Why Sup Forums is so concerned with the islamization of europe when it basically agree with most of muslim talking points on women, fags, drugs, israel, etc?
Why Sup Forums is so concerned with the islamization of europe when it basically agree with most of muslim talking...
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self-perceived whiteness I guess
Of course the cancerous manchild is a dumb Sup Forums poster. I can only image how pathetic your life is.
Yeah if anything they should publicly agree with Islam and Sharia and demand it be implemented to put feminists back into the kitchen and to oppress or remove homosexuals. And at the same time be against migration.
That way white traitors, women and faggots would be put in the vice from both direction. These people are the true enemies, mudshits are just their rabid dogs.
Good point.
I myself welcome our muslim overlords.
Honesty I don't know, I feel cognitive dissonance whenever this topic comes up.
Islam is anti-freespeech and full of inbred nonwhite niggers.
Because fuck islam.
Why do you think we should allow millions of african and middle eastern migrants into Europe? All they do is rape, commit wellfare fraud and commit terrorism.
If Islam wasn't 99.999% subhuman genetic filth, I would have no problem with it. I am sure as a white religion it would be great, but unfortunately Islam and a billion dysgenic wastes of life come as a package deal.
But it is better than christianity purely as a religion.
Because they aren't European you fucking moron
Because despite the rhetoric here, nobody wants sand people level standards on any issue, even one they sort of agree with them on paper.
Most people, even most Sup Forumssters, want a more civil and nuanced social and legal system than that.
Everyday man, its like these fuckers a professional liars man. Listen
Bush did 9 11
Because Christ is King
I don't care if they ruin europe so it can serve as an object lesson, just leave our hemisphere alone
Well besides a bunch of hypocrisy and it telling to kill non-believers, apostates, and jihad is the highest form of praise leading to a very high rate of extremism I guess it's OK.... keep on shilling though.
Fuck shitskins and Invaders trying to rape Europe.
Promote Sharia and Islam the ideology and policies sarcastically to frighten the faggots and feminists, and remind them that they would be the ones who would suffer the most, and that if their treachery ever succeeds they will be brutally oppressed by an actual bigoted patriarchy a billion times worse than what they condemn in whites.
because Islam hates science and I want to see Mars colonized in my lifetime, fuck off
>sort of agree with them on paper
Sup Forums is satire, lad
Otherwise, they would be taking Hitler's fanboying of Islam more seriously.
Muslims should be welcomed as our brothers.
You ever meet someone that was just like you? It fucking grates on you. Like, fuck, is this what I look like to other people? Just kill me, senpai. That's why we don't like 'em. Also they're usually brown, so that doesn't help matters.
Solving one set of problems, by potentially creating even more problems is not the solution.
Yes, Muslim societies do not have the problems prevalent in the West, but they bring their own problems.
I have lived in Morocco for 6 months. One of the more "normal" Muslim countries. Not something you want to recreate anywhere else in the world.
because there's more to life than women, fags, drugs, and Israel.
The fact I don't support LGBT agenda doesn't mean I wanna throw gays off cliffs.
because the jews have conditioned us to hate each other, gave loans to both sides to buy weapons, then sold the weapons to them
But more than this reason, we arent compatible. See image attached.
>Everyone in Sup Forums is a christcuck like me
No way fag
stai zitto coglione
because islam is a slave religion. it is too Conservative, to the point of being anti science and technological advancement.
fucking evangelicals would probably love them though
>Why Sup Forums is so concerned with the islamization of europe when it doesn't agree at all with most of muslim talking points on crime, hygiene, etiquette, etc?
Pic related
Fem-Cunt shilling for mud people to invade europe and attacking the people who dare defend it. Then when someone suggests islam is preferable to leftist idiocy she starts backpedalling and thinks maybe it's not such a smart idea after all.
Because it ruins the identity of Europe and America. I don't want to see Arabic and garbage bags when I visit Europe.
They are right on a couple ideas, but there is a reason that Islamic countries are shit.
because you literally get on your knees and put your ass up for allah to rape u 5x a day.
Alcohol, bacon, not praying to a pedo every few hours, not wearing faggy robe shit. Not looking like a filthy shitskin sand nigger.
Because the religion's practitioners are a bunch of savage, subhuman, goatfucking filth that shouldn't be anywhere near my country. The religon itself has plenty of retarded practices, exactly what you'd expect from such a fanclub.
The things you mention, like sexual morality and dignity of person, are already old Christian values--which have just been shit on constantly by the leftists.
