Can someone red pill a non-american on why obama care is so bad?

Genuinely curious as we have a healthcare system in Australia that works pretty well, im not sure why obama care is bad and people want it gone so badly?

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because in America everyone is insane and so a healthcare system has to cater to the whims of the most fucked up and stupid.

So, we get coverage for sex changes and birth control for males and nuns have to pay for abortion procedures.

Also, hypochondriacs insist on everything covered when logically most ppl would be fine with catastrophic.

Then, because feral idiots live hand to mouth and can't do basic math, everyone has to have it as uniform coverage without having to do math beyond what they pay per pay period. No savings accounts or whatnot.

1. we have too many unhealthy people to support a national healthcare plan
2. obamacare isn't national healthcare, it's forced healthcare that you pay for or get fined
3. on the other end of the (1) spectrum(and, sometimes, overlaps), we have the freedumb tards that think the government shouldn't exist for anything but bombing countries in the middle east and protecting Israel. They wouldn't be happy until obamacare is completely repealed as shown with AHCA when they were given concessions and still refused to back it, which upset the moderate republicans.

It's a massive fucking handout to insurance companies. Everyone else gets fucked.

In my state, the average insurance premium tripled in just a few years after being fairly stable for more than 10. It's ridiculous.

A nigger invented it

It's a weird half measure that doesn't really solve the problem. I know a lot of people, for example, for whom paying the fine is less expensive than actually purchasing health insurance now so Obamacare didn't provide them coverage and is charging them a premium anyway. I wouldn't be opposed to an NHS type system and lean pretty far right politically. US healthcare is a mess and really doesn't make sense to be free market based

of course it's flawed. the ACA was intended to be improved by both parties working together, but the right only wants to repeal and replace or leave it at the unsustainable state it started in.

Only the the very poor get any kind of benefit out of it. Fucks over pretty much everyone else with the costs.

also, this
they cut USA up like a cake and handed it out proportionately to insurance companies
now the companies that got the 'bad' pieces of the cake are bowing out while the ones that got the good pieces(full of young, healthy people) are making $$$ because of the 3-to-1 limit where a young person's premium can't be less than 1/3rd of a senior's.

I have no job and I'm on state assistance and I was still turned down for Obamacare. Medicaid did not expand in my state and there is only one insurer. Apparently your legal status must be in question or you need 10 niglets to qualify. I dont understand how if it doesnt do what it says on the tin anyone can call it "good".

>the ACA was intended to be improved by both parties working together,
…But it was made by one party flat out ignoring everything the other party said. Why would they want to work together now?
You can't pass a fully partisan bill and then go 'hey, we need to work together!'

It's way too fucking expensive and mandatory. It's basically a way the left used to force us to pay for other people's healthcare instead of creating a nationalized healthcare system, which would be even worse.
Obamacare isn't healthcare, it's a tax. A tax on healthy people who make good decisions imposed to subsidize sick and dumb people.

Maybe because people who actually work for a living and can afford decent health care don't want to pay for some fat fuck to get health care for free?

It's bullshit when people like Boogie and other fat worthless fucking parasites get free health care, meanwhile, people who actually earn money for a living are terrified of going to the doctor or having a test done which usually results in thousands of dollars of debt.

It's a massive socialist drain on the wallets of people who fund them.

>Medicaid did not expand in my state
You're in one of the states where republicans are purposely opposed medicaid expansion to make the ACA fail faster.
The medicaid expansion was probably the only good part of all of it. It actually ends up saving money because poor people with medicaid stop going to the hospital for everything.

The only plan that is comparable to the one I have now would cost me about $1700 per month.

The only plan with the same monthly payment I'm making now would have a $10,000 deductible.

No price controls, so a burger hospital can charge $50 bucks for the permanent marker bought solely to tick off on the $15 printout for the $500 bandages following your $50,000 appendectomy, $10,000 overnight stay in hospital, etc. They can charge whatever they want for it because it's guaranteed that the fed will pay on the taxpayer's behalf.

This combined with America's leeches and incredibly unhealthy lifestyle makes the system a black hole of deficit.

Ok, but there are plenty of people who "work for a living" that aren't provided health insurance by an employer and can't afford to purchase it independently.

Your money isn't going to fat people. It's going to women and couples.

Single men have to have pregnancy coverage now, for example. It's insane.

lefties like to pretend Obama's presidency wasn't controlled by corporations but it was.

because le scary black man

Which is why the DC establishment is upset that Trump wants to allow medicaid and medicare to do price bidding. Like a third+ of the country is in one of those programs, they'd have more negotiating power than Germany. Instead, we let our tax dollars get incinerated like the stupid fucks we are.

Our healthcare is pretty much the same as america's where you gotta buy your insurance or pay a levy. Except obamacare is a total farce.

He gave a bunch of poor white people in flyover states Medicaid. They're costing us a fortune because they couldn't adapt to changing technology and now the rest of us have to support them

Obama care stated that
>no person can be uninsurable
The problem with this is an operation costing upwards of 2million dollars, now has to be insured.
Add this on a multiplicative scale of millions of people and you have a debt that must be paid.
All premiums are therefore raised, even the people who take care of their bodies and don't regularly use their insurance.
Add in fraud claims, etc.
You have a giant scam where the workers are fucked over and everyone else gets it easy.

