Was it bad? Did it change your political views? Did you hide your powerlevel or did she not care?
Has Sup Forums ever had sex with a black woman before?
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>she will never sit on your face
ive dated a black girl before
it was fun hitting it and she was super submissive in bed.
i was a lot more left in college
Nothing special. Thick white girls >>>>>>blacks.
oh yeah brown sugar rite?
Yup, got baby trapped.
yes! it was great. their skin is the texture of a chalkboard. didnt care for the cocoa butter smell
they have terrible hygiene
I have. It was good. Black girls have the best sense of humour out of all girls and are quite charming. But they usually have something off about them that's a real big turn off though.
They can be qt's.
I did.
I was very drunk (about 10 beers) and walked back with her after a party because her house is on the way to mine.
She invited me in for some hot chocolate (she put marshmallows in it - was deliscious
Then one thing lead to another and we fucked. She was pretty fat btw. We fucked in the morning too.
The next day my piss was burning so I went and was diagnosed with chlamydia a week later.
Never fucked another one and never will.
A fat ass is nice to look at but it ain't good for fucking.
Just imagine fucking a girl crazed wanting sex like an animal. Thats how its like plus they are freaks. But they do smell
Haha what's it like raising a niglet?
some woman knocked on my door, never met her and asked me if I needed any sex. city is crazy.
Tightest I ever had, and she rode me like a maniac. Pretty good desu
what a stupid thing to sa-
oh. you're puerto rican. sorry.
Did I say I stuck around?
Nigger, I moved halfway across the UK.
I see the kid from time to time though, pay her a little maintenance and try avoid sleeping with her again.
That was a prostitute my dude.
With a black tranny once
Why would you ever in your life put your dick in a race that has the highest STD ranking?
no she didn't ask for any money. her boyfriend came by looking for her later.
Yes, but outside the US
Briefly dating an American black started me on my road to full red pilled racial realism, she was utterly disgusting
here. I was kinda depressed as me and my gf of 2.5 years had just broken up and I needed to get some.
I was dommed by one a couple of times. Met her through another domme I've known for a few years. Honestly she was fairly cute and far better at it than most white dommes I've met. Really cool too.
It never really went anywhere long-term and we only had sex once, but it was pretty fun while it lasted. Don't think I'd do it again with just any black girl though. They'd need to be similar to her which very few are.
>Sup Forums
>having sex with anyone ever
I have never fucked an animal, no
I fucked an Argentinian girl once. Best blowjobs I ever had.
I fucked a t h i c c one years ago. She wasn't hood but she had a fucking BODY on her. Just stuffed in to her clothes. Her ass was so fucking soft and she smelled great. She was like the nig non 1% or something. Her parents were both local optometrists and she was like one of three blacks at my school.
>negress tries to avoid all the deadbeat black niggers
>gets fucked and chucked by a white nigger
Even black guys don't want to fuck them so I dunno.
An expert on fat asses. All of the opinions here are like WebMD experts vs an actual doctor. Just doesn't measure up. If I had a tiny dick I'd say that's the problem but I can't even say that.
Low test island beaner.
Also stop being unamerican. Why did moot make peurto ricans show as not the US flag?
They love the power level.
That's horrible but at least you didn't get AIDs or herpes.
ravie_loso on IG
I did once but I payed €20 for it. Can't recomend it.
The don't stay with blacks, white and Asians are fine to family up though.
I've had sex with five. No real change on political views though I suppose dealing with a couple have made me more conservative, and in general dating has made me callous towards women.
Right. You're fucking the trash black men don't want. Think about that.
its a boy you fag
I told her all about wanting to save my White Conservative culture and she was down with it, she actually liked listening to my Sup Forums-tier rants
Cool girl.
Good, I wouldn't let it anyways.
the Chinese guy kills me every time.
me to and same here! Not sure if they give out dicksucking classes in highschool in argentina or what.
To OP, no only a blowjob, and it was very good as well She sucked the cum out of my dick with her month only, hands were only to rub balls, when I started coming she started deepthroating, and then sucked so hard it hurt to get all the come out, was awesome
This isn't political.
Mods ban this man.
Tyrone, Jamal, Yakub - back to the cuckshed!
