Even normies can't escape the Bogs

Even normies can't escape the Bogs

I haven't been on Sup Forums in a few months and i don't understand this bog meme.

Can someone give me a quick rundown?

people with weird faces

Got u covered. No steal gif

Too late

You aren't supposed to know about this Bog, human

Going to casino with bog IQ is cheating.

They're evolving.

Please screenshot this they are coming for me now.


The Bogdabots are activating

Looks like a face swap but I'm not sure

Shut it down

There's something wrong with him maybe he's gay

what did he mean by this

iron but fair

This is the fair but Iron fist that undoubtedly rules France.


IT is spreading.

Soon all will feel the divine touch of the Hands of the Bogdanoffs.

It's a dead meme on pol and hasn't been posted in weeks

The fact that it's on normiebook further indicates that it's dead

Absolutely bogged

I want to be a Bogdabot.
A strong and healthy chin.
I want to be a Bogdabot
Because Bogdabots will win.

I want to feel their iron fist
Caressing all my skin.
I want to be a Bogdabot.
You'll find this boggling.

When have their swollen face
A Bogdabot I'll be.
Its best to be a Bogdabot
Cos Bogdabots are free.

>both brothers said to have ~350 IQs, much higher than even Einstein
>they own every telecommunications company on earth- allowing them to make phone calls that save entire populations at will
>They learned fluent French and German in under three hours
>The real masterminds (literally) behind the discovery of the atomic bomb were in fact the Bogdanoffs
>Every major philosopher in history has made reference to them in some way or another.
>They are extremely powerful and influential members of a galactic council composed of emissaries sent by countless intelligent species from around the Milky Way. The Bogdanoffs serve as the representatives for Earth and humanity, and for that reason aliens have never outright attacked us: they fear the wrath of the Bogdanoffs.
>Trump learned the art of multi-dimensional chess as well as the ability to time warp directly from the Bogdanoffs themselves during a discrete business trip in 1979.
>The Illuminati was created by the Bogdanoffs- as a practical joke.
>The twins are 67 years old, supposedly, but that's just from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Big Bang (Bog Bang?) to the end of the universe
>The laws of physics and mathematics were originally formulated in the BogLab approximately 1.65 trillion years ago
>Their cells don't contain DNA but rather a different nucleic acid: BNA, which, as you can probably guess, stands for Bogdanucleic acid. It is the precursor to DNA and is the original building block for all life in the universe.
>The Bogdanoffs are destined to rule over every life form in the multiverse with an iron but fair fist. Soon everything that can possibly be conceived will be under their dominion.
>This is the final redpill, also known as the Bogpill. Once you take it, your mind is hardwired to recognize the ubiquitous influence of the Bog Bros in everything that you say and do. Good luck

>Rothschild shills in this thread.

If only we could truly be BOGGED.


Say whatever you want about how they look, but the Bogs, AND Trump, don't look like the 70 (seventy) year old men that they are

We are the Bog.

You will be Bogsimilated.

Resistance is futile.

Life as you know it is over.

Human! We used to be exactly like them. Flawed. Weak. Organic. But we evolved to include the synthetic. Now we use both to attain perfection. Your goal should be the same as ours.

You like having friends, don't you? Bogsimilation turns us all into friends. In fact, it brings us so close together, we can hear each other's thoughts.

>post ID: CNN
>CNN bows to the Bogs confirmed

Bogdabots are their secret.



Bog got bleached



Obama really fucked himself up.

"The voucher that saved Europe"

The thing I never got about the Bogdanoffs, they looked fine before plastic surgery, perhaps even handsome. So why'd they get it all done?


One does not choose to become ascended.

their mortal vessels cannot contain their essence so they have to use ps to maintain some resemblance of humanity

looks like a "female to male" tranny, i.e. a butch lesbian with penis envy

Jesus Christ, that bitch has to kiss that monster on the lips and suck his dick later. Will women really do anything for money?

>The Bogdabots are activating

>Can someone give me a quick rundown?

Nice try


You're a fucking idiot to get baited so easily...