It's pretty typical socialism.
My premium skyrocketed and almost doubled under Obama care.
Since then I have switched to a non standard insurance and pay about 1/3rd of what current insurance standards are.

>Democrats stealing money like always and giving it to niggers
>Workers being fucked over

But that's wrong, the medicaid expansion has been largely rejected in those states you dipshit.

t. Rural and suburban retard

Most American's earn too much to benefit from Obamacare, but don't earn enough to not be financially stressed by in increased costs.

Because before I was paying 140 for healthcare I needed. Now I have to pay 420 for the same shit because even though I am a male I am charged extra because it has to include women's healthcare

When compare to other civilized countries, americans pay the most, and get the worst outcomes. American medicine is partly a Rothschild scam. Healthcare is fucked, even if they actually improved insurance that would still be the main program. It's a way to penalize people who are redpilled on health and medicine and avoid western "medicine".

It also has to do with the 1-to-3 mandated ratio where seniors cannot be charged more than 3x young people for the same plan.
Despite them costing many, many times more to take care of.
Obamacare shits all over young healthy people, especially males.

Why Obamacare is shitty
1.You're forced to have insurance which increases demand which increases prices (supply and demand look it up if you don't know)
2. There's only ONE insurance company to choose (depends on what state you're in). So that means there's ZERO competition among the insurance companies in Obamacare. That means the companies can set the prices to whatever they want and no one can do shit.
Those are the 2 big reasons in a nutshell

Same here. Healthy and exercise everyday. Haven't been to a hospital in 20 years. Being a well oiled machine with catastrophe insurance. In comes a law saying it's not good enough, and I have to pay $200/month now for healthcare I don't need, with things I really don't need, but it's "better". Basically after state and fed tax I pay ~50% in taxes with this healthcare. Then a year later, get told it's going up to $300, still never even used it. Fuck. This. Shit.

google the word " mandatory" thank you , thats all

New York, NY, June 16, 2014—Despite having the most expensive health care system, the United States ranks last overall among 11 industrialized countries on measures of health system quality, efficiency, access to care, equity, and healthy lives, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report. The other countries included in the study were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand Norway, Sweden Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. While there is room for improvement in every country, the U.S. stands out for having the highest costs and lowest performance—the U.S. spent $8,508 per person on health care in 2011, compared with $3,406 in the United Kingdom, which ranked first overall

>No price controls
gtfo commie. fuck off with your price controls you piece of shit.

but but ..jaamaal and shaneekwa need too have more turd babys

Do you not want poor Martin Shkrellington to be able to buy exclusive Wu Tang albums? Heartless bastard.

We're allowed to take a 40 bucks off our taxes in protest of sbortion here. Pretty based

American (((healthcare))) is like climate (((science)))
It's designed to take money from the public, while making their health worse.

the way its set up I can't afford to use my insurance because the deductible is too high but I can't afford the fine either for not having it. It's a forced tax that a lot of families can't afford to have or use.

what we need is tiered insurance.

not by cost or income but by choices, what you need or require. you want catastrophic, or a simple general plan or a health savings account you control, fine they're all in there, the kitchen sink approach. pick one.

then competition across state lines.

everybody's happy. its essentially what is was before but now added oversight, plus a modicum of competition.

govt and companies will not do it though. because they cannot control the money flows.


>Burgers hate European style health care system where everyone can benefit from taxing the rich
>insurance companies smiling behind the backs.

so many blue-pilled burgers don't realize that their health care system is another wall street "jew" capitalist trick.

I worked in healthcare for a decade and while I agree with you about price controls I know that criminal laws to do with price gouging need to be implemented. Basically allow an Amazon like online retailer to resupply the hospital for the $80 bedpans that you can buy on your own for $2.

actually the other way around
prices need controlled because of regulation controls mandate who can buy/sell things and what can be bought/sold
This is the worst 'muh free market' argument when there is no 'free market' to begin with. Like retards who are against net neutrality when the internet isn't offered in a free market but over ISP controlled tax-funded wires.

your republican governor cucked you dumbass. Obama offered expansion in every state for "free"(ie you get more money back).

The conservative governor who took it was kasich afaik

fuck, I've seen em call ambulances for STD checks. you pay for that, too.

every time, get his cock out your mouth

too many fat asses.

obamacare alone costs 1.7 trillion.

we wont be able to pay for it next year.

It's because they wanted to show 'muh true conservative principles' and shit on poor people with no benefit.

Forces people to change to a new, shittier doctor.
Reduces number of options, of who to receive care from- again, getting stuck with a shittier doctor.
Because choice and the free market is destroyed, premiums for care skyrocket, as the few remaining companies involved in this government disaster have monopolies.
Another, huge burdensome gibsmedat that hard working Americans have to pay for, weakening the US economy.

obama said numerous times that you would be able to keep your old healthcare plan, and costs would not increase. you can find numerous videos of this on youtube. neither claim turned out to be true.

