Wow why is Anti-Semitism on the rise?
It's like annodah shoah guys
Wow why is Anti-Semitism on the rise?
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only every 83 seconds? step up your game Sup Forums
Antisemitism is nothing more then a reaction to Jewish power and influence
The Jews are more powerful then they have ever been so it only makes sense that antisemitism is rising
>"It's impossible for whites to be racist against Jews because racism is power plus bigotry. Sure whites can be bigoted, but never antisemitic."
>"There are too many Jewish lawyers and doctors. It's time for affirmative action to make things right."
>"Check your Jewish privilege."
>World Jewish Congress
The UN goes by many names I see
Bullshit. I single handedly name the Jew at least every 58 seconds.
>World has 7 something billion people
>At least a third of them have internet
>Still only every 83 seconds
Put the kikes in the oven
The Jews aren't my friends, but I've always supported their right to a homeland. As well as the right of Africans to have a homeland, as well as the right of Latinos to have a homeland. I hate Muslims more than anything, but I wouldn't take away their right to their own nations. I just want the same basic decency back from them, so that white people can have a homeland too. Some black separatists have at least agreed that whites have a right to claim a home for ourselves no matter how much they wish they never saw another white person again, but the kikes do everything in their power to stop us from having that.
Does anyone honestly give a shit? Do they think they're exempt from being targeted after stirring up ethnic tension in the media?
>implying a sizeable percentage of the worlds 14 million Jews stirred up ethnic tension in the media
What's your point, that because the average Jew isn't responsible, it isn't the elite Jews' irrational hatred of white Christian identity driving it? This is what secular Jewish culture is. It's defined more as against something rather than FOR something. It's fundamentally a nihilistic identity, like antifa.
That's like a shoah every hour.
>The Jews aren't my friends, but I've always supported their right to a homeland.
>Jews still acting like they're oppressed
Fuck kikes
Here's a great video on it by a Jew who gives a reasonable discussion about this phenomenon. Ignore the title.
How often is anti-white content posted?
>This is what secular Jewish culture is.
I should be more specific. I'm referring to Jewish diaspora. Secular Israeli Jews are different.
Come on. We can do better than that.
Gas the Jews. Race war now.
Pretty easy when everything is considered anti-Semitic
Witnessed and underrated
Are we considered social media? If so, those numbers may need some correction
I think under 60 is a realistic goal.
Holy fuck these dorks really give a fuck about this that much? Lmao
Maybe if they got a fucking life and some pussy they wouldn't care about calculating how much someone is being a meanie per second
Gas the kikes race war now
Jews are a privileged bunch and Israel is currently in a golden age. They can handle the Bantz
So I did the math and that works out to be 1041 antisemitic remarks a day. That would mean roughly 379952 antisemitic remarks a year. So if you wanted to make, oh say 6 million antisemitic remarks it would take 15.79 years to make that many. So what we can take away from this is that it is easier to exterminate the jew then it is to criticize him.
Was Hitler a secret jew as well?
If we were included in this, how far would to number drop?
And about 400 babies are born in 86 seconds
All races, sexes, and ideologies get a fair share of shit posting...
How often is anti anything content posted?
Shills post every single second. fuck off Jews, who gives a shit?
I'm curious to know what passes as "anti-semitic content" in this case.
Is it 1488 gas the jews kind of talk or just people making big nose jokes?
pic related, semites being semitic
do you have both versions saved? what happened with the images?
Melanie Marie
Every 83 seconds? Shit, I gotta step my game up.
>Black separatists have basically the exact same goal as White separatists
Who knew?
>every 83 seconds
bulldoze every synagogue and slaughter every mohel that draws a breath
Most of them give charitably to organizations which directly support white genocide worldwide.
I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
probably because more and more people are choosing to irrationally hate jews for no reason other than them being jews. that's just what people do. poor jews, i say we let them rule with an iron hand and treat us like subhuman cattle to make up for all the pain and suffering we've inflicted on them.
conversely, 83 pieces of anti-white content are posted every second
>because everything is controlled by (((them))) and we're not completely retarded