>everything I want to say is illegal
Mr. Leaf, tear down this thread!
I'm already here
With pleasure as well
Finally finished a project assigned 2 weeks ago. I feel...clean.
Time to pleasure myself.
Where does it hurt?
anyone else sort themselves out today?
doing gods work user
>turn the alt right into trannies
more like turn them in to classical liberals
I told you petersoncucks that this guy is an enlightenment leftist
For these reasons, in this order
1) He's a leaf
2) He's shills are losers
3) He's a leaf
4) He's a liar
5) He's a leaf
6)He's a fraud
7)He's a leaf
8)He's a leaf
9)He's clinically retarded
10) He's a crack head
11) He's a drag queen
Cheers bro. Have a shit tier Jordan blank meme on me
>Double Jaraxxus
Right click and open with paint
Select "A" for writing
Select White for the color
Have the letters appear OVER the pic, not in them ( I donno what it's called. They got a button in paint)
Type garbage like this moron would
HearthStone for life
do you have more tranny proof other than the one pic?
His shills provided that one. Ask them. Im sure there is plenty
peterson leaf you wouldn't have happened to shitpost endlessly on /ic/ a few years back about john k and shit would you?
Every fucking time
Why are they always degenerates
I don't really like his advocacy for 5htp or serotonergic drugs.
Something in the water here in canada..............
Have some "F my shit up" hair on me
>being so mad you have to make half the posts in this thread.
I see the flag but are you sure you aren't turkish?
Awww fuck......I'm known as that??
"peterson leaf"??
Not a good nickname unless you hate it I guess.....those are the rules...
No. Im "newfag" to Sup Forums. Oldfag on the net.
Do you have the full speech from Arthas and Uther before they purge the city?
Turks have shit up the place.
Both Rutte and Geert are mongoloid cucks
as someone who spent 2 months on a psych ward while they waited for a space in neurology. there is absolutely a need for some people to be on medication. its not a jewish trick. but it is a fucking cop out for lazy and unhappy people
This guy posts like this in every JBP thread. JPB threads are like his bat signal. It's pretty funny. He must sit at home all day and wait for them.
Stop posting this loser here and you won't have a problem, FUCK-O.
That's that.
Sort yourself out.
Nazi remnants and fascists will clean our nation
You're notice me, cause you're in all of them too.
Also at home all day doing nothing but sitting on Sup Forums.
What's the problem??
Get this Commie Marxist off this fucking board and you won't have his rep trashed further.
That's that.
Oh ya, fuck crack smoking drag queens
Is Jordan Peterson the G-Man?
No problem. I admire your dedication (sort of). I've noticed you're not replying to as many post anymore. Finally learned how sage works, huh?
Friend with Anita Sarkeesian too (just a supposition)
I'm bored now.
k thx u didnt change my mind or alter my opinion in the slightest
are you seriously trying to be funny
have i been rused
Crack isn't a psychedelic.
No, you shills are mind whacked and tiresome to talk with.
No matter how good an argument is, you just ignore everything and make excuses for him like a Jew.
Sage is used to not bump threads when replying to them.
Bye Jordina Cuntface Loser. Never should've stuck your head out of your classroom dick head.
Are you the retarded tranny who whined about the evil nazees on Jordan's rally?
>No matter how good an argument is
Give me an example.
you're such a fucking simpleton. his whole point is that enlightenment rational materialism led us down this path. he talks about it constantly, with the CAPS LOCK EXAMPLES from nietzsche and dostoevsky.
>but hurr he values logic and reason therefore m'fedora
sort yourself out and maybe pay attention to what you're going to actually argue about.
>No matter how good an argument is
>I've ever seen you make an argument
They're both from Toronto. I dunno where Anita went to school
It's a bretty gud supposition. All the evidence is there to suppose with.
Cause you're paid to have it.
What's your point? It makes people act retarded and rots their brain.
Ya see,
>duhhhhh it's okay he smokes crack. Who cares??
Jew shills. Fuck off. He's a Soros henchman
>What's your point? It makes people act retarded and rots their brain.
>Ya see,
>>duhhhhh it's okay he smokes crack. Who cares??
Have you stopped murdering babies yet? He doesn't use crack.
>Jew shills. Fuck off. He's a Soros henchman
Again, citation needed. Verify your claims.
>plants subconscious suggestions in others through psychic or hypnotic means
>seems to have the power to appear in any place he chooses
>teleports to and from other dimensions on a whim
>able to stop or slow down time at various points
> takes people into parallel universe-like "voids" and put them into stasis
the tranny is legitimately mentally ill, said that peterson reminds him of his abusive father. sad, but best not to talk to or encourage it.
hes likely a harris shill whos completely bootyblasted by alternate definitions of truth
Get in the fucking helicopter, tho
Sort youself out, son.
Please bless this thread with numeric parallels
le mad olfag is mad xD
What are the essential Sort yourself out videos?