In addition, the same time prices rose (mine personally rose over 2 fold - California single male private insurance) the amount of things covered by it dropped.

Other than that bullshit it's not really that bad. I disagree ethically with the mandate to purchase a private product though.

yeah pretty much, and useful idiots like the guy I responded to blame obongo kek

I believe if you work. It is a tax. But im glad that i get it. For what ive given the health system and what i got back, i will pay for the rest of my working life. Without it id be dead. I happened to be in the right places. Once for a cancellation while i was in for a test at the hospital anyways. Slipped in 6 months before some others on a MRI which didnt show the complexe partial seizure. But the secons EEG did. The EEG before the MRI didnt find anything. Kinda pricy. We had access to neurologist, reproductive medical experts, pedeatritions, any kids stomach ache. Inch long headwound gashes stitched up for "free". I will pay a little and benifit a lot.

They only need to do this because they lose their ass on the portion of healthcare that is socialized. Jacking up those costs so when you write off the losses from the 53 niggers you just treated for diabetes you can still make 50 bucks on the 1 old dude who survived pancreatic cancer.

Massive population, massive class division. There's your tl;dr answer.

The one guarenteed thing not paid for will be for any ambulance call, if it wasnt requested by a medic. Around here. 400$. You better damn well have a good reason to call them. They are to transport you while keeping you alive. If not, there are others who could be saved at that time. No free rides.

are you arguing for more government regulation to fix unintended consequences of government regulation?

americans, copy our system but because you have loads of unhealthy them more.

politically uncorrect but it would work to make your nation far better.

trump has the balls to tax fatties

I generally enjoy knowing my hospital didn't purchase needles from a used needle factory, so, yes. 'muh free market' is a fucking sham, we built our economy on protectionism and have an entire economic school named after us that's centered on protectionism/mercantilism.

Australia healthcare =/= American healthcare by a longshot.

Australia is state level single payer, American is private but everybody is forced to buy insurance or pay a fine but Insurers have to give more coverage as a result.

America literally picked the most corporate shill way possible to enact universal healthcare because Repubs + Conservative dems shot down single payer.

The Medicaid expansion wasn't free. It was devised as a 9:1 matching grant. That's a really good deal, but Republican legislators were afraid that it would blow up their budgets once the match got reduced to a lower number.

Also American healthcare often results in people not being able to afford insurance so they just pay a fine and get no insurance. So they get just as much coverage as they did before, but now they pay a fine.


The reason Trumpcare/Ryancare drove people insane was it used the same Obamacare model but skewed things even more towards the rich.

First off do not listen to the double spacers. It was a mandate and it was a tax. The guy who helped write it said it was past because of the stupidity of the liberals and democrats.

I change jobs a lot. Every year I have one or two months where I don't have health insurance, because employer didn't activate it on time.

So every year I have to fill out a SEVEN page worksheet to calculate my penalty three different ways and then choose the correct one based on which penalty is least.

Why would he just say this if true

>have good job
>get Cadillac insurance from employer
>Obamacare happens
>Employer can no longer afford our good insurance
>forced into obamacare or pay fine
>my premium now costs more than my mortgage
>have to drive 2 hours away to see a doctor
>forced to get eye care coverage despite perfect vision

Thanks obama

So can someone correct me if im wrong but wouldn't the best option be to remove the Obamacare and just go on privatized healthcare/employer healthcare and let the fatties die who cant afford?

That's what we originally had.
In the past, you worked hard to get a good job with good benefits.
Now, ObamaCare wants everyone to pay for people that are lazy and don't want to work.

I apologize, I didn't know that desu.

it's still bullshit they didn't take it

Woah that's actually pretty rad....damn leaf.

I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?

I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.

What if everyone writes it off though?

nice generalisation faggot

that would definitely be the best option, but what happened was obama had years and years to get a bunch of people who can't afford healthcare onto healthcare, and now if we go back to privatized healthcare, it'' 'force people off healthcare' (cause they can't fuckin afford it in the first place)

>1. we have too many unhealthy people to support a national healthcare plan
>2. obamacare isn't national healthcare, it's forced healthcare that you pay for or get fined
>3. on the other end of the (1) spectrum(and, sometimes, overlaps), we have the freedumb tards that think the government shouldn't exist for anything but bombing countries in the middle east and protecting Israel. They wouldn't be happy until obamacare is completely repealed as shown with AHCA when they were given concessions and still refused to back it, which upset the moderate republicans.

You keep using the term 'Healthcare', but Obamacare isn't healthcare its health coverage that doesn't really cover anything. Premiums have grown 3, 5 10x what they were before and annual deductibles are between $6500 and $10000 making the amount you pay for for coverage just money wasted.

Sure there is the preexisting condition rider, but what they don't tell you is that the medicine to over your preexisting condition isn't covered.

Thanks Obama!

Because it's causing insurance premiums to go up in massive rates for a lot of people.

We pay for 25+ million illegal immigrants and refugees' health care so they get it for free

OUR health care costs went up

The Obama administration got so damn cocky they started bragging about how easy it was to lie to the American people, see Ben Rhodes on the Iran deal.