Why does the right attract so many conspiracy theorists? Is it due to low IQ?
Why does the right attract so many conspiracy theorists? Is it due to low IQ?
90% of liberals actually believe this muh Russia garbage when it's literally just intelligence agencies saying "believe us"
Because the left want to shut everything down while the "right" or nationalist are for freedom of speech regardless if it upsets someone.
Most crackpot conspiracy theorists I've met are intelligent people who are just a bit nutty.
This tbqh, I never thought the liberal left would fall for shit like ayylmaos, defending a desert cult and thinking the Vodka niggers were still commies and therefore enemies
>Liberals un-ironically believe north Africans were black
We have the best autistics. Don't hate.
>conspiracy theorists
So far wikileaks have proved everything us conspiracy theorists have been saying for years. I'm feeling 1000 IQ right now.
no its due to high IQ
and they arent theories
Liberals, Russia, elections... retards.
>thinking the Vodka niggers were still commies and therefore enemies
Leftists are commies themselves. They hate Russia for no longer being communist and hope tugging on the old Cold War sentiments will distract everyone from their own marxist horseshit.
Conspiracies are for intelligent people whos brains are better at seeing patterns than normal. Since pattern-recognition is the primary, most significant, thing our brain does, being even better at it (more intelligent) makes you enjoy conspiracies.
Of course some conspiracies are just stupid, but come to think of it.. the only not well reasoned conspiracies ive ever encountered have been fictional ones, in the liberal media. Hmm...
The Franklin Scandal
The Finders Case
Dutroux Affair
They arent conspiracy theories. These three cases, when taken as a whole with deep study, show that western rogue elements in government/private sector/intelligence agencies
are doing monstrous and evil things and if all was exposed to the light of day a revolution would occur.
>Russians hacked the election
>Trump has a piss fetish
>The Coch brothers are the illuminati
and there are just as many leftist who believe non-political conspiracies like Roswell and the moon landing
liberals believe that people with dicks can be women and you're calling us conspiracy theorists?
Because you're a fucking cock sucking faggot if you believe anything that comes from your T.V. major media is owned by 6 corporations. You're a daft fucking normie.
The far right is conspiratorial because its outside the overton window, and to be part of it you kind of have to already doubt all the most prestigious institutions in the country (Harvard, NYT, etc, all of which are left of centre or left). It leads to a very paranoid atmosphere in general. I still remember seeing the reports of Rotherham on far right sites and thinking it was bullshit, just to see it later confirmed. First moment I suspected something really weird was going on...I should've just taken the blue pill >.>
Anyways, some of the conspiracizing gets really silly. But there's equivalent on the left, I think, in academic nonsense, generally pseudomarxian in nature. Womens studies, cultural anthropology, and what have you. Heirs to Lacan and other purveyors of prestigious gibberish.
Whether thats better or worse than believing unironically in ayyylmaos is up to you to decide.
I'm sure that's part of it.
>Not being a high IQ conspiracy theorist
Low IQ people just accept what they're told.
>not even in the triple nine society
the conspircy game the lft is playing is really dangerous.
last week or so our government had a meeting where they invited "experts", one of them amadieu-antonio-stiftung (our wannabe stasi), who basically put all conspiracy theories in one pot. flat earthers, chemtrails, reichsbürger, pizzagate. they didn´t elaborate on anything they just dismissed it.
the fucking idiots also showed one youtube video about reptiloids wich was probably bait from krautchan. comic sans and all.
>mfw bundestag gets memed hard
they emphasize how they want to "change whats happening in the minds of the public" (almost every speech ended like this) instead of offering counterpoints to prove those conspiracies wrong. totally wrong angle.
also if you have one somewhat right wing opinion on one thing you´ll get thrown in here with all brands of conspiracy theorists. because they are all the same after all.
Why does the left focus more on feelings than facts? Is it due to high IQ?
>TFW not Prometheus Society material
people with high IQs question what they're told, you stupid fuck
>patriarchy is real
>islamaphobia is real
>wage gape is real
>niggers are human
>jews shouldn't be gassed
See, the left believes crazy shit too
Conspiracy theorists actually tend to be more intelligent than the average person. Look it up.
the left is naive
the right has an inherent mistrust of the government so its easy to exploit that and turn everything into a government conspiracy.
The opposite is true for the left and you can convince them that government is capable of anything.