Beastiality is illegal here
She is a girl
I have once, she smelled like shit when she was naked and her mouth tasted like she hadn't brushed in a week, worst pussy i've had even though it still felt ok i guess. She wasn't loose it just didn't feel right, I don't know how to describe it. This wasn't some dirty hoodrat bitch either she was easily a 9/10 and from a wealthy area, still wasn't a very good experience overall
>I'm Low Test
No wonder why Germany lost WW2.
Yes, last night.
Nope, anything but white women is good
>Did it change your political views
I have dated several and actually wifed one years ago. None of them actually acted like niggers though except the one I wifed. Everytime we went around her family her hidden getto side came out in full force. Her family hated me btw for being white but fuck what they though theyre just niggers.
>the pole is bending
Make us 51 and we'll don the flag. Until then we're fixing our debt crisis and in 12 years we'll leave and hop in bed with the Chinese.
>5'1 half Filipino half black girl
should i anons? she's not that bad looking.
argentina is whiiiiiite
Well Sup Forums, would you?
>Sup Forums have you ever eaten kosher food and did it change your political views?
That's a hairy ass.
>5'1 mutt
Just for fun, r-right? Hopefully you aren't white
sentence made my head hurt
thats a crazy amount of asshair
She doesn't seem to be a very effective teacher but I'd fuck her if that was the question.
Why do black girls become utter bitches and hoes in high school?
Man, black girls are so nice in elementary school, I used to be friends with so many black people in elementary, then they go to high school and get exposed to that ghetto/thug culture, and it ruins them forever.
Gravel trucks are on their way
What would Hitler think of it user.
What if you got them pregnant.
Not worth it. There's plenty of pretty white girls. Don't just do it for the novelty - you could end up with an STD like I did ...what?
I thought the OP was "black woman", not black man?
fucked a mulatto
no it didn't change my opinion of anything.
I didn't know abos have internet. Do you have a teadmill generator powered by a kangaroo or something?
I can't tell if this is really stale satire where he is saying that black women can't teach which is why he can't speak English, or if he is just retarded. Either way its bad and I don't like it.
negresses here don't want a white bf. Whites neither but that was already accepted by Sup Forums
>Just for fun, r-right?
I am white but I am also a manlet. I assume I can just Chad my way in there
user this one is a virgin who is into anime and is "too intelligent"
no STDs present here
Yup. Two, actually. I'd never have sex with a Black girl again though, as I'd like to be consistent with my political beliefs.
The first: Huge flirt, who was hipster-ish and also quite charming. She spoke appropriately and she was thin. We'd fuck like once every few months, and it was great.
Second: Good friend of mine. Literally just sitting in my car and asked if she wanted to fuck and she was down.
Next time one on one, nigger.
I just changed to ordering caffè mocha instead, they all sound like coffee brands to me.
Apart from cholo, which reminds me of churros.
I did, got a yeast infection... Never doing that again...
been with 2. Black girls give the best head. Sex,..meh, about average.
STD with pimples on asscheeks/10
1) I doubt she is a virgin
2) Anime is for fags dude. Watching any Japanese cartoon past the age of 10 is pretty beta
>teensie tiny penor detected
fat asses are the best for fucking desu
Dated and bleached several.
Dating is pretty easy. I guess it's just low expectations.
Sex varies. They like to stay involved and be vocal. Mood and atmosphere is a bigger deal for some reason. And they believe the white boys go down meme so be prepared.
Overall it's a unique experience. I recomend doing it once. It will also red pill you in time if you stick around. Just wait and see how big brother Jamal feels about you being around kek.
>Was it bad?
Bad in black terms or white terms? They were gr8 desu.
>Did it change your political views?
lol nah
>Did you hide your powerlevel or did she not care?
No, unless you get a BLM tier mixed race chick with a lot to prove. The worthwhile ones are often redpilled because they live among a lot of losers.
In the end the cultural differences are too vast for anything longterm and the end product would be a confused, angry mixed race kid. Sad!
If you're gonna miscegenate, find a black girl in the suburbs, they're smarter, cleaner, more K selected, more successful. They treat white boys like kangz
I have fucked 17 black women. All of them smell. It makes even the hot ones a lot less hot.
>Just wait and see how big brother Jamal feels about you being around kek.
Black women are ugly, stupid, and have no value.
no user I think you misunderstood me. She is the one that watches it not me. Fuck that lol