>be presidential adviser
>order fellow conservatives to vote for trumpcare
>they all just fucking laugh at me
what a cuck
>be presidential adviser
>order fellow conservatives to vote for trumpcare
>they all just fucking laugh at me
what a cuck
Trump needs to get rid of this fat faggot.
Fake news
Union dues
Liberals lose
Here's your (You)s
t cnn
Nice source you got there, faggot.
I would never get the rules newz without boingboing
>reported earlier in the week
>Bannon wants bill to fail
And he saw that through.
Suck a dick
He out jew'd (you)
Bannon did not want this bill to pass. Whatever he said to them was obviously reverse psychology and it worked.
ok buddy
Fucking embarrassing. Trump needs to drop this retard right now before he drags down his image.
Fake news
In all fairness, everyone laughs at him.
Breitbart and drudge were against it the entire time. Trump himself didn't want it to pass. The plan was to get rid of Ryan
Hol up
Is this what the whole thing was about? The President seeing who would do as he asked and vote a certain way, or were they being sarcastic and the media couldn't tell again.
I remember this site was good something like 10 years ago. Then they went off the deep end and scraped the bottom of the barrel with clickbait bullshit.
Given that they were already just scraping together three paragraphs of snark bs spin with a link, I can't imagine it's gotten better.
>Trump himself didn't want it to pass.
This is what Trumptards actually believe
Used to browse that site more like 12 to 15 years ago. After Busy won re-election all the writers fucking lost it. More and more political whiny left wing B.S. and less interesting stuff. Many such websites. Sad!
I didn't actually realize boingboing still existed to be honest
god bannon has pedo eyes. and his skin looks like its dying
fake news
Everybody who crosses Bannon will die from natural causes within the next 4-8 years, I guarantee it.
Video or didn't happen.
>be OP
>read BoingBoing headlines
>believe them
>read BuzzFeed headlines
>believe them
>be OP
>spam board with BTFO posts to hide impotent rage
>be OP
>impotently rage on Sup Forums
Bane dies in the end.
Trump, Pence, Sessions, Manafort, Flynn and the rest his criminal conspirators are prosecuted and convicted of the high crime of Treason. They are executed in the Washington Mall at noon. Paul Ryan is sworn in as President, but because he doesn't play ball with the Kremlin, is mysteriously assassinated a few weeks later. with a radioactive substance on a subway platform. Line of succession is terrified of this new lethal level of Russian "involvement" in presidential politics. Vladimir Putin shows up in Washington and declares himself president since nobody seems to want the deadly job.
>Everybody who crosses Bannon will die from natural causes within the next 4-8 years, I guarantee it.
I remember when Andrew Breitbart and Steve Bannon were arguing that one day, then just a few weeks later Breitbart was dead.
I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
already had this one
Rats abandoning the sinking Freedom Caucus.
Bannon exposed will resign by the end of the week.
Going after Ryan was like a toddler taking on Tyson.
Bannon was so far out of his weight class it was sad really.
He will be fed to the media wolves as a distraction.
You do not fail Trump.
I think this is the plot to next Call of Duty
Former bunion supporter here. Not going to so sleepy herebyt has been hilarious. Can't allow access to the naps. Best long out Sup Forums and Reddit as I have read all and nothing of relevance here.
>fellow conservatives
This is why. They're not fellows. No one takes that wing nut seriously. Bannon is a pseudo intellectual.
>Bannon OWNS brietbart
>brietbart posts articles slamming ryancare
He's right. Bannon isn't pragmatic like trump. He's an ideologue with impractical and quite frankly dangerous views.
Aye WTF is a boingboing? Is that the Chinese knockoff of bing?
>Bannon supporting Ryancare
>Bannon urging politicians besides Trump to do anything
God damn, if people can't see through this bullshit, they're lost causes.
His skin creeps me out desu.It's nasty.
Bannon is struggling to get his spin out there.
No reporters are taking his calls because they smell blood in the water.
When he gets cut loose it will be a bloodbath.
This is a scalp the lefties want and Trump will be glad to feed them.
Bruh, it's typical olde anglo skin.
cuckservatives need to be purged before obvious leftists
He is also incredibly smart. As long as Trump doesn't blindly listen to everything he says, its only valuable to have him within earshot.
You surround yourself with people you don't always agree with so you retain broader perspective.
>He is also incredibly smart.
not really, all he has ever done is run some 3rd rate media outlet. Trump has way more talented people around him
how smart someone is and how much they know isn't determined by their accomplishments, which in this case are actually a bit more impressive than you seem to be implying.
Smart my ass. He's full of shit. All he does is jack off to war shit
It never was Trumpcare
It was Republicare or Ryancare
Shill that narrative somewhere else
Bannon pls go
Your shitty site needs another article bashing Paul Ryan
on it
>how smart someone is and how much they know isn't determined by their accomplishments
In a modern civilization it is, you can be the smartest hobo in the world, but unless you apply it in a practical manner, it doesn't count for shit. Bannon is great for campaigning, but he's shit at politicking plain and simple. Besides the bill was shit, and I'm fairly confident that congress is really tired of being told to when to wag its tail for the president now, since they endured 8 years of Obama doing that.
>President of college class
>Navy officer
>Harvard Business School (as a gentile!)
>Goldman Sachs (as a working class gentile!!!)
>worth $20M-50M
>every old friend says he's always devoured books and was the smartest person they ever knew
Yeah, not smart.
t. cnn
Might be impressive compared to normal people, but trump has billionaires and people with global influence around him. Bannon biggest success of running a crappy but somewhat recognised media company is pretty small in that world.
>reading books = smart
single-digit IQ rednecks everybody!
Bannon is an adviser. He literally cannot "order" anyone to do anything.