A fervent desire for knowledge and truth. The right doesn't subscribe to the known lies of the left and doesn't use emotion to justify their political ideology.
A recent study actually found that the right is more educated this time around.
islamophobia is real, its just not a phobia.
its a pretty rational fear
Left knows that it relies on memetic domination. It rules because it rules over public opinion and information. Thats why it spends so much time trying to eliminate competitors and discredit them as fringe, meanwhile in universities you got people getting PHDs saying that there are no biological differences between the sexes beyond the reproductive ones.
Its why the right wings success on the internet is such a nuisance to them.
>Conspiracy therorists don't trust the government
>Right wing wants smaller government
Really makes one ponder...
Also the left wing will believe any conspiracy theory involving Russia these days. McCarthyism is all over the left these days.
the official feminist expert™ in germany is a university dropout that started a hashtag about sexism and then wrote a book about said hashtag.
it will take some time until actual right wing voices will be able to enter the discussion without losing their career, social status and future. but if the public opinions keeps swinging and the ideas actually clash the left will lose. bigly.
"Conspiracy theorists" actually have higher IQs
Quite the opposite. Only a retard excepts what they are told, what they see, and what they hear without question.
Just out of curiosity, what actual proof could the CIA or FBI provide that would convince you about the Russian hack? We're talking about a cyberattack, there's really nothing that would be 100% definitive.
Considering what the CIA is capable of, nothing. They can do whatever they want and mask it as whoever they want.
But yes I do believe Podesta fell for a phishing scam, which is so pathetic that all blame should go to the victim. Even if the shoe was on the other foot, fuck people in high positions who don't know shit about internet security.
You have a credit card with an infinite credit limit, you can even take credit out to make the minimum payment. That is our government right now. How does it end, when no one wants to lend us money?
It's not the right, but generally the opposition to the status quo. The term "conspiracy theory" gets thrown around too much. What is a conspiracy theorist? There is a difference between flat-earthers, reptilian theories etc. and plausible ones.
Show me paper ballots and machines not connected to the internet that can be hacked.
The difference between conspiracy theory and fact is that one is taught in schools.
Patriarchy - accepted theory, fact. You don't believe that men are conspiring to keep da womyn down? What are you, crazy?
ZOG - oy vey, what kind of a crazy conspiracy is this? Muh college didn't teach me about the 0.2% of the population being in the top 1% and controlling everything from media to government.
Nobody is actually claiming that the election itself was hacked. That's a pizzagate-tier fantasy.
I'll have you know my IQ is in the extremely high double digits thank you
Nice alternative facts.
Just because they now switched their story to ''Russia attempted to influence our election'' doesn't change the original claims.
Got to love these jewish tactics. They make a big deal about how Russia hacked the election, then when people ask for proof they go ''wow, you actually don't believe that Russia might have maybe possibly have maybe tried to possibly have wanted Trump to win...maybe?''
If you can prove that Russia did attempt to hack the election, I don't care. That wasn't the original claim. That is not what I am asking evidence of.
Show me how pieces of paper got hacked or fuck off.
>prove this claim that you're not making right now or I refuse to address your actual claim
I guess you win this one
Why is the left so obsessed with iq? Is it due to small penis?
I don't care about your ''actual claim'' if it is not about Russia ''hacking the election''.
The claims that I care about are the claims pushed by the media, so until I see hackable paper you all should kill yourselves.
Pic related, Sony Digital Paper
Mouth breather detected
>Comparing well-established Intelligence agencies with Alex Jones types on the internet.
On the left, conspiracy theories are pushed as news. See: Russia
a conspiracy theory is just a conspiracy the government is invested in keeping hidden
in case you aren't sliding, a huge amount of conspiracy theories end up being true
Man, i love the Office :)
>literally just intelligence agencies
Yes user, believing the CIA is the same as believing Alex Jones or Pizzagate
anyone with intelligence understands that man rarely has good intentions when interacting with his fellow man
it's only natural this thought would give birth to alot of skepticism
I believe Alex Jones has less of an Agenda than the CIA, even if Alex Jones has less intelligence than the CIAs janitor.
>Implying Sup Forums isn't constantly talking about racial IQ
That's mainly larping faggots.I barely talk about that shit.
>1 post by this ID
It's the opposite. Stupid people like yourself are unable to think critically, you lack the patience necessary for the research aspect, and just generally have a long history of allowing others to think for you, preferring to be spoonfed your information.
