access to everything" and there's nothing going on really. Is this your idea of something always going on?

Some leafs are really cool and cute.


You're welcome, kitty.

Holy shit this thread went from 0 to 100 quickly. Now i gotta go on b for muh gfur. Ty cuck

the bad canadians are the anglo ones
we are the master race here.

>A fucking leaf

you're a fucking shame to all canadians you dumb anglo cunt

Cut one head off the hydra and another grows back

i don't like Toronto but not for the same reasons your typical Sup Forumstard hates it for. i don't like Toronto because it's a gimped city that has been cucked by city council/provincial politics for decades now and as a result is about 30-40 years behind where it should be in terms of infrastructure and transit. city council in particular is so cucked by politics that literally almost nothing gets done with each successive mayoralty. at the same time insecure Torontonians often confuse Toronto with somehow being on par with New York or other world class cities. it's hilarious but it's also the same self satisfied smugness that will ensure city council will keep fucking up and making horribly expensive mistakes.

i will say this, i suppose Toronto is amazingly impressive if you're fresh from small town buttfuck, nowhere, population 10000. the shine dulls after awhile living in Toronto and especially after traveling abroad.

enjoy the $4 billion+ dollar, behind schedule Scarborough subway extension the city didn't need, thanks fat fuck Ford!


I love toronto, the fucking suburbs surrounding it are all dumb as fuck though. They voted in Rob Ford, the national embarrasment. Well at least he died.

Get Trudeau out.The problems starting after he was elected

Invest in Canada eCoin, the cryptocurrency of the leaf.

>i suppose Toronto is amazingly impressive if you're fresh from small town buttfuck, nowhere, population 10000. the shine dulls after awhile living in Toronto

Maybe. We'll see.

And I don't think we're that far from New York. Sure, you listed a lot of valid complaints. But I'm sure NY has tons of issues with politics as well.

Meant for

>your typical Sup Forumstard hates it

Probably because it's FULL of


Glits in glammer wraps around a bowl of shit.

I have never been comfortable in Toronto. I am from a small buttfuck down but god damn, every time I went to Toronto I felt so on edge. Same with Montreal.

Never been to Vancouver, but Calgary seemed much nicer to me when I went there.

Rake those fucking leaves.

That's weird, Calgary has more total crime and more violent crime than Toronto:

I am just going to put this out their. Fuck crapanada

Nuke leafland vermin now

Hi, left boi, I have maple fever. Send discord and pics of you white boipucci.

Annex us senpai.

Are you triggered retard???
Thanks for ruining our rep you mouth fuck.
>go to trade school
>sell all your shit and move
>Fuck Burgers
>Proxy burger
blah blah blah blah blah

Fucking retard
You ruined the rep of our country online and you don't fucking care.
Good job Patriot.

Same guy, diff ID. Ruined his countries rep online. Doesn't care.
Good job Patriot

Please continue to stay mad

Not sure. Too depressed and angry about the state of things. Can't stay moderate enough to get my foot into anywhere to do any real damage to the Cuckfederation.


How much are you paid per post, shill #2?

>And I don't think we're that far from New York.
maybe, maybe not. sure there's some overlap and similarities that all large metro areas have in common by virtue of size and we could get into a subjective debate over culture, soul, character and feel of a city but let's not. my point is the latter is very much influenced and established by the basics which is how well the city is fiscally and pragmatically governed.

>Sure, you listed a lot of valid complaints. But I'm sure NY has tons of issues with politics as well.
of course, like any unit consisting of multiple people that have to work together, politics ensues. the difference is Toronto is badly crippled by it, much more so than NYC or any comparably classed city. toronto city council is a systemically and fundamentally flawed body. it has been for decades.

don't like most of those thing either but only because we are all so obsessed with those things that actual important issues get neglected.

i can see that. i've been to all of those places except Calgary. out of curiousity what was different about it compared to the other three?