Do you fucking shills even comprehend what you are saying? You can tell whenever it's a SharieBlue thread because it's utterly retarded.
Fuck you, you know in right)
Well "Trump"care is dogshit anyway.
Pretty sure Breitbart is worth 9-figures right now. And Bannon made most of his money in investment banking, tens of millions off Seinfeld reruns.
You think Jared fucking Kushner reads anything except the fucking tabloids for his planted stories?
Sounds like something cnn would say
Here's how it most likely went down
Banning: "Hey can you please vote for the healthcare bill"
Guy: "No, sorry"
Totally btfo haha
What are you talking about he went to an Ivy League and was a Naval Warfare Officer in the US Navy and worked in the Pentagon alongside top Admirals.
OP is a Share Blue shill and a faggot.
Bannon hated Ryan care and wanted it to fail.
The Presidentriloquist
Bannon writes an executive order naming himself, who has zero experience making foreign policy, a permanent member of the National Security Council and Trump signed it without even reading it.
>It never was Trumpcare
It was only Trumpcare, that' why it failed.
Trump said Feb. 22, 2016, at a campaign rally:
“Obamacare is going to be repealed and replaced. … You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.”
Trump promised better quality health care, more people insured and much cheaper premiums. He also promised to protect Medicaid.
The only thing he's going to do is make the 400 richest people in America richer.
>quite frankly dangerous views
This is why I like Bannon though. He's better than Trump.
He also has great hair.
Trump is a retard. There,I said it. He didn't find out until there was a commotion that Bannon pulled a fast one on him.
Fuck Bannon
I think he's starting to feel drowned out by all the other voices of reason in Washington.
its the inexperience in Trumps inner circle: they don't understand how Washington votes, and just how independent House Republicans will be.
All they managed to do is make a bunch of enemies in their own party. Due to this nasty fallout from Trumpcare i doubt Trump will be able to pass any of his desired legislation in the House for at least the first year of his term.
Perhaps, but it's no reason to let him go. Plus, his views aren't that dangerous. Radical relative to GOPe cucks, sure; however, I've seen nothing to suggest that they're dangerous.
It's cringeworthy
They legit thought that all the bluster about Obamacare would mean the GOP would just pass whatever Trump ordered them to.
They didn't even lobby for it, they literally just presented it and ordered them to pass it.
bannon is a genius and savior of america haters
he is a target of msm and globalist propaganda because they are scared of his power
>bait "never trumpers" into voting something trump pretends to want
>they promise to vote against it
>ryancare BTFO'd, obamacare will continue to tie itself around democrats' necks, and now there is open talk of replacing ryan
Trump checkmated Ryan and the democrats in one move and the media/online sorosbots are too busy cheering because they think Trump just got humiliated.
The few democrats still in congress are shitting themselves now knowing that Obamacare will be allowed to go off rails and destroy what's left of their careers. Imagine being some leftist stooge trying to convince people to re-elect you in a year and a half when they're furious that your healthcare law shot their premiums up 500%.
Why can't Trump "deliver the goods?"
Yes, I'm sure the master plan was to humiliate Trump by having his legislation defeated and allowing Obamacare to continue unaffected.
Great plan, guys.
not gonna lie, former Bannon supporter here. Trump needs to rehire some Obama admin staff, who know what they're doing.
>Trump checkmated Ryan
By all appearances, Ryan was doing his damndest to work with Trump. If Trump just screws over everybody who even tries to work with him, then there won't be much incentive for anybody else to try.
>the democrats
The Democrats got exactly what they wanted. Obamacare remains the law of the land.
>Trump just got humiliated.
He pretty much did. This was his first attempt to push something through congress and it didn't go so well.
Since when can the whitehouse strategists "order" anything"
Holy shit lol. He's describing himself.
>Representatives instead of following their party line opt to listen to their constituencies.
Wait, isn't that what is supposed to happen?
>me. Tru
Trump's team are incompetent.
He needs to drop this fat sack of shit and that silver spoon cuck Kushner asap
Wrong person for the job.
According to?
Kushner is Mossad plant, they will do anything to keep him where he is.
>If Trump just screws over everybody who even tries to work with him, then there won't be much incentive for anybody else to try.
Yep, and he wants to 'dismantle government' which will make it 100% easier for marxists to infiltrate us.
>The plan was to get rid of Ryan
Let's assume for a moment that this is true. What would it mean for the future of Trump's presidency? It would basically mean that nobody from the establishment would EVER try to work with Trump ever again. Ryan tried to work with Trump. He tried to swallow his pride and make the relationship work. And what did he get out of it? Nothing good, I'll tell you that. So the other Republicans will see this and think: If working with Trump gets you this, then there is no reason to try to work with him ever again. No more olive branches. No more good faith attempts to work together. He's politically radioactive at this point.
Ryan tried to keep Trump fro. Winning the nomination. Then opposed him during the election. Let that sink in. He did not back the choice of his party. He snubbed him. Fuck Ryan, he took money from Soros.
So did Trump.
> conservative republicans
Are not those people just people who wear the liberty and free enterprise sign around their neck while holding up a bible but vote happily for severe socialist mechanisms after flirting with democrats behind closed doors?
He did say he was a Leninist, did he?
>Ryan tried to keep Trump fro. Winning the nomination
Because he correctly recognized that Trump was a self-promoting narcissist woefully unprepared for the job.
>Then opposed him during the election
He was understandably reticent to endorse somebody unqualified for the job.
>Let that sink in
Bannon USED TO run Breitbart.
It's obviously going to be on his side MOST of the time. But do you honestly think the entire site is mindlessly on any one person's side? When the gay Yanapolous fuck got exposed as a pedo, lots of Breitbart people were glad to find any reason to kick him out.
There is no group that is free of internal politics.