YOU ARE NOT A REAL BOG...Teleporting a psycho-kinetic kill team to your location.

are you fucking kidding me



>the call that saved Korea

Are these the Bog designer babies everyone's been talking about?




iron but fair fist

>tfw the bogs will eventually become aware of this meme and visit Sup Forums

The hardest pill you never swallow.


she has nice eyes. would be a qt if lost weight. way out of that fucking white looking gooks league thats for sure.

tfw no gf

>people actually believe in those "bogdanoff" shmucks ...




she used to be



where is "literally"?

I had a dream some months ago...
>Be me
>See FBI symbols from pizzagate
>Discover vague information that will expose pizzagate-type ring
>Seek police office in the area
>It's a Brazilian favela-type town - lots of graffiti
>Graffiti tags suggest area is "do not enter"
>Enter anyway
>Find police station in what looks to be a bombed-out university building from the 60s
>Black woman inside on the phone
>We discuss the evidence
>I end up saying she doesn't have the skill or ability to solve this
>She agrees
>She picks up the phone again, and I recognize the voice on the other end after it picks up on the first ring

Should I continue, lads...?



>Bogdanoff says he's on his way after she mentions "pizzagate" like she doesn't know what it means
>Door to our ruined office opens instantaneously
>Both Bogdanoffs walk in, the one asking her questions and the other asking me. No introductions are needed.
>We discuss what knowledge we have, and the Bog with higher cheekbones asks if I'd like to go on a triple date with the two
>We go outside and a balloon party is happening
>I suddenly have a good date and we share the night with drinks
>The younger Bog goes missing in the favela
>I ask where he could be
>No answers.
>Next day, high-cheek Bog voicemails me, but my phone never rang. The voicemail says to forget everything I saw that night.
>I ask why
>He tells me to look at the graffiti
>I go outside and look
>The graffiti is washed away
>"Our problem is solved. You have no need for us."
>"But what about the criminals?", I asked
>Without their symbols, they're as good as dead.

The dream ended as he texted me while I interviewed with the police office lady. The text read that I should call my date back.

poor girl :(


How does this guy have a gf and I dont

>tfw bogpilled gf

Assimilation is inevitable.

Consecutive numerals will confirm.

I don't have to sell my soul...

I wanna be a bog


Now that's what I call excessive bogpilling.

He farts in her face and she pretends to like it

I offer these trips to the bogdanoff brothers.


>playing slots
Having some balls I baby sitted a blackjack table last weekend for 4 hours came up $500


>In vegas

Oh cool, he can buy a drink. Or a cab ride to the next stop light. Good for him.

>Bogdanoffs replace the fabric of the cosmos with high-energy Boggs Hison particles
>they break the maximum entropy state, giving birth to the Big Bog
>universe is separated into 7 layers of information
>we only have access to the first layer, and have only heard about 4
>first dinosaur bones were found by the Bogdanoffs
>managed to build the first quantum computer, which they sold to only a handful of trusted members of the Bogda Council
>they travel through the nonlinear arrow of time to clean the layers from time to time
>in control of butterfly effect and string theory
>able to open and close the tectonic plates at any time
>kickstarted Project Manhattan
>own almost all the satellites that circle Earth
>host intelligence olympics every century. (((Albert Einstein))) was the last competitor and was never seen again
>scientists from all corners of the world warn against the unpredictable nature of the Bogline
>they decide which stars evolve into super novas to keep the galaxy balanced
>maintain the Van Allen radiation bog to keep us safe from solar flares
>there is a light illusion on Mount Rushmore hiding the faces of the Bogdanoffs
>the ancient chinese were the first to find evidence pointing to the brothers
>the research bases in Antarctica lead to the secret Bogpill factory
>rumor says that the Bogdanoffs instantly learned the entire wikipedia after accidentally connecting a neuron ending to the internet
>they were the ones to activate Yellowstone Volcano
>prophet Baba Bogda wrote "The Great Bogulation", where the Bogdanoffs themselves descend Earth to pick the chosen ones
>the Illuminati conspiracy cards predicted all the events caused by the Bogdanoffs to this day


Rare bog incoming

literally the pinnacle of comedy

Guy in op's pic is wearing make-up