Did Kek die tonight like Rick Wilson said?
Just got home
If you support any of the two sides in this "debate" you're a fucking autist and deserve death.
Meme magic and the Kek meme died the minute Donald Trump became president of the United States.
After that, it became public domain, "mainstream" and thus, NORMIE TERRITORY
>le Kekistani armie, shadilay hehe hail Kek
It was fine for the last year, where it was some obscure in joke.
If you keep saying any of this stuff in 2017, you're a fucking autist and out of touch with reality.
But no, please, go on and believe PJW, the alt-right sure is the counter-culture goy, it is the new punk rock.
You are NORMIES, and even worse, autistic normies. Jump off the plain before it crashes.
he failed, again
>you're a fucking autist
this is coming form someone who shares the same flag as the gay trap users
FBI shill detected
fucking whore
Praise Kek
>"It was cool until it went mainstream!"
>t. hipsterfag
Anyone that posts kek on Sup Forums needs cancer of the cock
Oh...I'm sorry....we're you actually being serious here?
don't know what you're referencing, but here you go.
How dis make u feel?
Kek autists are only harming Trump, which they assumedly support, by making it look like his only supporters are akward teens with trenchcoats with a frog obsession.
And yes, once things become mainstream and ravaged by normies, it's time to move on. If you don't agree, you don't care about what others think about you which confirms my assertion: you are an autist.
Hold on Leafer, we got something for your butthurt right here.....
She's a fucking thot.
>don't know what you're referencing,
confirmed shareblue user
anyone have a link?
Wrong desu. Anyone that posts kek OUTSIDE of Sup Forums, unironically or irl, needs cancer of the cock.
> leaf background
say no more
don't knwo what shareblue is.
respond you betaboi, how this make u feel?
>british teeth
nice pits
fuck off shareblue
u scared about your stiffie willy?
fuck off shareblue
>tfw that girls erect clit is bigger than your dick
how sad she can never be wonder woman
The 14.88 Kekmandments
1. I am the Shitlord thy Kek, which have bought thee out of the land of Kebab.
2. Thou shalt have no memes before me.
3. Thou shalt not make unto thee any normie memes.
4. Thou shalt not take the name of Kek in vain.
5. Thou shalt remember 1 September 1939, to keep it holy.
6. Thou shalt honour thy rarest Pepe.
7. Thou shalt not turn the frogs gay.
8. Thou shalt not commit cuckery.
9. Thou shalt not steal any meme.
10. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy comrade.
11. Thou shalt not covet thy comrade's meme.
12. Thou shalt reclaim Constantinople.
13. Ye shall erect these stones which I command thee upon Mount Goy.
14. Traps are gay.
.88. Oy Vey.
I know that feel my brother. This clit is super swollen yet so femenine and hot. do you think not?
c r i n g e
I see your showing off Spanish wonder woman. A Spaniard women so awesome she fucks you in the ass. Well that's not how things work in other countries you dumb faggot. No wonder your country fell so quickly to Islam back in the day, I bet the real women were begging for that Islam dick while your men were too busy fucking each other to notice an invasion.