I'm not exactly faithful myself, but I do have great respect for Christian morals. Sure, Islam might bring back some of it, but that's at the cost of
1. brown hordes in white countries
2. fanatical religion that forces you to pray to some mud god 5 times a day
No thanks.
Perche solo c'è un uomo che salvarà l'Europa e non è musulmano.
I love Christ, do you have a problem with me loving love another man? See you in court
I agree. We need to turn the SJW/feminist/trans fags against mass migration by showing how fucked they would be under sharia.
The 2 tools the globalist kikes are using to destroy western civilization are brainwashed PC/SJW degeneracy, and islamification through mass third world migration.
We need to turn these two against each other
because we're not a bunch of cucks?
cause white polacks are very similar to kikes. They don't like something unless it benefits their race.
this. it looked gay as fuck when they all do it in prison. also they face the back of the toilet and sit down like faggots
christianity said it first dumb fuck. islam is a sub par knockoff for brown inbred barbarians.
*to pee
I've considered learning more about the quran so I can shill for sharia law on plebbit and faceberg
Inbreeding is the direct result of sharia enforcement.
why don't white people make their own sect of islam? rewrite shit to make it more "secular" but retain all the soft bigotries and allow consumption of non-halal foods. the plus side is you get to fuck all the muslima qts 'cause you're technically muslim.
the more you learn the more flabbergasted and outraged you'll become
they believe some of the stupidest shit around, especially in their holy laws written for years after
like detailed rules to wipe your dick and squeeze the leftover pee out 4 times etc
English you subhuman fuck
there are no brown qt's, you naïve leaf.
this has potential,
Ive been saying for years that islam needs a reformation.
who wants to be the muslim version of Martin Luther?
Not even true my dude. Bosnians are actually pretty white, they have a lot of blonde haired blue eyed Muslims. To see white women preying to allah wearing hijabs and naqibs, fasting for a month, Etc is pretty disgusting.
Even if we take white population converting to islam, it will become worse as islam is religion created for war and only war. But problem is not islam itself but biological weapon against european people which is islam carriers.
Coran was written by rabbis, they love rules both because they love breaking them through pilpul, and it places more opportunities to legally fuck over goyim.
Why did you lose your anger of legalism, USA ?
What happened exactly ?
Yes yes, i know, jews and their control of the medias, but why did it happens ? Who allowed them to gain control ?
This is what we so often forget about the kikes : some of our own always let them in. Any kike-infested country always deserve it, because they were already full of traitors, and the reason they were full of traitors is the people's cuckdom an unwillingness to slaughter all criminals and cheaters.
That's the point in their explanational documents they can say whatever they want to and it is always right. Arabian is just fucking unexplicit.
Show me the passages in the quran please.
The problem of the Islam is the Islam itself. Everyone got their own explanations as arabic is fucking arbitrary in definitions.
kys mario
i dont know what you mean by "Why did you lose your anger of legalism?"
can you explain with other words
Because of inbreeding and polygamy. Fuck off ahmed.
Religions are obsolete. Churches, mosques and synagogues should be converted to museums.
I think the main issue with Islam is that they've got it right in some ways - they have their women on their side (like they have a choice), it's one huge collective with the same belief, many don't fear dying, they breed like rabbits, oppose Jews etc...
But at the same time they're literally just an explosive cult of tusken raiders who think a paedo flew a donkey to the moon. Oh and they want to enslave and murder us. That's bad too.
oh do you mean, why did you lose your anger towards illegal acts. i think because the media glosses over most of it. sometimes anchors on our news are stunned to hear some of the things our politicians do, you can see it in their face. But they stay quiet because they are paid well and life here is good.
The people who complain, are poor and dont have much. The protestors here are usually the homeless or people living on couches and shelters with nothing to do. They are all seen as losers, even though we agree with some of their messages.
It's like Huxleys "A Brave New World." People say, its not perfect, but its better than being ruled by Russia or China, and you cant really argue. It's easy to build your own wealth without working a normal job here. Not easy, you have to work very hard, but opportunity is still everywhere if youre smart. So we stay comfy.
If you somehow find arabs or niggers without islam in heads and bring them into your society, they will still rape and murder because it is in their nature. Islam just helps channel their animal aggression common for their races against infidels, but aggression will not magically disappear without it.
Because Pol is primarily nihilist.
Not christians
Not nazis
Not satire
We have drunk deep of the well of knowledge and stared long into the abyss. Our souls have grown black and hardened because of it. We dwelled as denizens in the places not even the gods dare tread and it has taken its toll on us.
