Why does Sup Forums vote for Republicans that want to sell your internet history? Why do you guys vote against your own interests?
Why does Sup Forums vote for Republicans that want to sell your internet history...
They don't care if they win, as long as the other guys lose.
Gosh, if only there were another way to influence the behavior of private corporations who enter into voluntary contracts with customers other than engaging in politics.
Gosh if only there weren't all these regional and effective monopolies.
Kys you shitskin faggot.
>monitor what you see
>sell it all
news flash, theyve been doing this for years
>I can't survive without the Internet
>if you support trump that means you support cuckservatives who constantly fight trump
>if only there were another way to influence the behavior of private corporations who enter into voluntary contracts with customers other than engaging in politics.
There really isn't. There is absolutely nothing that you can do as an individual to influence the behavior of a multi-million dollar corporation. That's why laws exist in the first place.
>This problem exists
>So let's make it worse
This will never be a convincing argument.
When does this start?
who cares. either go off the grid or fuck off.
Sup Forums actually thinks Republicans are against government interference
>letting yourself get BTFO this hard
>I don't have any choice except to buy things from corporations
>That's why it's so important for me to vote for politicians to control those companies
Both of those statements are 100% true.
And yet, here we are at OP's pic.
I don't think very many Sup Forumsacks actually have positive things to say about most Republican politicians in the last 20 years
>implying google, apple, faceberg, and twitter aren't already openly and obviously doing all of this
the wild west phase of the internet is already ending, jews are realizing the massive political power of the internet is a huge problem and both parties will lurch the ZOG machine into action to slowly turn the internet into a Orwellian nightmare where billion dollar AI platforms monitor your activity and report you to the friendly local thought police for "rightwing extremest terrorist assault tweets"
there is no getting off this ride
Point is, you've somehow managed to make yourself both a stooge of corporate America and the politicians with whom they're in bed.
If you're so outraged at the behavior of the former, then grow a pair and stop buying their products. But you won't, because you're weak and you have no agency.
That's why you need the nanny state to make your decisions for you. Too bad the idiots you depend on have no regard whatsoever for your well-being, just like the corporations you're supposedly trying to control. Difference is, one of them can't do anything except try to sell you shit, while the other can throw you in jail.
You're a fucking tool.
Always gonna end up plugging your nose when you vote for somebody.
I hate the Republican standpoint on internet issues and think they're absolutely retarded corporate cock guzzling shills.
>stop buying internet from a regional monopoly
how fucking stupid are you?
>americucks having internet privacy
Look up on the patriot act. The rest of the world isn't much better, but holy shit.
>Unless you abandon society and go him in a hut in the middle of nowhere, you can't complain about anything
move to a country with monopoly laws
Well, let's see.
I know this is nuts, or you could stop letting your life be defined by your fucking Internet connection. Astoundingly people thrived for the whole of human history up until about fifteen years ago without broadband.
If you're so outraged by the notion of your ISP selling your contact info then drop their ass. If you can't do that then obviously it's not that important to you.
Or, you could get a hotspot from any of the half-dozen cellular networks with nationwide coverage, watch your trap porn on that.
That's retarded. Just vote for politicians that support internet privacy instead of ones that don't. Simple as that.
are you 16?
I thought the exact same way when i was 16
>things are too hard for me to handle
This is what is wrong with this country. This is why you deserve to get pounded in the ass by your superiors, and you will continue to get pounded in the ass by them right up until the inevitable economic and social collapse, at which point you will probably die slowly and painfully. Because you have no agency.
Misleading propaganda. ISPs already sell your preferences to companies. That's how online advertising works. These senators want to let the FTC regulate this sale instead of the FCC because its more appropriate.
As opposed to voting for Democrats that want to sell my internet history and raise my taxes fo dem programs?
Really it's such an irrelevant argument at this point, governments spy on their populace and there's absolutely nothing anyone will do about it.
The list of people who voted for the bill doesn't include a single democrat, actually.
Go ahead. Drop your ISP. They won't notice or care. But if we put the right politicians in charge, they'll create better laws that the ISP's are forced to obey. Simple as that.
Its not like you can choose a party that caters to everyone of your needs and privacy has been dead for a while
>Go ahead. Drop your ISP. They won't notice or care. But if we put the right politicians in charge, they'll create better laws that the ISP's are forced to obey. Simple as that.
I think it's hilarious how you're simultaneously one insignificant customer with negligible impact but also a powerful voting bloc to whom politicians have to cater. Why not the other way around, I wonder?
We can finally buy Ted Cruz's internet history and prove him as the Zodiac killer.
How long have you been here?
The fact you actually have to say this sort of shit proves how many new people we have here. I wish these shitheads would fucking lurk
Can you? Can any American? Should they?
Try going anywhere and applying for a job, or even finding a job without the internet, for example.
Where was this concern for privacy from liberals when Obama was doing the same thing?
Doesn't it also make it so if they do want to sell your info they have to get permission first?
For once a shill post that is actually right.
Why are people so suprised
This was a regulation first off, and it barely had any holdings on major ISPs, not only that it didnt even go after the actual services that were selling your info in the first place.
In all fairness it actually created an unfair landscape for ISPs when it came to selling and collecting of user information, forcing the outliers into monopolies.
I dont see people throwing their Iphones, surfaces or google pixels into the ocean even though they have been stealing your browsing information for years.
Are liberals really this fucking dumb or do they honestly think Republicans are all super evil people?
>willingly support a company you know is doing something inhumane
>think that someone calling you on your hypocritical stupidity is the same as making active changes for society rather than against
Like, if you don't like Apple then don't support them with your wallet you stupid fucking nigger cow. Seat-belts are a shitty invention that don't work and pre-enlightment society was more stable and worked better than it does now.
Rand Paul's not on that list.
>muh freedom party
>get ur gubmint hands off my privacy
Sup Forums will defend this. Fucking faggots.
he abstained like the pussy halfassist that he is
those companies gather the data themselves instead of buying direct from your ISP
(for example every facebook like button embedded in blogs etc tracks you for facebook, but your ISP itself doesn't. Facebook still finds out a lot)
>cruz wants to stop the globalization of DNS because he thinks it won't work without america holding it
>but is okay with selling information
I have never seen someone who would do both of these things
>There is absolutely nothing that you can do as an individual to influence the behavior of a multi-million dollar corporation. That's why laws exist in the first place.
Those laws were written by the corporations because they can give unlimited campaign contributions anonymously.
Because you're just a person with very limited rights, you're restricted to $2500 and you must declare who you are to contribute.
>Someone is dumb enough to pay money to figure out I go to Sup Forums and sadpanda on a daily basis
Jokes on them.
>50 senators
>Republicans have 52 seats
Who else abstained/voted no?
your clothes were made under feudalism!
>he doesn't make his own clothing out of the leather of everything he's killed
They say tasseled jackets aren't in style but I disagree.
Feudalism was the best system available at the time for most of history though.
your lettuce was picked by an illegal immigrant!
Kek'd and rek'd
You'd have a point if Dems weren't actively giving the white man's land away to shitskin third worlders. rly makkes u think.
>drive around town
>traffic cameras monitor my movements
>real estate companies use that information to figure out which land to buy up and develop
>public works improves the roads i use most often
>order from chik fil a
>they archive my order
>my typical meal is on sale this week