>Me? I consider myself a civic nationalist
Me? I consider myself a civic nationalist
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You mean civic statist, as nation is an inherently racial concept.
I have that katana
Is there even one real-world example of civic-nationalism working?
Yes, yours.
Switzerland too
>mom in the background
Weren't we 80% white until the 65 immigration bill? Also we had segregation/slavery until the civil rights movement. As we've gone more and more down that road of civic nationalism, our country is falling apart. So no it didn't/not working pedro. Stay out.
pedro it's all been downhill since we let niggers be citizens instead of shipping them back
Top fucking kek,
bonus points for his mom in the mirror taking the pic
The Roman empire, British imperialism, and American imperialism are all arguably successful examples of the right balance between civic and ethnic nationalism.
You can rule others better and put yourself at the heart of an empire if you give the most capable barbarians a means to participate in the system.
(((civic nationalism)))
styx pls grow some balls and call out the kikes already
Most of the western world up until recent leftist antics
Prior to that it proved that pan-european nationalism can work.
This is contemporary anti-nazi brainwashing by the (((EU)))
A nation is a country
He called the Kalergi Plan "good intentioned" but compromised by evil-doers. I don't think he's going to address the JQ
Civic Nationalism worked fine in the 80s and 90s, it would continue to work if it weren't for political extremists trying to make everyone hate eachother for no reason
>mom taking the picture
Holy Kek my sides
Fedora memes are becoming really embaressing, it's used by the exact type of people it represents
No, nation means people, from the Latin natio.
civic beta is more like it
>mom taking picture
oh i feel bad for the guy
we were actually closer to 90%
Steve Irwin gets it
>walking behind slow people
Black people are the way they are because of external conditioning and racial stereotyping. When you tell a subset of people over and over again that they're savages, they will subconsciously conform to said behaviors. Race is not deterministic, this is a meme pushed by bigoted people to justify their own gross bigotry, the human mind is a computer and culture is the software, and it's the software that makes the person what they are.
see forgot to reply
where did i say "Blacks are inferior"?
Also if 2 or more populations are isolated long enough they evolve to their environment.
wouldn't it stand to reason there are some biological differences between races? (each with strengths and weakness dependent on their native environment)
>muh 80% white
Hispanics are classified as white too, user.
Who is in the heart of the Congo, telling them that they are savages, programming them to chop each other's heads off and forcing them to lick animals assholes
Am I an alpha? I stand like pic related (it helps me feel in charge. I'm not a big guy only 5'10 150 pounts.)
No, it's been downhill since you started giving free gibs to blacks.
>Heh, not so fast kiddo
People who live in the Congo live simple lives in accordance to their environment. White people once lived like that too, but there's an interesting theory that magic mushrooms are responsible for giving way towards whites growth and civilization
not a big guy you say?
Yeah I'm sure you know about a bunch of inane theories desperately trying to disprove the natural superiority of white people
no they aren't at least not when the "60%" meme is brought up. if you include white Hispanics in the white percentage it jumps to like 70-78% white.
I am a small guy (for you), but when i am in charge here whenever i stand like pic related.
It's not really an insane theory, and actually makes a lot of sense. White supremacists seem to desperately try and justify why other people are subhuman based on their own bigotry. Human beings are human beings, the mind is capable of great things
Just want to point out that claims about Koko's intelligence are/were hotly contested within the scientific community.
I actually think power posing is a positive thing. I do it too. 5'7"
No, I just look at it objectively. Blacks are violent in Africa. Blacks are violent in America. Africa is a dump. Places with high percentages of African Americans are dumps. The opposite is true for whites. Therefore blacks are inferior. Pretty simple really
I agree. So far no one bigger has been able to crash my confidence, so I feel it's working well.
Africa is a brutal place we're most people can barely get enough food to survive, of course people are going to be violent and aggressive.
What is your head's title?
Explain why blacks in America are so violent
It's almost like people prefer to be with their own.
Black Pigeon will be covering it. Do you think he'll drop the JQ or not?
>When you tell a subset of people over and over again that they're savages, they will subconsciously conform to said behaviors
Conditioning, Toxic culture, lack of positive rolemodels/father figures, self fullfilling stereotyping
My family are my own, my friends are my own, fellow american citizens are my own, humanity is my own
There are typos, and there are typos
White is not an ethnicity. You can be Germanic, Celtic, Mediterranean or Slavic.
No, it was the ending of segregation. Gibs to the poor keeps them poor, but blacks are fucked because the good ones move away from the bad ones. Why open a store in your old black neighborhood when you can open one in a nice White neighborhood? At least when they were forced to keep to themselves the average intelligence ones (by White standards) were there to act as leaders.
Sounds like a bunch of excuses. Hispanics and natives deal with the same stuff and still don't commit anywhere near as much violent crime as blacks.
I haven't even heard of 1 good argument against civic nationalism
Blacks have a special history of dehumanization and oppression.
Is there even one real-world example of ethnic-nationalism working?
and natives don't? horse shit
Weird. Can you explain to me why the Irish Catholics of Northern Ireland, who were oppressed for centuries, banned outright from education entirely, not allowed to even practice their faith in private and who didn't receive civil rights until 1998, are now the smartest people in all of the UK? And why Northern Ireland, whose chief export for over 30 years was terrorism that rocked the UK into going full blown fascist dystopia, has the lowest crime rate in the UK these days?
>pssh, race is just a tool the leftists use to divide us kid
>anime and hentai exists
I'm going to have to contest that one
I find him so sexy, could be my bottom any day.
Western supremacy = white supremacy
Why would I want that?
Civic nationalism is somewhat workable. As it turns out, when you apply rigorous standards it acts like a filter, and the outcome is nearly the same as ethnic nationalism, with the "benefit" of being implicitly racist rather than explicitly. I don't mean to make the good the enemy of perfection, but SJW's have forced the issue by their constant racial agitation (it works very well with minorities). However, it has become apparent that they have no arguments against outright "bigotry." All they have is "rally and shame" feminine tactics. Stop playing by their rules. Instead of focusing on an abstract ideal, find the most efficient solution and do it regardless of how "offensive" it is. Be a fucking man and say "an all-white society would be better," because it's the fucking truth.
I have a surprise in my pants
that's a big guy
For you
Dumbest shit I've ever read.
Not really.
America first. America always.
I have to go an call it in. Good night big guy
Good night, small guy.