Smart people are different from you. We don't think or behave at all like you do. It's why you can't get your life moving; you're just not smart enough. This is also likely why you're on the left side of the political spectrum.
It's just damaged genetics leading to inferior neurology which expresses as a distinct inability to reason properly.
If you have even a casual glance around at your life I'm sure you'll find more than ample evidence to support my assertions.
I couldn't believe the Anthony Weiner emails about the gay frogs they made to feed on Bill Hick's male virility.
Either Trump is lying or the intelligence agencies, all of the intelligence agencies, are lying.
Higher testosterone also helps spacial awareness and pattern recognition.
New Zealand with the critical and eloquent argument. Bet you needed a nap after that one.
Russia is news because the intelligence agencies are investigating Trump and friends for what might amount to treason.
While there might be nothing to the charge, a reasonable person would be concerned by this.
Yeah yeah, it's about the smarts. Has nothing to do with the autistic OCD NEETs with too much time on their hands.
It's quite obvious that they just want a pointless war with russia.I bet they only want it because Putin refuses to take any shit from anyone, but that's just me.
Half of these board thinks Hillary Clinton is running a child sex trafficking business in the basement of a pizzeria.
Yes, the alt-right is that stupid.
The right has a simplier world view (based on blaming the left)... so who do you blame the left on then?
Conspiracy theories.
Also: yes, it's an IQ deficiency.
>implying that the left hasn't been blaming the right for everything
It is dumb, especially when all the emailed references to pizza have a simple answer.
>TFW literally in Prometheus Society
Have you ever seen an IQ thread here?
No one scores below 120, and most people get ~140
Or so they say.
I've seen someone admit to as low as 75 on Sup Forums and what is selection bias and what is lying?
Yeah. a "handkerchief with a map that seems pizza related" has a simple explanation.
I wanna jizz on her face.
>quite obvious
This is how I know that you are not a reasonable person. If it were true then people (outside of Sup Forums) would be talking about it. If it were "obvious" then people would be on the streets protesting.
Try and exercise your critical thinking. The world needs good critical thinkers.
>believing what the government says at face value
>high IQ
So people can make up numbers?
Questioning the reality we live in, who is pulling the strings and why has always been demonized and called out as "crazy" because those in charge fear the truth becoming known.
Your argument is invalid read the rules new fag
Yeah. I just posted it. Reptile people.
Sup Forums, where the average IQ is 160 and the average dick is 8 inches long
In a world where everyone has a agenda, you trust the guy without one
You can't lie about your IQ on the internet, I would know, I have an IQ of 164 and am super smart.
>unironically thinking the cia is a trustworthy source
You should do some looking into the history of the cia.
I've seen some pretty elaborate conspiracy theories that actually make sense.
tell me more about how everything was MUH RUSSIANS
>asking questions
>forming hypothesis
>low IQ
What's wrong with thinking? If the conspiracy theory is truly so ridiculous than it should be easily debunked through reason... no point in forming all this stigma to silence something that should be easily disprovable - right?
Shill thread. Conspiracies are real, pic related is one of them. Take the time to zoom in and read it all.
Proof of a cult called the finders with ties around the world. They abduct and secretly breed people in bases around the world. They only give children food as a reward and keep them uneducated and away from technology. They do ritual killings of goats in white outfts with children, and have sex with children and film snd take pictures. Their members are trained to be silent, and cells are quickly alerted when there is any threat of a crackdown. The CIA took over investigations of it and now we know nothing.
Last time I checked the people in this country are brainwashed cultural marxist who listen to anything the media tells them.
>Why does the moon look the same as it did yesterday and the day before?
Nothing's wrong with thinking, user but maybe some people shouldn't vocalize or write their thoughts down
you do realize most the left i know think russia is the reason Trump won, not the people of the country
so yeah you lose
Rational thinking: Look at the evidence, view the whole picture, make a conclusion based on that, always remain open to the idea that your assumptions are wrong.
Crackpot thinking: Start with a wild conclusion and look only for evidence that supports it and dismiss everything else. Hold onto that conclusion for dear life regardless of whether evidence actually holds up.
One of these is okay, the other is not.
>low IQ
It's not even that, it's intelligence agencies believing some company the DNC hired to find a scapegoat. They're not even confident it was the Russians.