They're Arab and we're White.
Aggression is aggression. There is no religious background. Where on earth can aggression against others be a religious background? I know the mindset, but Islam doesn't tell there MUST be aggression against others if they don't believe in god (allah is the same name). The Quran in its core is telling the story of Muhammed who met Jesus once (he is a saint btw) and decideed to draw his own book-by-the -points.
What we have now is a mob who wants to go aggressive in the name of a book they never read.
That makes me angry but not desperate or taking lethal violence. I know many arabians (turkish, morrocan, egypts) and they are quite calm.
I don't know what you saw but my view is if they go against me I will fight back. There is nothing more to it. I don't care aboiut religious things.
If they chimp out I respond.
Because when you turn to muslims to wipe out the degeneracy for you, the next heads that will roll are yours.
It's a foreign religion, I don't give a fuck about how "based" they are. Christianity should be the only religion allowed to rule the lands of anglosphere and Europe, not some desert space religion.
this one speaks truely
Sup Forums is a board subverted by feminists.
lol implying your anything other than a subverted European Cuck
kiss ya, honey
To drink from the well of Truth is to hate all subhumans, ancestral parasite included.
Have you seen how Muslims act in their own countries?!?! Why the fuck do you want that here?!?!
It's not
white people are against their own free speech
That sweet sweet 80IQ average sure is attractive, i can't wait to misgeneate with subhumans.
>Draw Mohammed
>Get shot
no one wants. i want desperate people to come here and stay for a few years so they won't get killed in their country because of some bullshit war. i don't want those people to give up their ways or force their ways on "us".
if they fuck up, don't follow "our" rules or when enough time has passed i want them to fuck off to where they came from. i was one of those "refugees welcome" guys, not even a hardcore leftie but after all that shite i just want them to leave. most of them overstayed their welcome and the few good guys (yes, they exist) are doing jackshit to stop their fellow men from fucking up our society.
you would think mustafa and ali are thankful for keeping them from harm but here they are burning down their shelters, collecting gibsmedats like kunta in the us and try to force their shitty values on "us". fuck them. i don't know if i got """"redpilled"""" i just opened my eyes. Fuck RT, fuck Compact and fuck Breitbart along with CNN BBC and everyone else. shit's fucked up.
Just because cancer sometimes kills my enemies doesn't mean I want cancer.
I don't agree with killing fags or raping women
you've got me all wrong, user
Always love to see a german Sup Forumsposting who admits he is a former liberal. Gives me hope that I can see a 4th Reich with my own eyes in my lifetime..
true redpill here:
islam is successful because of those things
most importantly they control their women, which leads to a high reproduction rate
just spent a year in berlin and agree with this.
Because we don't agree with it.
I don't agree with homosexuality but I dont think people should be killed because of it. I don't think people should be killed for saying allah a shit. I don't think modern women have a great values but I don't think covering them in sheets and not letting them drive solves anything.
It's like you think western culture during 1800-1950s is exactly the same as Islam and sharia law, are you fucking retarded?
Many reasons, but the core difference is Sharia and not wishing to follow a fucking paedophile.
Dumb fucking question.
i befriended some african guy. he was happy to leave north africa, i helped him learn german, he taught me some french. i helped him find some shitty job in landscaping. the boss was happy with him. overall good guy, eats bacon cheeseburgers, drinks beer. on paper he is a muslim but he just doesn't care about allah anymore. this guy tried his best, his employer wants to give him an apprenticeship (dunno if thats the right word) and he wants to earn his own money and become a citizen. the german goverment won't let him. he is about to be sent away and fucking murat who deals with drugs, steals cars and collects his welfare like a squirrel collects nuts before the winter starts is allowed to stay almost indefinetly. i am just really pissed off. bomber harris, do it again.
If he gets a job offer/apprenticeship can't his employer sponcer his visa to stay?
no, unfortunately not. people from certain countries like afghanistan or syria are banned from taking real jobs or citizenship as they are labeled (most of the times truthfully) as "Gefährder" (dangerous people, i don't know how to translate this).
we had the same thing years back when that whole kosovo war was still hot. a yugoslavian guy was working hard, doing all the shitty jobs here despite being a lawyer in his hometown, his kids went to school with me, really nice guys all 3 of them. his wife was killed in yugoslavia. he was kicked out. germany is borderline shizophrenic when it comes to immigration laws.
>Sup Forums is one person