How was Church today, Sup Forums?
You did go to Church, right?
How was Church today, Sup Forums?
You did go to Church, right?
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Nope. Did I miss another Holy Day of Obligation again?
>"If a black man fucks your wife and shits on your lawn, just turn the other cheek. His sins wil be punished in the afterlife, no need to do anything goyium."
I had delicious eggs benedict and grapefruit mimosas, was fantastic.
Oh wait,that was brunch.
If you interpret it like that then you're the true cuck
Ei amigo, aonde posso encontrar uma igreja séria nesse pais ?
I will not go to church to listen to padres say words they don't believe in, specially when I know what the words mean.
I master baited to Christ-chan today. was great
My hot cousin wasn't there so it was terrible. And the lieutenant(newbie preacher if you aren't Army) was doing the preaching so it wasn't very good.
Also, fuck off with this off-topic garbage. I can't stand you retards shutting up this board.
I didn't go, I prayed to Jesus silently in my bed for an hour or so, hope he hears my prayers and crushes all the cucktholics and orthoshitters. Nazi Mary tax
I go every first Sunday for Communion
Can I assume you're my Protestant brother?
yes I am
Recently I went to my local Catholic Church
My church has a gift shop, should I find a different church?
yeah, it was pleasant
post more for scientific research purposes pls
also does this character have a name I can search for in boorus...of peer reviewed science journals etc lol
If God wanted me to go to church, he would give me the strength to remember what day it is.
Everyo,e at church seems to be in a good mood always. Good vibes
i go to saturday service,it's quicker and less people go
I am a son of an Orthodox priest, been learning languages from books other priests brought every day, just got my first god connection to this thread. How do i quick-prayscope?
since i was forced to go as a kid and nobody ever presented a solid argument as to why i should go, i stopped going when i became large enough to resist.
My argument is, why should I follow a man made religion in the name of god when I can just give thanks to god for things on the spot when I think he's responsible?
I don't think going to a building to worship some nigger on an altar is going to do anything and if god doesn't like it then why the hell did he give me free will and on that note, why would he do anything for me if the point is i'm supposed to do for myself? Why would i follow a religion that promises things like help if i worship god?
desu organized religion as a whole just seems like satanism to me. It's useful if you have political aspirations but otherwise, nah.
I went to church last week. I had to really force myself to go.
Had some soccer mom to regurgitate to me some devotional study that's supposed to sound deep but is actually just buzzwords. In the meantime I get to be in a room of people indifferent of my existence no matter how many events I attend... actually the only time they AREN'T indifferent of my existence is when they invite me to an event where they afterwards brag a whole month about how many attended... hmm.
Anyway, we all write in our Lifeway workbooks. Occasionally I feel the need to hind that something is Biblical, and occasionally someone looks uncomfortable, but they usually try to ignore the issue as fast as they can so we can fill out the rest of this homework crap. Someone says something really basic and the whole room nods like it's REALLY deep. They argue over whether it's OK to watch the Shack or not. Older Lady says she is concerned it may not be a good idea to watch at all, but Older Lady 2 says that a mature Christian should be able to watch it because they can discern the fact from the fiction --- we let our kids read Narnia right? The men never really say much in Sunday school.
Then I get to go to service and listen to a hipster do his John Piper impersonation... does the SBC make young pastors in a factory somewhere? I swear every little church i go o with a young pastor and they all have the same voice and sermons. Only variable is the hipster amount, and how much they are willing to admit they they are spreading Calvinism. He also railed against people who are critical of his trashcan versions so that was nice.
Its Monday favelafriend
I've noticed the church in the new testament never had buildings or a big hierarchical structure.
No, but I did go to a local park and jogged about 4 miles. During this, one of those quacks accosted me and asked me about Jesus.
I was nice to him, and explained that I was an atheist. He asked me "Why?". I just explained that it was really the other way around; I hadn't found the "Why?" as to why I should believe in all the spiritual stuff.
That's like going to church, right?
Fucking protestants.
Had to stop attending Mass due to Traitor Bergoglio Islaming all over my Church.
no but i will tell you my day, i woke up next to 3 girls, spinning plates ay
then i had a hearty full english breakfast with them
i put on my adidas superstars and told the girls to get to the cars
People from WMSCOG tried converting me today.
we couldnt all fit in my modded porsche cayman with body kit
so i kicked two out and told them to drive my toyato ae86 sprinter resto
i opened the glove box , pushed aside my pet gecko and picked up my
>How was Church today, Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums
my iphone 7, i then called karl and told him to get to our joint venture gym and to bring our fat lazy stoner friend who has been playing mass effect andromeda and skipping work outs to play video games
shut up cucktholic shouldn’t you being kissing the feets of some muslim like your pope does?
>nigger hand
wtf kind of cuck porn is this? fuck outta here
we arrived and stepped out of the cars, some guy calling himself zyzz started abusing one of my girls, asking them if they had seen someone named mirin.
Kekist. Also I didn't have time. BTW, you're in a computer simulation of the degenerate period before space travel sprang from the Trumpenreich. I'm on my way out again tomorrow for another run.
T. Mass Driver Engineer. This song sums up my life, in case you're curious.
>You did go to Church, right?
I did go. A new sermon series started today. The associate pastor gave the sermon, but I've never been a huge fan of his style.
