They say a picture speaks 1000 word, this one envokes 4.
Sup Forums btfo once again.
They say a picture speaks 1000 word, this one envokes 4.
Sup Forums btfo once again.
Other urls found in this thread:
why not fucking save the mexican people instead, superman, you bigot
Why would trump build the wall around new York? It's not like the Jews need protection
Make America Great Again
why? they are mexicans and would fuck themselves over again
Superman is an illegal alien, let's deport him back to Krypton like the spacenigger he is
>illegal alien defending illegal aliens
It checks out.
why would the wall be in new york? Superman must be smashing something else.
I don't care what happened to Krypton, he has to go back and do the process right.
What the OP doesn't tell you, is that in this comic, the U.S. Donated Lady Liberty to Israel.
>It's not like the Jews need protection
Yes they do, user.
>envokes 4.
"superman is not real?"
Omg i drew a picture POL BTFOOOOOO!
kys fag
I thought it was "Really makes you think"?
>Sup Forums btfo once again
That's hilarious
>Injustice superman goes full dictator
>Leftists love to assemble
>Superman declares you can't assemble
>Superman literally kills hundreds for assembling
Then again leftists continue to prove the point they just want a dictator that will kill as many people as possible even if that includes THEM.
They say shills on Sup Forums write 1000 posts. This user writes only one. Sage and hide, friends.
fake and gay
>superman destroying the dyke protecting new york from the rising sea levels
fucking dick
"New York needs walls?"
Fuck off Superman we're full
thought you called lady liberty a dyke there for a second.
Superman is literally the work of 2 Jews fantasizing about being superior and super-powered foreigners who arrive in a new land and need to come to the aid of the host nation and "help" them to be a better society.
It is the most blatantly Jewish depiction of their behavior outside of The Protocols.
They say a picture speaks 1000 word, this one envokes 4.
Sup Forums gets a boner.
>superman floods US to kill all who can't swim
>whites survive
Superman is the Jews' idea of what their maschiach should (will?) look like, strong and muscular, unlike Jesus who ended up crucified.
Up, up and Oy Vey...
Nice flag
Why did I get a boner.
Like fuck man. It's so bizarre it turns me on, why?
the price of riding bikes
Fucking this.
The fuck is he destroying, the prison of Alcatraz?
That's six you shitskin retard.
This pretty much.
Lex Luthor would have supported Trump.
Lex is /ourguy/.
Fuck Superman and those "Heroes".
Nice. Let me tell you what i saw in that pic.
>An ilegal alien refugee from a place fucked up by their retarded government destroying the borders of the place that took him in and give him a home, education and friends.
Pretty much an arab, halal as fuck.
Why is there a wall in NY?
>4 words
This is an advertisment.
Gotta prevent immigration from Cuba
How would Lex even deal with the Olympians?
What is that twitching thing... is that his... heart? o.O
You're right, OP is a faggot. Saged.
I wish I was Superman. I'd be the libs worst nightmare with what I'd do.
He's trying to regenerate
> inb4 dc releases mexican superman
Is this supposed to be Riker's
Why would there be a wall in NYC anywhere but jersey
What is a wall doing in New York?
Already happen
New Jersey should be walled off. Go away superman
what is it with liberals and missunderstanding the meaning behind statues?
>statue of liberty is a shining a beacon to freedom starved refugees
>stands before Ellis Island
>where said refugees went to be registered as americans
id smash that wall also,its obviously blocking the new york harbour
i know its the trump wall but the left are pure fucking cringe
This picture speaks four words to me.
Super Man Isn't Real.
>Superman is going to take down the wall on the New York-Mexico border
They say a picture speaks 1000 word, this one envokes 4.
Sup Forums is National Socialist
>Sup Forums is National Socialist
speak for yourself fag
Superior hero coming through, Superman is a cuck.
Underrated. The Statue of Liberty is the greatest symbol of legal immigration ever built. The irony is completely lost on the left.
Alien enters country illegally
Goku vs Superman who wins?
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Ugly pigface dyke
she has the kind of face that makes me want to see cum dribbling from her nose
>Mexican wall located in New York City
Can we stop with this narcissistic leftist bint already? i fucking hate /nupol/
seriously. does she ever fucking drive herself anywhere or just drink coffee in the passenger seat while taking selfies. holy fuck i hate her.
>has godly superpowers
>loses to an old man in a bat costume
Yeah, it perfectly envokes the confirmation that liberals see the real world as literal fantasy.
>Liberals think in tropes
Did I get it right
Yeah, pol is BTFO because some guy drew a cartoon of superman.
You faggots can't understand the world through anything other than cartoons.
Sage this faggoty shit.
why is there a wall in new york?
why is it on the ocean?
why is superman involved?
what the fuck am I looking at?
Excuse me but your cranium seems to be generating lots of excess kinetic energy due to mechanical friction. In fact, one might say you are being a hothead right now.
Did he survive?
>travels tens of thousands of lightyears to find refuge in earth
>grows up to destroy the national sovereignty of host nation
sounds about right
Why does Superman support illegal entrance into a country?
Yes he's black his name is transplantius
Because the statute of liberty is there, and the only argument for domestic policy they can muster is a poem written in the 1800s by a Jew.
wear your helmet kiddies
Four words and one number.
Motherfucking shills.
>A wall around the ocean
do people think this is deep?
oy vey
Stuporman is gunna break the flood wall when global warming threatens Jew York City?? Yes!. Flush the toilet
That's the wall to protect against rising sea levels. Notice the water splashing on the outside?
Superman is dooming New York to be flooded because he hates liberals.
>btfo by fantasy
libtard: the post
jew-perman was always kike cancer
>Also in Israel's interest
This. He needs to wait in line like everyone else.
Nah. It's, "really gets your chestnuts roasting."
When did we move the statue of liberty?
the wall now surrounds jew york and fences off various subhumans. we're writing the year of the lord 2025
Gotcha. So just let superpowered god figures control what our government can and can't do. This is why we need CADMUS.
I imagine "tear down that wall." How quick the party of Reagan forgets.