Your religion is not christian
Nope, didn't go today. Kinda regretting it, but there was a guest speaker so I dodged a bullet.
just as one of my girls was beating the shit out of zyzz, a car pulled up and out stepped
I was nice, played Shout to the North which is quite fun on guitar. Problem is I only got four hours of sleep so I was nodding off during the sermon, but I got through it.
*It was nice*
Im a lutheran, yes.
all of zyzzs crew
your pope is a cuck and your religion is based on false premises
go back to Israel
Had to get up at 6 and drive three hours to make it in time, but it was good. We had a potluck afterwards, and the neighborhood is filled with immigrants from all over the place so I got a good mixture of vietnamese, north african, and wholesome american food.
Who agrees, Protestantism is better than Catholicism?
ayy but my boys got there just in time, with the odds evened we destroyed zyzzs crew and headed into
This is my church, and the digits are my prayer.
Praise Kek!
It was very nice at church today, OP.
Except the cucked elders of the church haven't installed a new official pastor to run things yet and are instead cycling people through to do the sermons. Kinda hurting the congregation.
Get this hothead outta here.
Chapter and verse requiring people to go to BUILDINGS called churches?
Last time I checked every religious building besides synagogues (which no longer are required due to the Old Testament prophecies being fulfilled) are pagan by origin. Especially Catholic buildings.
Sort Brazil bro. Catholic Church originates for ancient Babylonian practices. Why else would they have an old Egyptian oblesk sent to the Vatican? Roman Catholic Church is described as mystery Babylon in Rev17 and is destroyed by God in Rev18.
Nb4 someone called me a Protestant.
Nope, im a Bible believing Christian. No denominations in the Bible. Denominations are man made.
If you want to be saved you have to call upon the name of the lord admiring that you are a filthy sinner and that you truly want help. If you experience a supernaturally changed life and ways of thinking then you are saved. Paul spoke about a changed life. You can't earn your way to heaven.
Nb4 someone calls me easy belivism.
Nope, paying a simple prayer and "just believing" doesn't get you saved.
You have to mean what you say and be willing to change your life. Then God will change your life, not you.
I hope you all get saved!
>hot orthodox cousin
introduce me pls
I don't attend because I don't believe in God. I am not some edgy fedorafaggot. I believe in and abide by Christian ethics and morals. Simply, I find attending church and worshipping a God whom I have no faith in horribly deceitful.
On the off chance he exists, I don't want to have been lying to the man my whole life. I'm sure a God would be able to detect false praise.
I started a new job and can't take off Sundays for church since they're the busiest days, what do?
the gym, where we did
People just gathered. It can be a barn, someone's house, or fucking stone henge. It doesn't matter where, just why. We use churches out of convenience but people have superstitious taboo concerning a simple building.
our usual workout routine
There's no importance in the building, but Hebrews 10:24-25 lays out the importance of meeting with other Christians for the direct purpose of encouraging one another in our faith.
Go fuck yourself you degenerate heathen.
Go on Saturday evenings? Or any other day of the week?
may digits shine on you in your times of need. May you embrace chaos.
>Admiring literal nord niggers
I'm guessing Skyrim is your favorite vidya?
I do go to mass on my days off but there's the whole remembering the sabbath that I'm worried about.
next stop was liliths club, i got one of girls to shove three pingarz up my ass
>tfw wanted to attend mass
>tfw couldn't because of National Guard obligations
Damn it
I am neither of those. Protestants are mostly edge lords who hate Catholics, and Catholics are literal heathens who shit on Jesus and deliberately ignore God's commandments.
I am Christian, denomination Christian. Only Christ matters.
Isn't the whole point of that story with Jesus performing a miracle on the Sabbath meant to address that? Not to mention the fact that we moved the day itself already, suggesting all that really matters is keeping one day holy for the Lord.
Ive been meaning to for over 3 years.
Im scared to though because im not baptized yet and so im saving my get out of sin free card like some kind of cathar heretic ;_;
It only happens every week, multiple different days in a week, for the rest of eternity. I doubt you missed anything you couldn't hear later.
>Aussie can't read
I said we're with the Army. Y'know, the Salvation Army, the church.
This is a pretty bad misunderstanding of the theology
I feel like the church is just a place where Christians can gather and share opinions and help others with their faith. Catholics really have a misunderstanding of what a church is used for.
8 hours later i headed home with my babes, we had a foursome and then went back to sleep. and that was my sunday.
god bless
Pretty honorable, desu.
What? That's not how it works? Even if you actually get baptized someday it probably wouldn't work because of how insincere that is. You don't get to game the system.
Just pray for forgiveness.
I went to church twice today. Once to burn down a black church, the other a white church. I dont wanna be rascist.
Well, now I have to miss it once a month for the same reason, and I don't have room in my schedule for weekday mass.
Damn it
I didn't even know you had that there
what about the Saturday vigil?
Being baptized is just a way to tell others about your dedication to Christ. If you are saved, then you are a living get-out-of-sin-free card for others.
Guard obligations are one weekend a month for the whole weekend. I live a ways away from the armory so I had to stay there overnight.
Thats literally how it works. Baptism forgives sins up to that point and from there on out you have to keep up with confessions.
oh its sincere
>just pray
I do, and have experienced miraculous events as a result.
Baptism does not forgive sins. If you have a source for this, though, I'd like to see it.
kek'd and checked
Yeah, the Army doesn't operate in Bulgaria(for some reason), I looked it up. It was a fiction and you found it out.
Night Mass was beautiful as always. Went through my 2nd scrutiny. Can't wait for Easter Vigil